Status: I am suffering from a terible case of writers block sorry all i cannot give a date or expected time


Chapter Four : Whispers in the night

The light from the living room was bleeding in to the hall way as Derek made his way back towards the sound of his best friend’s voice. He stopped in the door way to take in the scene it was something from his nightmares he was sure. Evelyn was sitting in the recliner, Dane on the couch next to Lynsey. He tried to find his voice but nothing seemed to come. Dane caught a glimpse of him and waved.
“Hey, bathing beauty good of you to join this lovely little gathering”
Derek looked straight at Evelyn her eyes looked sad and destroyed that he couldn’t help but say something to her. His heart was screaming in his chest, making every rib shake the pain was unbearable he has to do something he had to make it better. Derek closed his eyes and took a deep breath letting the cool air calm his nerves.
“Evelyn what are you doing here?”
As the last syllable fell of his dry tongue, the sad look in her eyes turned in to water works. Tears poured from her eyes in great flowing streams. Her sobs tore at his heart he longed to go over and hold her, and tell her everything would be ok. Derek took a deep breath and planted his feet forcing himself to stay where he was.
“I just came by …….to talk to you that’s all”
As she finished her eyes locked on Derek’s the tears turned from sad to pleading. Derek turned his head to Dane, who took that as his sign to leave. Lynsey had left the moment the tears started Derek wondered in the back of his mind where she had gone. He made his way to the now empty couch. Evelyn eagerly bounced to her feet and came to sit beside him. They sat in silence for what felt like hours; Derek fought the urge to wrap his arm around her. It was almost like an itch he couldn’t scratch, a burning under his skin. Just as he was about to give in her sweet voice broke the silence.
“Derek, I want to be back with you. I have done nothing but think about you. I thought I could get over you but, I don’t know how. Why am I always so stupid?”
“You walked out and left me. You told me you were through, and you expect me to just welcome you back with open arms. I love you, but we can’t do this there is no more us. “
A sense of rightness filled his heart as Derek stood to walk away. Her hand shot up and grabbed his wrist. He looked down at her, she had slid to the floor in to a ball of sobbing tears and messed up hair. Her nails dung into the soft skin of his arms. Little trails of blood started to trickle down her fingers, Derek calmly reached down. Prying her fingers off of his arm and placing her hand on her own.
“I believe this belongs to you”
Derek reached to his neck. Grasping the loose silver chain and tugging, the clasp snapped with little resistance. The shield shaped charm hung from his balled up fist. Evelyn looked up her tear glazed eyes at the same level as the charm. With a shaky hand she reached out and took it, then collapsed back on to the floor.
Derek turned and walked away, without another word or even a backwards glance. He wasn’t even conserved with how she got out of the house. He had a feeling it would be a while till he made it back anyway. He made his way back down the one hall and in to his room. His room was one place he felt relaxed. It was the place where he didn’t have to worry about anything or anyone. He turned the cold brass door knob and pushed the door to his sanctuary open. Sadly he would get to stay long he was just going to pack a few things incase Lynsey had some sort of hair brained plan to keep him for weeks on end. Which actually didn’t sound too farfetched to him, things had been very weird since he had been informed about the secrets of the world around him. Derek started throwing cloths from his closet into a duffel bag on his bed. As he reached back in to the closet and a hand grabbed his. Her soft skin cool on his, sent icy chills through his body. He fallowed the flower shaped tattoo up her soft arm till his eyes locked with hers.
“Are you ok? “
Her hand moved to his shoulder their faces were close enough that Derek could feel her breath tickle his cheek. His hand moved to her side, the movement felt natural as if he had done it a thousand times.
“I am fine I think. “
Tears fought behind his eyes working their way to the surface and starting to slowly trickle down his cheek. Lynsey raised her hand to his cupping his face in her palm.
“Derek, I have something I want to show you come with me”
Derek watched her turn her blond hair swirling around her shoulder. As she stepped through the door, his thoughts came back to the now. He quickly grabbed his bag off the bed and ran after her. She was waiting by his car leaned against the passenger door. He had not noticed what she was wearing until now. She had on a v-neck t-shirt with very short sleeves. It was solid black with what looked like silver pinstripes. Her pants were just regular dark denim but she looked amazing. Derek stopped and stared for am moment lost in her.
“Well are you going to open the door or should I “
Derek snapped out of his trance and smoothly reached for the car handle. As he opened the door Lynsey slipped in. Derek got the car started and started to pull out of the drive.
