Blue Moon


At the next day, Annie awoke earlier than Claude. (Wow! I haven’t seen him a sleep like this for a long time. He’s been waking up earlier than me lately. Heh! How cute.)


“Hmm. . . “

(Oh, he’s up already? How boring!)

“What time is it.”

“Oh, um, maybe around 6:00”

“Hmm. . . . . . WHAT?! 6:00?! Oh No! Oh No! I’m late!!”

Annie silently watched Claude as he fussed. He ran to and fro. He left the house without eating a thing and his clothes were not even properly arranged. His tie was crooked and he hasn’t put on his suite. One button of his polo wasn’t closed. “Annie! Bye! Take care okay?!” Claude said as he left the house. He said it without even waiting for Annie’s reply. Bang! He shut the door behind him.

“Heh!” (I’ve never seen him like that. Maybe I should wake up earlier than him every day. He looks cute like that. Hmm. . . . What to do? I’m bored)

Annie scanned the room and saw books she had already read and DVD’s she had already watched. She came near the book shelf. As she scanned through the books, she could see that none of them can be read anymore. She had already finished reading everything. On her way to their (Referring to Claude and Annie) room, she thought of things that she could do. She slept on the bed for a few minutes. By the time she opened her eyes, she realized how amazingly large the room actually was. The ceiling was high. Looking up, her eyes slowly went down, and she saw a book on one of the furniture's. She was surprised to see it and she sat up, thinking if she should go there. She stood up, went to the book, and then grabbed it. She read the title and realized that that was one book she hadn’t read.

She then began reading the book. Time flew. Annie herself has not even realized that hours had passed. She was so engrossed by the book. She didn’t let go of it at all. She was slow at reading and an hour after she had finished reading it, Claude was already back home.

“I’m sorry Claude. I wasn’t able to cook dinner.”

“It’s okay. I already ate. We had a business meeting.”

Claude, before even doing anything, went to the computer. He checked his e-mail and as he read his mail, a distorted look was on his face. He was so angry, yet he had that bit of sadness on his face, and he even had a small hint of fright. He left the computer without shutting it down. He headed to the room stomping his feet.

As Claude entered the room with his hand on his tie. Trying to take it off, he noticed the book he had borrowed from his friend on the bed.

“Annie, did you read this book?”

“Oh, that. Yes, I did. Am I not allowed to?”

“No, no. Don’t get me wrong. It’s okay. It’s just that this story is deep. Did you finish reading it?”

“Yes, I have. Just a while ago.”

“Hmmm. . . . I see.”

(What’s wrong? He looks like he’s thinking about something.)

“Annie, change your clothes. Let’s go to sleep. I’m really tired today. Oh, and can you tell me what you think of this book once I come back from work tomorrow?”

“Okay.” Annie replied, but even if she did reply, it seemed as though Claude didn’t even want to listen to her. He just went to bed. Acting like he heard no reply.

The room was filled with silence. They were on the bed side by side. Claude slept sound asleep, but on the other hand, Annie could not help to wonder if there was something wrong. She may not know why she felt that way, but she was sure that something was wrong.

The day after that was the same routine. Claude used the computer, he got angry, and then went to bed. He then again would not listen to a thing Annie uttered and just did as he wanted. Claude didn’t even ask about the book and just hurriedly slept.

By the next day, Annie woke up. It was 5:00 in the morning. To her surprise, Claude was already gone.

(What time did he leave?)

Again, Annie was left with nothing to do. She was down on the dumps. Still thinking if there was something wrong with Claude.

(Humans truly are complicated. Too complicated.) Annie thought again.

For most of the day, she spent her time thinking what was wrong. What WAS wrong? Yet, all she got was that Claude was really angry after he checked his e-mail. If only she was a computer that looked like a human rather than a wooden doll then it would have been easy to hack it, but she herself had little to know when it comes to technology. She tried reading books about technology, but they were all too hard to understand. Too many complicated words that were not taught to her.

Brriinnggg!!! The phone rang endlessly. Annie did not take a single step and just looked at the ringing phone. Brrriinnggg!! It rang over and over again. Annie never picked up the phone and just continually stared at it. Truthfully, she had no idea how it is to use a phone. Sure, it was easy to use, but she herself was clueless. She did not see Claude use the phone, nor has she seen it in movies that Claude had owned.

Claude never DID use the phone. He always had his hand held cell phone with him and had no use for his land line phone.

Beep! Another sound came from the phone. This caused Annie to be quite shocked, but still, with her curious personality, she still continued to stare at the phone.

“Hey! Hey Claude! Where are you? Boss is going to fire you if you keep taking brakes. You took 3 brakes already! Don’t make this the fourth. Plus you were even late that one time! You even called in sick once! Everyone knew you were feeling okay. Stop lying and get back to work!” Beep!

Then sound came from the phone and the person was done talking.

(What was that?)

Annie felt uneasy after hearing that message and she just couldn’t help but to try to do something.

