Status: I am suffering from a terible case of writers block sorry all i cannot give a date or expected time


Chapter two: past, Present , and Future

The room was round with stone walls of a deep grey stone close to granite. The floors where tiled with white and black marble except for the seal in the center of the room it was made of a gold wire on a garnet back ground. The red of the stone stood out in contrast to the white floor around it. The gold wire was twisted in to the shape of the same rose like flower that Lynsey had on her arm crossed by a Stave. Surrounding the crossed symbols a knotted pattern much like that of the tattoo on Derek’s hand. One the edge circling the shapes in gold writing were the words.
Per nex nos reperio veneratio, per veneratio nos reperio nex
As he surveyed the room Derek noticed a long wooden table with seven seats all filled by a person. Each person had a Tattoo in the same glittering ink. A voice echoed across the room as he walked closer to the table.
“Derek I see you have finally joined us, it took longer than I had hoped” the power in the voice echoed off the walls and reverberated in Derek’s ears.
“Where am I, who are you people?” his voice was strong but held a bit of hesitation as the words left his mouth.
The man seated at the center of the table stood and made his way towards Derek his crimson robe dusting the ground as he walked. His head was covered by silver hair that fell to his shoulders lost in the locks was a golden circlet. He raised his hand and placed it over his heart as he went in to a deep bow.
“Welcome to the Society Derek, come with me walk the halls of your ancestors learn of their lives and deaths, learn all you can. “ With that he turned and started to walk away.
Derek stumbled after him trying to catch up to the mysterious man. As they made it to the far side of the room he noticed a door mixed into the stone on the wall. The man opened the door and beckoned for Derek to fallow. Once they were on the other side Derek found himself in a long hallway light by torches one every ten feet or so on either side of him. The walls were decorated with fresco paintings of great battles, coronations, and meetings of groups. The man stopped in front of a scene of the sun rising over a field of wheat grass. A lone horseman galloped across it with beast that Derek did not recognize chasing after him.
“That is the founder of The Society, his name was Edward Blythe he was handpicked by the Roman Catholic Church to rid the land of evil. He swore to protect the innocent from the unseen dangers until his death and after. He gathered up his most trusted friends and had them swear an oath; a small piece of this oath is our motto that you saw in the council chamber. Per nex nos reperio veneratio per veneratio nos reperio nex, through death we find honor through honor we find death. He and his newly formed society spent over three decades hunting down the vampires and Lycanthrope or werewolves as you might know them” at this Derek made a giggling sound. The mysterious man raised an eyebrow at him and continued. “Until one day they were ambushed by a group of Lycans. The scene we see painted here is him trying to escape them. He was found the next day barley alive by a group of gypsies on their way to London. He placed his hands upon one of the gypsies and with his dyeing breath charged him to go to the church learn and carry on his work. As the last gasp of air left his lung a tattoo sprang up on the gypsy’s arm much like the one on your hand. The Gypsy then went to the church and took the oath, and now hundreds of years later you come to us.” With his tale ended the man turned and headed down the hall.
“But why me!” Derek screamed after him
The man stopped and turned slowly the only sound he made was his robe brushing the cold marble floor. He stood there as still as a statue looking in to Derek’s eyes. The roomed seemed to darken maybe it was just his intense stare, it was hard to tell. Derek couldn’t seem too look away. It seemed like hours had passed before the man whispered so soft Derek had to strain to here.
“It’s in your blood Derek Ledge”. The man turned and was gone before Derek could respond.
Derek was stunned. What did the man mean? Could all of this be real? His head was spinning and he could feel the blackness settling in around him again. Then there was something in the air a smell, it was familiar and powerful it seemed to calm him. A hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. Her powerful green eyes seemed to send strength to him.
“Are you well, I know what has been sprung upon you is a lot to handle” her voice was soft an almost loving tone.
Derek took a step back steadying himself against the cool wall. He looked Lynsey over she had changed in to a dress of a dark green that went to just above her knees , It was met by a pair of calf high combat boots that had buckles all down the side. She was even more stunning now than she had been when he first saw her.
“I could use some fresh air” his voice was as shaky as he felt
Lynsey grabbed him by the arm and helped him walk back down the long hallway to the council chamber he came through. The long table was empty and the room was dark now, had they all came just to see him? She lead him threw the big door at the far end and back up the long stair case to the shore of the lake. The cool breeze brushed against Derek’s check as he tried to calm himself. He could smell the moist soil and the soft grass; they seeped in to his soul soothing the worry building inside of him. Lynsey stepped closer to him; he could feel her breath on his neck. Her hand was on his shoulder it sent a shudder down his spine.
