Status: I am suffering from a terible case of writers block sorry all i cannot give a date or expected time


Chapter one: Honey and Roses

The heat rising from the asphalt assaulted his eyes making his vision blurred, or was that the tears beginning to build up. Either way he could barely make out the shape of her car as it sped off down the road around the corner and out of site. Was this all really happening? Derek ran his fingers threw his hair, it hung about chin length and was a light golden brown color, and slowly made his way up the drive to his house. The reality setting in that she was gone never coming back. He knew he should be sad about this but for some reason he felt nothing, just an icy pit in his chest. When he got inside the house was empty as always, the lights off and the dogs scratching to get in. Derek slowly made his way from the garage to his bed only stopping for a can of sweet and heavenly Dr. Pepper. The familiar smell of his room comforted him slightly, the spicy sent of his candles wafting through the air power full even unlit. His soft mattress caught him as he plopped down sending pillows flying across his tiny room. He laid there staring at the ceiling watching the fan blades spin around and around thinking of the words she said and wondering if they were true.
“I never loved you, love is just a thought we as humans have to make life livable” her words still fresh in his mind.
The minutes turned to hours, as the light coming threw his window turned from golden yellow to orange he slowly forced himself out of bed and made his way to the kitchen. He rounded the corner and came to the living room he smelled her before he saw her. A sweet seductive smell like honey and roses it seemed to be calling Derek to her. As his head cleared, he noticed her sitting on the couch her golden hair flowing past her shoulders. Her deep grey eyes piercing in to his, her tight fitting black shirt accenting her perfect form, her jeans hugging her muscular legs. She was built like a runner or a boxer her couldn’t really decide. All he knew is that she scared him and he did not know where she had come from. Who she was, or how she got in. He intended to find out though.
“Who are you” the words finally came out of his mouth though they were barley a whisper.
The corners of her little mouth curled up in to a smile showing a set of perfect white teeth.
“Who am I what a tricky question to answer on the spot one never really knows who they are completely” the words oozed sarcasm as they rolled past her bright red lips.
Derek looked shocked he couldn’t find the words to say it all seemed just out of reach; his quick tongue had never failed him now here he stood silent and stunned.
“If you mean what is my name that’s an easy one, Lynsey” as she spoke her smile softened
She took a step towards Derek and extended her hand, and for the first time he noticed she had a tattoo the snaked up her arm. It was what looked like a rose but the petals were squarer then they should be. It started at her wrist and ended just below her sleeve the ink seemed to sparkle as it caught the last of the fading sun. Derek shook her hand, her skin was soft and cool. Her delicate fingers rested in his, he was afraid he might crush them.
“How did you get you into my house everything is locked, and what are you doing here?” his words where a little harsher than he meant but she didn’t seem to notice.
She opened her mouth to answer when Derek’s cell phone began to ring. The ring tone so familiar he had heard it a thousand times, but why would she be calling she had just walked out. Maybe she forgot a piece of his heart and wanted to shatter it. Slowly he raised the phone to his ear.
“I am sorry I didn’t mean any of it, I just….. I just……. Ughhhhh” was all he could make out through the tears and sobs.
Taking a deep breath he hung the phone up and threw it across the room. It hit the wall and bounced under the T.V. Derek turned to look at Lynsey, but she was gone how did she leave so fast what did she want who the hell was she? Derek sat on the couch and tried to calm himself, his hands were shaking something that happened whenever he got excited or upset. Next, he would black out but he might could get a grip and stop it from happening. He took several deep breaths one after the other, but he could feel the blackness grabbing at his vision the weightlessness in his hands. Another deep breath, it wasn’t enough the darkness engulfed him; the room was black all he could hear was the blood rushing through his veins and then a sharp pain fallowed by nothing.
When he came back around it was dark in the room, he must have been out of it for an hour or so. Derek slowly made his way to his feet and felt a sharp stab in his head man he would need Tylenol. The clock on the stove said it was 8:45pm that meant mom got off in fifteen minutes. May be he could take a nap. It might help with the head ache and the dizziness; he stumbled his way back to his room. The blankets on his bed wrapped him in a soft embrace as he drifted off to sleep.
The water in front of him seemed almost like a mirror, he could see himself dressed all in white kneeling before the water with one hand out stretched like he was trying to grab something. Then a hand touched his shoulder it was small, he seemed to recognize it from somewhere. Then her face came in to view Lynsey stood next to him wearing a red v- neck shirt and black pants. She started to talk but her voice never reached his ears. Derek reached out again this time he stuck his hand in the water. A burning pain shot threw his hands and up his arm. It was like he had stuck his arm in a bon fire. He screamed in agony.
Derek sat up cold sweat dripping from his brow, his hand ached and felt very stiff. He looked over at his alarm clock 11:00pm he had sleep threw dinner and his mom getting home. He climbed out of bed and headed for the kitchen stomach rumbling all the way there. His house was really dark, but he had ok night vision as long as there was a little moon or star light seeping in he would be fine. Derek made it to the fridge and opened it surveying the contents he decided on a sandwich. Quick easy and quiet, he reached in to the ice box to grab some mustard and the light hit the back of his hand. He let out a gasp in surprise, on the back of his hand in the same weird ink as Lynsey’s was a tattoo. It started at his pinky went up the pack of his hand and wrapped around his wrist. The series of knots were entrancing as the dazzled in the dim light.

