Status: Newest character profile: Luwin, next Ramio

An Urban Fairytale

The Alius

With the girl gone the fox cub was now alone with what in his eyes was an evil lord of darkness and his two minions. Moving backward; away from the men and the sharp tips of their spears he bars his fangs and is again ready to defend himself.

The so thought lord of darkness strokes his long hair away from his face, reviling his pointy ears. “Now now, little prince.” He spoke with a voice chill as iron, “I think it is time to get out of that red coat of yours so we can have a decent conversation.”

The words made the fox shiver in fear.

“Time to wake up.”

The most wonderful voice spoke next to my ear and I willingly opened my eyes. It was first now in the light I noticed exactly how beautiful Luwin looked. Such flawless skin, fair hair and kind eyes made him surpass any boy I had ever seen before.

“Good morning.” It was the only thing that came to my mind.

Luwin gave me a pleased smile. “Which would you prefer first, breakfast or a warm bath?”

“Breakfast.” I answered getting out from the sheets now noticing a small table in the other end of the room, filled with bowls of fruit and a few slices of bread.

Luwin sat down with me by the table, not saying anything. He just watched me eat.

It was distracting. In any other situation being stared at and reminded that you were in fact a prisoner would ruin my appetite, but the food was delicious and I soon forgot about Luwin and ate like I hadn’t seen food for days.

When I was done an embarrassed blush crept to my face, what had I been thinking. Now he must think of me like some kind of animal…

“Now, a bath and change of cloths.”

I gave a nod and let him lead me to a door I had barely noticed yesterday. Now seeing it up close I could see that the wood was carved to look like a river, complete with a riverside and plants.

In the bathroom there were a Coromandel screen and beyond I could see steam rising.

“You will find cloths here,” Luwin patted a big wooden chest on the left side of the door. “My Lord is going to see you at noon, and now I’m afraid I have to leave you. Enjoy your bath.” With a little bow he left the room.

I waited until I heard the second door shut before I went out of the bathroom. A bath was tempting but now my mind was focused and I knew I had to escape. Luwin and his beautiful master would just have to leave things unexplained!

The first thing I did was check the main door, there were no knob on it and it would not budge even when I tried to push it with all my might.

Next were the windows, neither they were of any help. Sure I could open them but there were no way I could squeeze trough the little opening and if I managed I would fall down at least two floors.

Quickly checking the rest I concluded that there was no other way out than the door.

Soaking in the warm water for an hour was pleasant; besides getting clean it gave me some much needed time to think.

What I had to do was soon clear, I had to play along and look for a way to make contact with the outside world.

“Just as I thought, you look much better now than when you wore those rags.”

Intense green eyes met mine, and despite the fact that I disagreed I looked away in a desperate effort to hide my reddening cheeks.

“But I hope you will choose a more formal dress for dinner, I can’t let people believe that I don’t know how to treat a guest.”

“More like a hostage…” I grumbled.

“Erienne, I think we have gotten a bad start…”

I didn’t let him finish. “How do you know my name!” My voice was high and sharp.

For a moment he seemed surprised, it was hard to tell for nothing really changed. No pause. He just seemed less arrogant for a short moment.

“We know a lot of things…”

“We? Who are you? And what do you need me for?” I crossed my arms. Now that I finally was alone with the ’Lord’ I wanted my answerers.

“It seems like I have no choice but to inform you, but I warn you; once you know there is no way back.”

“Just tell me!” I was sick of being treated like a lesser being. It didn’t matter what he said as long as I got an explanation for this crazy situation.

“Fine.” He made a short pause, like he regretted to agree. “Erienne there are a lot of things you don’t know about the world. Like the existence of the Alius; others. Someone else, someone not human. We have a big diversity, not all of us are bound to a human-like appearance or to what you think are the rules of the universe.”

I was not sure if I believed him. “And what does that make you then? A vampire?”

”No, I am an Elf;” He said sounding insulted, “I am Eidan the Exiled and lord of the Alius in this city."

If it were not for the fact that Eidan seemed to be death serious of what he just said I would have started to laugh, elves, yeah right.

“You are not saying anything.”

“I’m not sure if I believe you.”

Then someone knocked on the door.

“I am sorry to interrupt. But we have results my Lord.” Luwin looked at me and smiled, I didn’t smile back.

“Seems like our little talk is over.” Eidan rose, “Luwin; bring Erienne to her chamber and give her some books about the Alius, I’m afraid I did not get to answer all of her questions.”

He was right about that, Luwin had entered while a million had formed in my head

“Luwin,” I asked after we had passed through what I now knew was Eidan’s bed chamber. “What is this room used for?”

“It is here my Lord usually would keep a mistress. But more important matters first, what would you like to know more about?”

He had changed the subject too fast, had there been other girls kept in my room? But the change of subject worked it’s magic.

“Your ears. I would like to see your ears.” If Eidan had spoken truly then Luwin also had to be an Elf.

“If it pleases you, but you shouldn’t let yourself be deceived by appearance Erienne. The power to conceal what makes us different is one of the many gifts the Alius have.” He brushed away the golden wheat hair, reviling a pointed ear.

Not quite like the ones I had seen in movies and not very different from human ears either. Just longer and ended in a sharp point with a small earlob of the same shape.

“Now, I would recommend you this; it tells of the different species of the Alius. And this one that is about our early history.” He said and handed me two thick books.

“I can’t read this…” I said disappointed as I turned the first page to only see lots of gibberish signs.

“Close your eyes.”

As I did I Luwin touched my eyelids while he said something I did not catch. His touch was light and I barely noticed it when he no longer touched me.

“Now open them, and you should be able to read.”

He was right, what earlier had been unreadable was now written in the roman alphabet and more importantly in English.

“Thank you.” I said with suprise, yesterday Luwin had stricken me as cruel as Eidan.

“My pleasure Erienne.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A coromandel screen is basically a decorated Chinese screen.
And still no real explanations for Erienne, but she will get one eventually. I also hope the change of narative style for the fist paragraph dosen't break to much, I choose to do it differently since it's not seen by Erienne but I still find it important to the story.