Status: I am suffering from a terible case of writers block sorry all i cannot give a date or expected time



The night air swirled around us, her cold hands rested on my checks. As the salty tears rolled down her perfect check, she leaned in and kissed me her soft lips embracing mine. The passion hidden behind them fought to be free. The night seemed to have stilled, the thoughts in my head spin round and round. The smell of her perfume lifts up to me forcing me to deepen my kiss. She slowly pulled away and looked at me, raising her hand to my check wiping away the tears the streamed down them. She kissed my check one last time and the She turned and walked away. This might be the last time I see her, but the fate of our world depends on me and this night. I cannot fail the forces must be balanced. Evil cannot be allowed the chance to flourish in our life time. I gathered the last bit of will I had and turned and walked in the opposite direction.