Blue Moon

The end of a life and the beggining of the other

In the dark street, a siren could be heard, people are gathered, making a ruckus, people crying, and in rejoice. Different emotions in one location. In front of an old man’s house.

“. . . . . . this is Dianna speaking. Today, with the saddest moment in time. At roughly 4 in the morning the greatest doll maker in the world died. As you can see −− . . . . .”

Murmurs in front of the house could be heard. “Poor old man.” “Well, he was never really nice. He never talks to any of us and only talks to that doll. I bet he’s crazy.” “Really?! I think he’s nice.” “Everything is nice to you!” [Laughter] and tears falling towards the cemented ground. “Father! Why now?” [Cries] “Darling it’s okay. I’m sure he’s happy. Wherever he may be now.” And in the middle of the entire ruckus,

“Miss, the note that we found states that we leave the doll in your hands.”

That said, they gave the lady the doll, but as it was given to her, whispers that where practically mute where made. “You know, I heard that the old man loved that girl. Hehehehe.” The people said with a hint of chuckle. Upon hearing this, it caused the lady to be uneasy and angry.

“What?! But why me? I’m only a neighbor. Oh, well. He’s dead anyway. I’ll just throw this in the attic. Not like anyone would care.” And so, the old lady did as she said.

Ever since then, the doll was left sitting at the corner in that dirty attic, untouched, alone, and unloved . . . .
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Haha~~!! Like I said this is an intro. Please read this. I promise to finish this book.