“So where are we going?”
“Do you know where the old school house is, the one in the south of town?”
Derek responded with a simple nod and then hit the gas. It was a drive fast night he loved the feeling of the wind pouring through the windows and the adrenaline pulsing through his veins it was late afternoon and traffic was bad so he stuck to the back roads where he was alone to be as reckless as he wanted. He took a right turn without slowing down, sliding around it as the tires squealed in protest. Lynsey looked perfectly calm and collected not a care in the world. Her hair blowing in the wind and feet propped up on the dash. Derek laughed at the sight, Dane always through a fit when he drove like this. A ball of guilt started to build in his stomach he didn’t eve check to see if Dane was still at the house before he left. He would just call him later and see what was going on, Dane would understand.
They turned on to the street with the old school house. It hadn’t been used in years, this part of town was pretty empty and the streetlights had long burned out. Caddy corner from the school stood an old water tower, painted in the school colors. He parked the car and Lynsey stated towards the tower, she stopped half way and turned beckoning with her finger.
“This way Derek “
The tower was surrounded by a chain link fence topped with barbed wire. Derek looked for a gate or a hole but saw none. Lynsey tapped on his shoulder and with a sly grin started to climb the fence. She was fast and agile. Swiftly she moved up and over the fence without even a scratch from the barbed wire. She motioned for Derek to fallow, He tried to stick his foot in the lower links but soon realized they were much bigger than Lynsey’s he was going to have to pull himself most of the way up . He made it about half way and then slipped off. Stifling laughter she came to the fence.
“Derek focus on what you want and you will be able to get it”
“That would be easier if you weren’t here” he whispered under his breath
Derek cleared his mind and thought about only climbing the fence. His tattoo began to tingle, He grabbed the cold chain and tried again. He felt like he weighed five pounds as he quickly scaled the fence. He was not as graceful as Lynsey he managed to rip his jeans on the way over the top.
The view from the top of the tower was breath taking. You could see the town from border to border, and the sun set was spectacular. The two sat in silence till the sun hade fade behind the ground and the moon stood full and proud amongst the bright stars.
“Derek I brought you here to answer any questions you may have. Before you ask them I am going to tell you a few things.”
She looked at Derek who nodded in silent reply.
“As you learned the society was formed many of hundreds of years ago to fight the evils of the world. Predominately the vampires and Lycanthropes, I have been a member since I was five years old. My family was attacked by a coven of vampires and I was the only one who survived. The society took me in and taught me everything I could learn. I have been hunting since I was eleven; the last seven years of my life have been filled with blood and battles. I have made it my goal to find the things responsible for the death of my family. The society sent me to find you in hopes that you might be able to provide information that only your bloodline was allowed to know. Passed from generation to generation in a song or story I know this all sounds weird and crazy. I would not have believed it unless I lived it. What I am about to ask of you cannot be ignored. The underworld knows your name now. They will try and win you over just as we will. What it comes down to is a choice between good and evil right and wrong. I can promise you that if you say yes to either side you I will gain enemies just as easy as you would saying no. You are in a tough spot, I promise you that no matter what you chose I will be there to guide you. For some reason I have grown fond of the craziness that seems to swirl around you. “
As she finished she punched him in the arm like they had been friends for ages. Derek cracked a small smile.
“Lynsey, you know as well as I do what my choice is. I only have three questions. What do you mean bloodline?, Who is Olev?, and When do I start?”
“The Gypsy who cared on Edward Blyth’s work name was Thomas Ledge; you care his blood in your vein. As for Olev I assume he stopped by, Olev is the Alpha in the Lycanthrope pack. He calls all the shots not someone you want to cross, smart man dangerous enemy. Now, your last question we start tomorrow night. I will be there early evening you have to go back and talk to the council before we start”
The two of them sat together until the sun rose talking a little every now and then but in silence form most of the night. The light poured through the windshield as Derek drove towards the park, the water was a lovely orange color as they walked towards the little rock.
“Go home and sleep I will come wake you up in a bit.”
With that and a small wave she vanished in to the rock. Derek laughed to himself as he made his way back to his car and then to his bed.
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Ok , Readers i need feed back on this, I am at a point where i am not sure if i wish to keep going or not convince me to i need the motivation. I hope you are all enjoying the story so far, and i promise to be better about updates if i keep writeing