When Sin's Deep in My Blood


I woke up the following morning beside a still sleeping, Matt. Zacky was on the other bed, also asleep. I looked over at the clock on the nightstand between the two beds, it told me it was just passed 1pm.

Well, aren’t we all boring? Sleeping so late.

I feel my expression convert into a rather devious one as I watched Matt. Oh, the endless prank possibilities I could do right now to get back at him for rambling on and on last night, or for simply keeping me in this room while they chatted.

In the end, I went with the obvious and most juvenile reaction... I pushed him off of the bed.

“Ow! Fuck!” he exclaimed as he sat up so fast, I thought he’d pull something.

The thud had woken up Zacky, “What the hell was that?” he asked in a tired tone.

I started to giggle, “Ha! That’s for keeping me up... And sleeping so late... You bum.”

“Really?” Matt asked, raising a brow.

I went to nod, but before I could I was hit with two pillows. One from Matt, the other from Zack. “That’s not fair! You can’t gang up on me!” I frowned before jumping onto Zack’s bed and hitting him with the pillow. “You’re suppose to help me...” I said, though I was clearly joking.

“Why? You woke me up too,” he frowned before hugging me. “So, are you alert enough for us to talk to you now?” Zacky smiled.

I nodded, “Mhmm, sure am. What’s the verdict?”

“Aaron and Jason started packing last night, they’re getting your stuff together too. Welcome to the tour, Ev,” Matt smiled.

“Are you fucking serious?!” I said with an unhealthy squeal.

The both laughed. Zacky pulled me in for a kiss, “Totally and completely serious.”

I threw my arms around both of them before jumping off of the bed. “I’ll be right back!” I smiled before rushing out of the room. I ran next door and knocked three times on the door before Brian opened it. I ran at him and knocked him over in a hug.

“Jeeez, good morning to you?” he said raising a brow.

I then ran at Jimmy and hugged him before jumping on a still sleeping Johnny and hugging him as well, though he seemed more startled.

“You don’t do that every day, right?” Brian asked, looking slightly scared.

“No,” I laughed, “that just for letting us come with you guys... You have no idea how amazing it is of you!”

“Aw, don’t worry about it! You guys rock...” Brian smiled.

“That and Brian wants your friend Jay,” Johnny smirked.

“I was hoping you did do that every day,” Jimmy frowned.

“Aw, for you Jimmy, of course!” I smiled before kissing his cheek. “Alright, I’ll let you all relax. Thanks again..”