“I’d love to go and help Claude.”

(I don’t know where he is, and who was that person? I can do nothing but wait after all.)

As she paced back and forth in the room. Out of nowhere someone knocked on the door and rang the door bell.

“Excuse me! Claude! This is Sarah! Hello! Claude?”

She continued knocking on the door. Annie was told to never answer the door. Especially if she had no idea who it was. With that on mind, Annie did not open the door for the stranger.

“I know your there! The light’s are on. Come on Claude.”

Hearing the voice once more Anne thought that the voice on the other side of the door sounded familiar to her. She began to ponder as to who it was and why it was familiar to her.

“Hey! Claude! What’s wrong you can talk to me about it. Please?. You don’t want to be fired do you?”

For the third time, Annie had heard the voice. It was then that she realized that the person just behind that door had the same voice as the one on the phone just a few minutes ago. Was it her? She wondered.

“Why didn’t you answer my phone call?”

After hearing this remark, without thought, Annie quickly opened the door. Thinking that the girl might leave. She saw a beautiful girl standing before her. A girl with white skin, blond hair and hazel brown eyes. She wore a suite and a skirt. High heels of the colour black. She had long legs, but not too long. Yet, her legs made her seemed taller than she was.

Her eyes grew huge with shock as she stared at Annie. Right in front of her was a person? Made out of wood? As she thought of this, she wondered if she had lost her sanity, but no matter how many times she blinked her eyes the image in front of her just would not disappear.

Annie suddenly remembered the order of Claude to never open the door for strangers. She hurriedly shut the door on the face of the beautiful girl.

(Um, okay. That was weird. Who was that girl? This is Claude’s house right?) Sarah thought, and she then again knocked on the door.

“Um, hey. I’m sorry. Did I scare you? May I ask you? Is this Claude’s house? Hey, please come back.”

Annie decided that it would be really rude to just open the door and slam it right on her face. (She seems like a nice person.) Annie thought. She opened the door with hesitation.
“I’m sorry I did that. I’m not supposed to open the door for strangers, but. . . .” Annie slowly said as her hands trembled.

“Oh no. It’s okay. Maybe I’ll just come back next time.” Sarah said with a worried looking smile on her face. (She looks scared. Maybe I’ll just come back next time.)

“Wait!” Annie said as she tugged the lady’s suite. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She then let go of the lady’s suite thinking that it was rude of her to do that. “You can come in. I don’t think you’re a bad person. Besides, I’d love to have someone to talk to. Claude’s away and . . . “ With pitiful eyes that seemed like water were going to flow out of them any minute, she said her lines with a trembling voice. She looked down on the ground as she tried to stop herself from crying in front of that beautiful stranger.

“It’s okay. I’d love to accompany you. You seem like a very sweet girl.”

She said this to Annie with a smile that showed relief. Sure, she’s made of wood but very sweet. She patted Annie’s head and did not find it weird that a wooden girl was talking to her. She just forgot about that fact and in her eyes it seemed as though Annie was a REAL girl. Made of flesh and blood.

“Please enter. Sit on the couch. Make yourself at home. Would you like to have something to drink?”

“Oh. Sure. I would love to have water. I’m parched.”

“Okay, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Sarah sat quietly on the couch with a slight impatience. She scanned around the room. She thought about everything that just happened. She couldn’t believe that she could talk to a girl made of wood that easy. Now she finds herself dumbfounded. What is Annie anyway? She felt kind of insane, to not be THAT shocked about just what happened to her. Any normal person would have gone hysterical. To see something so strange.

“Here.” Annie suddenly said as she placed down the tray with one glass cup and a pitch of water.

“Thank you.”

Sarah took the glass filled to the brink with water and chugged the water down her throat. As she did so, Annie stood there next to her staring at Sarah as if she was waiting for something.

“Um, you should sit down. Here, sit down next to me.”


Annie sat beside Sarah with a perfectly straight and lady like posture. She continued to stare at Sarah, and then she suddenly said; “What’s your name.”

“Oh! That’s right I didn’t introduce myself yet. How rude of me. I’m Sarah.”

Sarah reached out her hand to Annie. With a questionable look, Annie took Sarah’s hand and Sarah began to shake it. Annie just stared at her hand that was being shook, even when Sarah lets go of her hand, she stared at her hand. She closed it and opened it.

“And you are?” Sarah’s words surprised her. “I am . . . . I’m Annie.”

(Maybe I AM scary.) Thought Sarah as she saw the expression on Annie’s face. She tried to do her best and ended up giving Annie an awkward smile.

“Where is Claude?”

“Claude? He went to his job.”

“What?! No He didn’t! I’m his co-worker. He’s absent today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, before that he was late, and before that he called in sick. This was obviously a lie."

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Annie said with a worried look. “I was the reason he called in sick. He told me he wanted to spend time together. So we did. It’s all my fault.”

“No, it’s okay. It’s a good thing he’s having fun, but why was he absent for the other days?”

