Status: Newest character profile: Luwin, next Ramio

An Urban Fairytale

The Cell

I woke up to muffled voices. Slowly opening my eyes I first thought I was still knocked out. It was dark around me but after some time my eyes adjusted and I was able to see the ceiling, walls and floor in the room.

That was pretty much the only things there, and if the material in the rest of the room was just as uncomfortable as the floor it was safe to say that it was all concrete.

The room was chilly and not knowing where this was or what had happened I was on the verge of panic. Suddenly something moved behind me and something wet connected with the small of my back.

“Ah!” Besides being surprised it had felt rather uncomfortable. Lifting myself up on my elbows I slowly turned my head and it all came back to me.

The fox backed off, showing its teeth to warn me against coming too close. The chain was gone but to my horror I saw that the collar was still on. How much longer did they plan to torture the small animal?

Being so close I could now see the easy mechanism of the collar, hardly more complicated than the buckle you could find on rollerblades.

Sitting up I pondered if the creature would let me close enough to help it out from it’s misery. But when I tried to move closer the fox just growled at me.

“Relax; I just want to help you get that nasty collar off…” It may sound unbelievable but my words seemed to calm it and I finally got close enough to loosen the buckle. Flipping the switch the collar jumped off, for a moment the fox seemed to be in even more pain.

Having freed the fox my head started to clear, even if he were free from the collar we were both captured in this room.

Slowly getting to my feet I turned around. There were a door and high up over it a small slit that let in a little light and air. The rest were just walls, floor, ceiling, me and a fox cub.

Were they going to keep me here forever, until I died of starvation and lack of water?

I wasted no time on the walls and went straight for the door, the voices were gone but it didn’t stop me from hammering on it. The only thing I accomplished was physical pain on my palms and exuthin.

Giving up I sank down and started to accept the fact that I might actually die or suffer even worse faiths.

The fox sat in a corner, licking its paws and paid no attention to me.

I did not know how long I had been in the cell when I finally heard voices again, the fox was suddenly alert and I got up on my feet.

“Open it.” A voice commanded, so high and demanding that I had no problems hearing it.

“At once my lord.” The reply was lower and harder to make out but soon the door opened and let in more light and two brutes with iron spears.

“Make sure that the Fox don’t escape.” Bullying past me they went straight to the corner and lowered their spears.

“The human,” The commander entered and I felt my heart stop for a second. It was him! The young man from the square, the one who had warned me against making a wish since it could come true. How right he had been, this was not how I had imagined things would happen.

“Put it in the maidens chamber and see to that it is put in cloths fit for a female.” The last remark came with a glare at my jeans.

Another henchman came into the cell. He differed from the brutes having a slim build, golden hair and eyes but the biggest difference was the aura he had about him; seeming both calm and friendly.

“Please, follow me.” He had an incredibly soft voice. There were a weak resemblance between his face and the grey-haired commander, having the same basic shapes although the blonde had softer features.

Getting out of the gloomy cell was a relief, but as soon as I was out the door slammed shout behind me.

“What about…” The worry in my voice did not stop him from interrupting.

“Please, no questions. I wouldn’t want to anger my Lord. This way please.” He started to walk through the dimly lit corridor.

But I did not follow, it was all so hard to comprehend all this, what would happen to the poor fox, where was I and who where these people?

“Every thing will be explained later,” My guard had noticed that I did not follow him, and probably my confused look too. “Now if you will, follow me and we can get you to some more comfortable quarters.” His voice was still soft but with a commanding undertone in it, and seeing no other option I decided to follow his request.

At the end of the corridor we went up a steep staircase and through another door, entering a narrow but well lit corridor.

“Through here.” He stopped and opened a door that I had not noticed.

We were still inside, but now it was once again dark. This didn’t seem to bother him the least, walking with confidence like he had walked this rout hundreds of times before.

“Please follow close and watch out for the steps.”

I nodded in silence a followed up another stair, carefully. The last thing I wanted was to trip and knock myself unconscious.

At the top of the stairs he led me through a small maze of corridors and coming to a sudden halt.

“Our Lord has commanded that the human is to be kept in the Maidens chamber.”

I didn’t see who he talked to but I was sure that something moved in the shadows and a dark hole opened in front of us.

“Now, please don’t touch anything and keep right behind me.” This time he made sure that I obliged before he went on. The room we entered was as dark as the rest of the building, but the man still seemed to know his way.

I wasn’t sure but it seemed like we were in a bedroom, we went right past a bed and I heard that he opened another door.

“Please, wait while I get some light on.” He went into the room for a moment and then appeared in the door again. “You may enter.”

I stepped into the room; it seemed smaller than the previous, lit by what seemed like an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling, but what caught my attention was the welcoming bed.

“This is where you will stay. There is a bathroom behind the door over there.” He pointed to a door on the right wall. “You probably want to clean yourself up a bit,” He sounded like he was going to say more but I already moved straight for the bed, tiredness finally catching up with me.

I sat down on the covers, but I couldn’t sleep yet. He had promised that things would be explained.

“What do you want with me?”

“Please save your questions, things will be explained later.” He said and walked up to me. “Now is there anything you need?”

“The fo...”

“If there is nothing you require I would suggest that you get some sleep.” He cut me off before I could finish my question.

“But…” He gave me a stern look like a mother about to scorn her child.

“Fine, what is your name then?”

“Luwin,” He sat down at on knee in front of me. Leaning in closer, his face just inches from mine he looking me straight into the eyes.

“Now, sleep.” He whispered voice rich with tones I had not noticed before.

And like he had mastered some kind of magic my eyes fell shut and I tipped forward. The last thing I noticed before I fell asleep was that Luwin had caught me in his arms.