Blue Moon

Simple is Good

“Okay. Annie ready to go?”

“Yes, but where are we going? You haven’t told me anything.”

“Don’t worry. Just trust me, okay?”

“Okay --- I’m ready.”

As the two of them exit the house with bright smiles on their faces, they hold each other's hand tightly. Not wanting to let go of the other for all eternity. Treating each other as treasures that cannot be brought by anything in this world.

Annie came out of the house with that blue dress. It was a beautiful colour of sky blue. Claude wore a Turtle neck shirt. It was colour blue. Over the shirt, he wore a black coat, and he also wore black pants.

Annie walks at the streets as people of different ages stare at her, with the eyes that seem to question how, but at the same time in disgust.

Annie knows deep in her heart, that what they were doing was wrong. She’s not supposed to move. Though it may hurt, she knows all too very well that Claude has to end up with another human someday.

Annie feels the stares being sent to her. Trying to act as if everything is okay to make sure that Claude would not worry for her. She feels as though she is enough of a burden and she doesn’t want to ruin the time that was meant for the two of them alone.

Even if this is so, Annie, the kind of personality she has, no matter how hard she tried, her face didn’t lie. Her body was trembling. What kept her moving at that very moment was Claude. Thoughts that were filled with Claude.

She bears with the pain alone, but as Claude grips her hand tighter and smiles at her, she realized that she wasn’t alone. That it was stupid to think that she was the only one that had to fight. It’s different now, she has someone precious to her that would support her and protect her with all his might.

As she thought of these stupid little things, she couldn’t bear to hold the joy that was overflowing deep inside her. A certain joy that made her heart flutter.
(How I wish this day would never end) Annie slowly thought.

They spent hours together, holding each others’ hand, laughing and smiling. They went to the Amusement Park, Cafe, and the museum.

[Annie tugs Claude’s shirt]

“It’s late at night. Aren’t you hungry?” Annie said with sincere black eyes that stared at Claude.

From hearing what had Annie said, Claude paused for a moment and showed a beautiful smile. “It’s okay.” He said.

To him, it meant so much more to spend time with Annie. He never even thought about leaving her side. Like a naive child thinking that they had nothing to worry about. In his mind, in his heart and in his whole body. It was all surrounded with joy.

For these two people, time seemed to have stopped. They are in their world of fantasy. I mean, to be with the one you love, something that had to be impossible for them.

True, in their thoughts, they thank God, but who was it that helped them really. God or Satan? How would they know? If this relationship, if these feelings they have for each other is God send? All they could do is pray that it is. To pray that they would have their happy ending like the one’s in those children story books.

Claude continues to smile as he continuously pants. He looked tired and dejected, and without doubts that smile on his face showed that he was truly enjoying his time. Tired as he may be, it is actually a very good moment. To be able to see him smile like that.

Claude stopped panting and stared at Annie that had a smile on her face that seemed to be waiting for his attention. As he looked at her, his eyes began to look gentle. He chuckled, and then smiled at Annie.

Annie then replied with a smile. Her eyes that seemed to be having been worried lost its worries and began to sparkle like they did before.

As they stared at each other, laughter broke out. The laughed so happily that one might be able to imagine light being emitted from their bodies.

In the middle of their laughter, Claude’s stomach grumbled a weird noise.

With this noise that surprised the two of them, the laughter paused, with Annie staring at Claude’s stomach. For she heard the noise come out from there.

Claude, on the other hand, had that look that seemed pitiful. Rain began to pour down. With Claude’s head thinking of finding a shelter and more importantly, something to eat. He began to look at his surroundings, and to his surprise and relief, he found a small eatery.

Without thought, Claude grabbed the small wrist of Annie, and hurriedly pulled her towards the eatery. It was an eatery with wooden walls, but not the expensive type of wood. The wood was simple, something you could find in the yard, maybe. The walls on the outside of the eatery were painted forest green, but the walls on the inside of the eatery were kept as as they were. The brown wood that it naturally was.

The eatery was very simple and had food that was low in price, but one thing is for sure, it can help them protect themselves from the rain, and Claude could eat there too.

Annie was lost for words as to how to react. She just sat down with her eyes wide open of shock. She stared at Claude and began to laugh.

“Oy! Hey! Stop laughing. It’s not that funny.”

Even with Claude’s remark, Annie continued to laugh. This caused Claude to blush. In his head he thought that it was embarrassing and unmanly, but he cherished this moment. A moment that seemed to have brought the two closer to each other.

“Waitress! I would like, umm. . . eggs. . . . . . . .”

(Could Claude get any more amusing? To have lied to me like that. He told me he wasn’t hungry. Seriously.)

“How about you. . .” The waitress said with a smile, but as she turned to see Annie, she looked at her from head to toe.

“. . . Miss?” With a tone that obviously questioned Annie. To be able to see a person, obviously walking and talking to be made out of wood. Who would think this was possible?

“Oh, I don’t need anything. I don’t eat.”

“She! She meant she DOESN’T want to eat! Yeah, that’s right.” Claude hurriedly said.
Worrying that the waitress might find it strange for a person not to eat. I mean, sure she was made of wood, but she’s moving. People wouldn’t believe him even if he told the truth.

“Okay! [Said awkwardly] . . . Would that be all?”


“Please wait for a few minutes. We will be the one to deliver your food on your table.”

“You WERE hungry. How come you didn’t tell me?”

“Well, it’s not that I. . . Well, I just wanted to spend more time with you. You know. I don’t get to spend this much time with you. You know. AGH!!! I DON’T KNOW HOW TO SAY THIS!”

“Calm down. I get it. *chuckle* I know what you mean.” (How cute) Annie thought.

In that small and simple eatery, they laughed, got a little annoyed, and smiled at each other. They spent the most wonderful time. They might not have wonderful champagne or food that was good and extremely expensive, but small. They might not be in a five star restaurant, but this moment is certainly more beautiful than wasting good money on an expensive meal that meant nothing between the two. Simple, but joyous.

“Annie, where do you want to go next?”


“You sure? It is late. Okay, then, let’s go home. Would you excuse me, I’ll just try to get a taxi for us.”

“NO!” Annie exclaimed as she pulled Claude’s arm. “I mean, no. It’s okay. I want to spend more time with you. . . . . Can . . . . . Can we just walk back home?”

How sweet! Claude thought. With a little snicker, he smiled to her and softly whispered through her ears; “Sure, I’d love to.” He said this with a slightly blushing face.

Though Annie said those things out of impulse, those words that she heard Claude say, tickled her ears and touched her heart. His words made her blush. Her whole body was burning. To her, it felt as though she was going to erupt at any minute. With her heart beating fast in an abnormal rate, she could not stand to stare him in the eyes. Afraid of what she might do or say, but instead she held tightly on the hand that griped hers and leaned her head towards his shoulder.

Claude could not help but grip her hand tighter and lean his head towards hers. To be able to feel her hair on his cheeks, it was comfortable. Truly, his grandfather is the greatest doll maker in the word. To create Annie with fine details. Even her hair felt real, like any female hair would feel. If only she was made of flesh. She would become a human. Exactly, like a human being.

Annie and Claude walked side by side as they held hands. Throughout their walk, not a single word was uttered, but it felt like they could communicate without words. They let their hearts talk in peace.
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Wait for the next Chapter. Annie meets someone new? And something's going on with Claude?!