Status: Newest character profile: Luwin, next Ramio

An Urban Fairytale

The Mare

The books Luwin had given me about the Alius were a good read, like Eidan had said there were a lot of different types, which I for my personal amusement thought of as M&M: Magical and Mythical creatures.

Among their ranks elves weren’t the only ones who had a human like appearance, the book mentioned shapeshifters, werewolves, mares, sirens and others I had never heard of.

But to my disappointment vampires were not listed among them, it would just be so cool if they existed too.

The book moved on to creatures less human like, dwarfs and goblins to those who were more animal. I was just reading about unicorns when someone knocked my door.
“Come in.” While I was reading I had forgotten that I actually should be rather pissed. Marking the page I looked up to see a girl of strange beauty enter.

She was my height, but so skinny that she would without a doubt be anorectic if she were human.

Her skin was light except for around the eyes were it were dark, almost like the markings on a panda. The eyes had no white in them, but were a clear medium blue with huge pupils.

Her hair was long and wispy, and as dark as the skin around her eyes.

“Lord Eidan has commanded me that I help to choose your evening dress.” She spoke, voice just a whisper.

The words made me shiver, I had not noticed her lips; they were the same white color of her skin, but what really scared me was how dark her tongue was.

When she came closer I could feel her unpleasant and gloomy aura and I now was sure about what she was. A Mare, an Alius that gave you bad dreams.

“Yes, I would be most thankful for your help.” I said politely, had Eidan sent her to prove some point? Whatever his reasons were I was not going to get on her bad side.

The mare smiled, “I’m Ynn, does it feel better now? Humans are a bit more sensitive. Around my own I never have to hold back, we spin each other sweet stories and whirl around all night.”

The aura now felt lighter, not nearly as bad as it had at first. “That sounds...”

“Oh, it is,” Ynn said in an exited whisper as she led me to the closet. “On a night where there are many of us, we whip up the winds and bend it to our will. Wilder storms are seldom seen than when there are thousands of us coming together to dance.”

Ynn continued to talk as she took out different dresses from the closet, some of them made and meant for Alius, but I saw a few I could have sworn I had seen in a fashion magazine.

“The little kids and even grown men are affected by our tale, tossing and turning in bed. Some wakes up screaming.” A smile played over her pale lips. “Now this looks good on you, or would you like something different?”

What I was wearing was much like the dress I had been wearing earlier, long arms, long skirt and a soft, but heavy fabric.

“Maybe something lighter.”

“Yes, it might be for the better. Your name was Erienne was it not?”

I gave a nod and with Ynn’s help I got out from the dress.

“You must tell me about yourself, might be I have flown by your window once.”

Spending time with the Mare was more pleasant than I would have thought, considering she was a creature that enjoyed giving people nightmares. Time flew by and at last we found a dress that we both agreed looked good on me.

It was more modern looking, jet black and followed my figure closely. The skirt wasn’t too long and it felt a lot freer than the earlier dresses.

“As it happens, it suits the occasion to.” Ynn said as she slid matching shoes on my feet. “Now, your hair, nothing to complicated but some subtle changes will do.”

“Stunning, Lord Eidan will be pleased.” She exclaimed when I was done.

She was right, I couldn’t remember ever wearing a dress that looked so right and Ynn had worked wonders with my hair.

There were another knock on the door; this time it was Luwin.
“Erienne you look...” He had clearly spoken without thinking, but soon collected himself. “Beautiful.” Now sounding courtlier than before. He smiled at both of us. “Ynn, I am sure that my Lord Eidan will be pleased with your work.”

Ynn bowed her head. “Fulfilling my Lords wishes are a pleasure.”

“Now Erienne, Lord Eidan is awaiting your company in the great hall.” He offered me his arm and I said my thanks to Ynn before I went with him.

“You should be aware that there are other Alius dining here tonight, as well as my Lords other guest.” Luwin said it as warning before he opened a double door and music came out.

The great hall wasn’t big enough to earn its name, but still big enough for around fifty to dine there.

Down in a corner there was a grand piano, and it was there the wonderful music came from. Played with such precision and feeling it was unlike anything I have heard before. When the player was done applause filled the hall, but it was a tame sound compared to the richness of the piano.

Luwin walked with me longer into the room and I recognized Eidan's silvery hair, he was talking to the player, to just use two words he was dark and handsome.

But that wasn’t enough to describe him. His build was tougher than that of Eidan, and he had rough unpolished features, combined with his muscles it gave him an odd dangerous beauty.

His hair was dark as shadows in winter, long around his neck, shorter in front, but still with bangs. Now we were much closer I saw that he was higher than me with at least a head and that his eyes were dark purple.

I had never seen purple eyes before. And now I wondered why nature denied humans the beautiful color.

“Warren, this is Erienne, my guest.” Eidan must have known that we were the ones who walked over to them.

Warren moved forward, shorting down the distance between us in a flash. To my shock as much as both Eidan and Luwin’s he grabbed my wrist, but then gently lowered himself and kissed my hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” His voice was dark, and now my face was red. Warren had hungry look in his eyes. Eidan coughed. Luwin raised a brow at him, but finally Warren let go of my hand.

“Now, I think the food I served.” Eidan turned out to the rest of the people in the room. “Everyone please be seated.”

Again Luwin offered me his arm, he lead me to the table and acted as a gentleman drawing back the chair for me. But however he did not sit down.

“Aren’t you going sit with me?” A sudden wave of fear hit me.

“I’m sorry Erienne. But my Lord requires my service.” It was hard to be mad at him, he didn’t look like he wanted to go. But I couldn’t forgive him now, not when he let me alone with a bunch of strangers.

Strangers that were not human.
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The next chapter is currently being written, I'm a little unsure about it but seeing as it's 90% done I might run with it. It won't change much, but it will block out certain possibilities.
Your opinions are greatly appreciated!