Status: Newest character profile: Luwin, next Ramio

An Urban Fairytale

The Guest

“Is he okay?” I asked and broke the heavy silence in the cab.

“He will manage.” The shapeshifter smiled at me, “thank you for your help, I’m Rowana.” She suddenly bit her lip as if she was about to say more but changed her mind at the last minute.

“Why did Eidan kidnap you brother?” I asked, looking out of the window seeing streaks of light pass by. We drove in an urban area but I wasn’t sure if I recognized it, but it couldn’t be to far from home.

“Eidan needed something, and my elder brother refused him.” Rowana shrugged, but I was sure things weren’t as simple.

We didn’t speak much more. Rowana was busy stroking her little brother’s hair and my thoughts started to drift around home. Home... my stomach suddenly tied itself into a tight knot. How long had I been away?

If my parents had come home while I was away they must surly go mad with worry, they had probably already contacted the police. I tried to count the days in my head, but I had missed so much and been kept locked up and therefore had no chance to know how much time had passed.

“When did Eidan have your brother kidnapped?” I asked, tugging my nails into the seat.

“Two days ago, why?”

Good, my parents would still be out of town for two days. Relived I leaned back in the seat and let my eyes close…

“Erienne,” a hand was gently touching my shoulder and I became aware of the cold air that rolled into the taxi. “We’re right outside your home now.”

“Okay…” I yawned and loosened the seatbelt before I stumbled out.

“Want me to follow you inside? Eidans court will be one the move in a few hours.”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll just stay inside till my parents return, besides I don’t think he know where I live.”

“Are you sure?” Rowana sounded worried, was there any chance that Eidan actually would come here?

“I.. ..I will be fine.”

“If you think so.” Rowana went back inside the taxi and I turned around to face my home.

I didn’t hear the taxi leave. I was too distracted by the sight in the front yard. The car was home, my mother was home. Blinking in disbelief I braced myself as I walked up to the door and drew one final breath before I drew the handle down. Open.

Lights were on, I closed the door and two seconds after that I saw my mother come out of the kitchen.

“Erienne where have you been!” She stomped her foot like a child, it was one of her odd quirks and her eyes shot fire at me.

“I’ve been with a friend, I’m sorry I forgot my cell.” I answered hastily. No lied. She would never believe he truth.

”Do you have any idea of what time it is? Have you been drinking and what are you wearing?!”

I realized I was still in the dress Ynn had picked out, and my mother’s words started to make sense to me. I must look like I just got home from a party.

“No, I burrowed the dress from Rowana, the one I was with. And please you know me; I don’t drink. Nothing happened; can I please go to bed?” I needed time to think, take a shower and get out of the dress. And most importantly time for my mother to cool off.

Her expression turned soft, she wasn’t one to forget about this but she was smart enough to know that this was not the time to discuss responsibility with me.

“Fine, but I want you up and dressed by 11 sharp, got it?”

“Thanks…” I stumbled up the stair and into my room where I striped out of the dress, leaving it in a ball on the floor. And then I slipped in under my covers.

When I awoke it was ten thirty, it was my rumbling stomach that woke me and I grabbed a old t-shirt from my computer chair and went over my mess to the closet where I found some clean jeans. Oh how I had missed them…

Down in the kitchen my mom surprised me with pancakes, while my dad sat hidden behind the newspaper. Sometimes grumbling to himself.

“I thought you would be hungry.” My mother smiled brightly.

“Thanks mom. What’s the occasion?” I asked as i sat down by the table.

“Why do I need an occasion to make something good for my child?” She asked voice almost singing as I took my first bite of the pancake.

“Where were you yesterday, somewhere fancy? And you certainly need to introduce me to that friend of yours, Rowana was it? She must really be… fashionable to own a dress like that. I know! I can drive you so you can deliver it back.”

Halfway through her talking I had tried to swallow, but now it felt like the pancake was choking me.

My mother saw my shocked expression, “Well that has to wait until you have removed all the weed from the backyard of course.”

Finally getting the piece down was no relief. I needed an answer, “Dad, do I have to?” disagreeing with her punishment was probably the best way to make her forget about Rowana for a while.

“You should listen to your mother; she is the one who is good at parenting.”

My mother nodded in triumph while I frowned.

“Now finish up dear, we have a huge backyard.” Then she went out from the kitchen and I could hear that she switched on the TV in the living room. Probably tuning in on some celebrity show.

“Just do as she wants Erienne, she’s just happy that you are home safe.”

I gave him a silent reply and left half of the pancakes on the plate before I went to get everything needed to terminate weeds.

The weather was warm and cloudy. My nails were stained with dirt and sore from removing those wildly resisting plants. It was nearing dinner time when I finally was allowed back inside.

After dumping the equipment in the garage I went up and took a shower. And then went back to my room to think out further excuses.

To my surprise I saw a small brown bird sitting in my reading lamp. Seeing me it flew forward and out to the middle of the floor where it suddenly got bigger and then Rowana was standing in front of me.

She looked prettier than before, feathers were attached in her hair and she was wearing some kind of tunic with a fur west over. It was the west that was interesting it was made of different colored patches of fur and was completely symmetric, among the colors in the front two big parts of fox red really stood out.

“You seemed surprised to see me” When I didn’t answer it was her turn to be surprised. “Oh, it’s not like that.” She quickly said and touched the red fur. “My brother is well and healthy. This fur is mine.”

“Oh” I said with relief.

“I’m bringing you a message from my brother the king. He wishes to meet you, and to thank you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This turned out longer than I thought, the plan was to get all the scenes at home done within a chapter but it just wouldn't fit. So if I manage to do the pacing right we will get to now more about Rowana and her family in the second half of the next chapter.