He wondered how it got there, his mind traveled back to his dream kneeling next to the water the pain and Lynsey. She was the key to this. He had to find her somehow, but it will have to wait till morning. He finished his sandwich and headed back to bed. When he got there, there was an envelope sealed with a rose stamp, it had a familiar smell close to honey or roses it was hard to tell. Derek opened it and unfolded the letter it held.
The tattoo won’t wash off don’t try, but don’t worry not everyone can see it. I will explain all of this in-depth tomorrow when you come to see me. There is much you must learn and not long to learn it in. You have been chosen from birth it’s in your blood. Met me at the park off of 116th at 5:45pm. Now you must sleep don’t worry about dreams you will have none I promise
Derek looked down at his glittering hand and wondered if he should trust her, how could someone not see that. He changed in to his pajamas and slid in to bed head spinning with thoughts, but surprisingly when his head hit the pillow he felling to a deep sleep no dreams just sleep.
The sunlight broke threw his curtains and warmed his face, Derek woke up feeling refreshed the best he had in days. He stretched and caught sight of his hand the previous day filled his head again. The sight of her sitting on the couch the smell of her perfume, the tattoo on her arm it all hit him like a brick. He turned and looked at his night stand and his heart did a flip when the letter she wrote was sitting there staring him in the face. He worked his way out of his tangled sheets and got dressed for the day. When he got to the living room he noticed a note scribble on paper just as it was every morning.
Went to work I am pulling a 24 so I won’t be home till tomorrow morning. Leftovers for
dinner need anything call me or your sisters.
Love mom
P.s Please don’t burn down the house!
Derek set the note down with a small chuckle. His mom was a paramedic with the local Emergency Medical Service. She worked lots of long hard hours especially after his dad left, and his sisters as much as he loves them are crazy.
After he showered Derek took a look at the clock 4:30, he had just enough time to make it to 116th and met up with Lynsey may be he could get some answers to all of the craziness going on.
He ran to his room and grabbed his keys and jacket, and then he ran out to his car. There it sat by the curb black paint peeling and dents down both sided the ford sign barley hanging on, but the engine ran like new. He named her beauty she had been in the family since she rolled off the line and will be great when he fixed her up. He turned the key and let the soft purr run threw his bones. Derek threw it in gear and headed towards the park. The traffic was typical for five o’clock bumper to bumper. So Derek decided to take the back roads, he managed to get to the park just in time 5:40. That gives him a little tem to find her, shouldn’t be too hard, she was stunning and her golden hair and tattoo should be like a beacon. He started towards the pond not sure why but it felt like the way to go. Sure enough sitting on a rock next to the shore her golden hair blowing in the wind was Lynsey. She was probably a hundred or two yards away a nice short walk. Derek headed towards her and as he got closer his hand started to tingle almost itch. When he looked down his new tattoo seemed to be glowing from within.
“Does this always happen when I am around you “He pointed at his hand as he finished speaking.
She turned so he could see her arm “Only when you are this close to a society door”
Lynsey stood and jumped off the rock, which stood a good 6 feet in the air, and landed with the grace of a cat. She walked towards the rock and placed her hand on its smooth face.
“In the name of the Society I demand entrance” as she finished her words her tattoo shone brighter and the rock began to shift and shake until a door way stood in the middle of it dark and menacing.
Lynsey vanished in side and Derek started to fallow. Inside the door way was a step twisting set of stone steps that seemed to lead in to the pits of hell them self. He soon caught up with Lynsey at the base of the stair case. She motioned to a door to his left. He took a step towards it and it swung open flooding the room with a light so bright and white Derek could see nothing that lay ahead of him.
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This may have a few Spellingand Grammar mistakes , i am in the proces of editing