“I know how you”……. “Derek! What the Fuck are you doing who are you with” A shout from across the field cut her off.
Derek knew that voice he had heard it a thousand times if not more, but what was she doing here? She had left what did she care? He slowly turned away from the water to see, sure enough, there she was her dark pixie cut hair all spiked up in jeans that hung to her body and a red top the revealed just enough of her chest that you could see her lacy black bra. Every time he saw her he remembered why he loved her and could never turn away. She was just feet in front of him now her deep eyes reflecting the water behind him. He could smell her perfume in the wind; it wasn’t seductive like Lynsey’s it was familiar like home. She looked from Derek to Lynsey.
“Excuess me may I have a word with him” her words wore bitter and harsh, but Lynsey just smiled
“Sure…Derek I will be over on the shore when you are done” with that she gracefully glided off.
“Evelyn what are you doing here?” She recoiled slightly from the harshness in his tone.
“I …….I …..came to tell….you ……that…. I…..” the rest of what she had to say was lost in sobs.
Before Derek could think he reacted holding her close to him, her head barely reaching his chin. He rocked her back and forth as she cried. She looked up at him her mascara running down her cheek; her eyes sparkling with tears. The look they held was so broken so lost; it made Derek wish to burst in to a thousand pieces just too easy her suffering. She reached up on her tippy toes, her lips brushing his. He kissed her back with a passion built over the years, pulling her closer to him feeling her warm body against his. Then something snapped in side of him he let her go and held her at arms length.
“you left , you made your choice”
“Derek……….” Her pleas never reached his ears as her walked away from her.
The ground by the shore was soft not quite muddy, but Derek could feel it give way as he walked to wards the silhouette of Lynsey looking out over the water. She look like a hero at the end of a move as the credits began to roll. So majestic and peace full, Derek wondered if that is what he would look like in a year or so. He stood next to her and looked out over the water.
“so what happens to me know”
“you will go home , eat, sleep , wake up tomorrow and await instruction”
Derek grunted an acknowledgement, and turned to walk away. Lynsey’s soft hand grabbed his.
“Are you ok”
“I will make it”
She loosened her grip and he walked back to his car. The purr of the engine drowned out his thoughts as he speed home. It was almost 9:00 his mom wouldn’t be home until morning. He turned around and headed down the familiar street towards the only person who would believe any of this. He just hoped he was home or not to wrapped up in a computer game to listen to him. The house came in to view it was an old hotel it was huge, and he had spent so many nights there that it was almost home to him. He pulled in to the drive dodging the basketball that hadn’t been touched in months. As always his hand went to knock on the door and it was pull out of the way. Standing in where the door was a little kid with shaggy brown hair and a shirt to big and pants to short. The child flung himself at Derek hugging on to his knee. There was a sharp squeal and a Derek was assaulted by another child this one a girl with curly strawberry blond hair, her shirt to small and her pants to big. They made a dangerous pair as the hung to his knees.
“Hey kids….where is your brother” he said
“They are in the computer room”.
They pointed towards the room Derek could have guessed he would be in. “they are in the computer room”.
Derek opened the door and stepped in to geek heaven. Three rows of computers filled the room with a T.V in the back of the room. The sounds of what sounded like an epic battle were spilling from the surround sound they ha wired up last weekend. The lights were off but the glow from the screen was enough to make out the two figures hunched in front of their respective computers clicking away.
“Damn it Dane I told you they were building next to our mine……oh hi Derek”
“Hey Pops…..Tom and Sami let me in hope you don’t mind “
“Mind hell no log in I need some help that pee brained son of mine is guna ruin this quest”
Derek sat down in his usual spot next to Dane and the familiar log in sounds welcomed him. While it loaded he went to the fridge that was stashed in the closet and grabbed drinks for everyone. Diet for the old man but fully leaded highly caffeinated for him and Dane it was going to be along night of slaying and searching for them all.
“Dane is it ok if I crash here tonight, moms working a 24 and I am sick of being home alone”
“Yeah man”
Talking to him while he was trying to play a game was pointless in one year out the other it would have to wait till morning. Derek passed out the drinks and sat back down. The figure on the games main screen was a shadow and reminded him of Lynsey standing by the lake. He shook the thoughts from his head and dove in to the game forgetting all about Evelyn and the day he had just lived.
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sorry again for grammar and spelling(spell check isnt working :( ) , also some one pleas let me know if my Latin is wrong