“I don’t really know. He wore his suite like usual and came back home late like always, but he does wake up really early these days.”

“Did you notice anything wrong?”

“Well, ever since the time he was late for work, we barely get to talk and the first thing he would do once he came back home was to check his e-mail and he would seem angry the whole time.”

“Do you know the reason why?”

“Not at all. Actually, I was hoping that YOU would know.”

“Is that so? Well, I actually don’t know a thing. That’s why I’m here.”

The room began to be silent as Sarah was in deep thought of what was going on and what they could do. Annie, on the other hand, felt it was a little uncomfortable; after all it is her first time being alone with someone other than Claude. She didn’t know what to say, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t like Sarah. Truth be told, she likes Sarah very much.

Annie began to look around the room. (What can I say to her?) She thought.

Sarah looked toward Annie’s direction and noticed that she looked uncomfortable.
Feeling worried that she might be bothering Annie, she said; “Maybe, I SHOULD leave.”

“No! Please stay. Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Umm, what’s Claude like when he’s working?” Annie asked as she blushed like a little girl would once she saw her crush. Filled with innocence.

Seeing as to how adorable Annie looked, it gave Sarah quite a surprise. All along, she thought that Annie was the unsociable type and maybe even quite stern. She gave out a little laugh. She used her pointing finger and pointed it up to the air. As she closed one eye, she moved her finger closer to her face. “Aha! I’ll tell you every little detail. Let’s use this topic to become closer, okay?” She said.

“Okay.” Annie replied. She was surprised and at the same time amused with what Sarah had done. Very adorable, she thought, but quite, how would you say this, Unique?

“Annie, what’s the first thing you want to know?”

“I’m not sure. I just want to learn more about him.”

“Um, okay, well then. Let’s start with what he does at work. You see, Claude is a business man for the “Vlasi”. The name Vlasi is actually the Russian version of the last name of the family that owns the company, the Blaise family. The Blaise family adores Claude. Claude’s great at work, the best actually. That’s why everyone expects him to get promoted, but then things started to happen. There was that Ila incident and now. . . .” Sarah paused to give a big sigh, and then she continued. “. . . . Everyone is REALLY worried, but they had no courage to go here, so they forced me here. Claude is an AMAZING guy, but he’s just very distant.”

“Eh??!!” Annie shouted to the top of her lungs without much thought, as she stood up and banged the table.

Annie’s sudden movement surprised Sarah, and caused her to cover her ears, and then she had to check if she had gone deaf. “That hurt. What did I do?” (My ear is throbbing and it’s so hot. What if it turned red?)

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I’m REALLY, REALLY sorry. I didn’t mean to. I . . . “ But before Annie could finish, Sarah butted in. “its okay, It’s not like I’m mad or anything. Stop saying sorry, kay?”


Sarah takes a small peek at Annie as Annie slowly tried to calm down as she sat back to the chair. She looked at Annie from head to toe, yet again as she observes her ever action. Annie notices the look being given to her and starts to feel uncomfortable. “Is there something wrong Ms. Sarah?”

Sarah continually stared at Annie as if she hadn’t heard a thing. As she Stares at Annie and her sight reaches her face. She sees a worried girl looking at her straight in the eyes.
“Oh, huh. . .?!” She paused for a moment to stare at Annie. She shook her head, and then slapped her cheeks. “I’m sorry about that. Nothing’s wrong, really. What’s Claude like to you anyway. You seem awfully close.” (What’s up with her shouting? This girl is so unpredictable.) she thought as she continually stared at Annie.

“Okay. Let’s stop talking about Claude.” Annie said as she thought; (This girl is SO weird. What’s with the stare? It must be because I screamed, right? That was SO embarrassing.)

“You know what? You’re absolutely right!” Sarah said as she stood up. She gave Annie a smile and winked at her in a childish manner. “I’ll come back next time, okay? I’ll leave a message on the phone like what I did a while ago. So that you’d be mentally prepared. I use my cell phone to call the phone, so after my message, I’ll be here in just a few minutes. Make sure to answer it next time okay?”

Sarah left the room without waiting for Annie’s reply. With this, Annie wasn’t able to tell Sarah that she had no idea how to use the phone and she can’t ask Claude. Since Claude seemed a little out of it.

(What the heck happens now? I wasn’t able to learn much about Claude from Sarah at all, and she left in a hurry like that. Looked like she had to go somewhere quick.)

Though, Sarah left only a few seconds ago, she had completely forgotten about her worries concerning Sarah. At that moment in time, all she could do was worry about Claude. She stayed up until it was late at night. Worrying where he might be or what had gotten into the man.

She tried to keep herself up, but when morning came, she couldn’t help but doze off. Her head felt heavy. Her eyes slowly closed. She slept lying down on the kitchen table with a hot Chocó on her right hand and her left hand tucked in.
♠ ♠ ♠
It took a while, to all those people reading Blue Moon, please leave a comment. It would REALLY help me.