When Sin's Deep in My Blood


I was sitting on Zacky’s bed in his hotel room, waiting in the room by myself as he talked to Matt and the rest of the boys. They’d all been in the other room talking about whether or not I could join them for twenty minutes. I was starting to get really antsy, so I decided to help myself to one of Zack’s Marlboros and began smoking it out the window. The sky was dark, the horizon littered by the glitz and not-so-glamorous glamour of Vegas. As I stared out the window, I could see a few woman walking the streets, clearly Vegas escorts, there was so many of them out there, that I almost felt grateful that the most I did was dance around in a bathing suit... I mean, shit, in this town... You were either a millionaire, a tourist or a hooker.

Soon my cigarette was gone, the filter sat in the ashtray on the table as I got up from the chair by the window and flopped onto the bed. I was so tired at this point that I fell asleep almost instantly.

Unfortunately, my sleep was interrupted only a few minutes later as Zack gently shook me awake; I was startled by his touch and jumped slightly. “Sorry,” he whispered, brushing some hair from my eyes.

I simply nodded, I was too tired to respond with words, still being half-asleep.

“Ev... Sorry we took so long we sort of got off topic,” Zacky explained softly.

“Okay,” I mumbled, still half-asleep and not really paying attention.

Zacky smirked at me, kissing my forehead, “I’ll tell you about it in the morning though,” he laughed softly.

“Okay,” I said in the same tone, clearly not really listening. Hey, it’s not my fault though, I was on the verge of dreaming.

“I’m going to sleep with you,” Matt said softly, “since I’m your new best friend, and I’m engaged... I’ll put a pillow between--”

“Oh for god’s sake, just shut up and lemme sleep,” I mumbled.

I heard Matt and Zacky laugh softly, but I was asleep just a minute later.