Status: Completed

The Boys and Girls in the Clique

Part 2

The Next Day
"Frank stop drooling, man, seriously. It's annoying," Gerard growled.
Ahh, the pleasures of having the same timetable as this lovely gentlemen,Frank thought.
"I'm not drooling," Frank replied bluntly.
"You are and I know who you're thinking about."
"I'm not."
"I agree," Ray joined in, they both looked to him, "with Gerard."
Gerard smirked and Frank shook his head.
"I will agree with Frankie though, on his recently exposed notion that she is rather attractive," Ray went on, Gerard furrowing his eyebrows at his choice in language. "Maybe it's in the way her hair flows gloriously around her delicate shoulders. Or how she simply glides through the corridors without a care in the world. Or how she doesn't spend hours upon hours painting her face, much like the types Gerard-"
"Ray, buddy, what have you taken?" Gerard cut in.
"English language with Miss. Chamberlyn," upon saying this, Ray sighed.
"You sure no drugs?" Gerard confirmed.
Ray sighed with frustration, not dream this time. "I don't need drugs to make me happy, you pill-popper."
"Hey now," Gerard said putting his hands up, "no need for name calling."
"God, she has a way with words that woman. And she's so beautiful, it's hard to believe she hasn't been captured and hidden in the highest room in the highest tower."
"What are you banging on about?" Gerard grumbled rubbing his temples.
"Miss Chamberlyn," Frank clarified.
Ray smiled at her name.
Gerard grimaced.
"Right, thats it! Ignoring you boys isn't getting me anywhere. Get out of my classroom. I don't care where you go, just get out of my sight," the teacher shouted, exasperated at the three of them.
Gerard snorted, Ray laughed and Frank groaned. They got their things together and left the sniggering classroom.
"Where shalt we reside noweth?" Gerard asked after dawdling down the hallway for approximately only 20 seconds.
"I'm going to the study room," Frank said walking ahead.
"Since when the fuck have you wanted, sorry, done studying?" Gerard shrieked.
Ray mimicked his confused look, then realisation washed over his face. "Since he noticed his new crush goes there when she has free periods."
"How do you even know she has a free period now?" Gerard whined following his friends to the study room.
"She must do. She doesn't take woodwork, home-ec or any kind of tech class," Ray said.
"And how do you know?" Gerard asked acidly.
"What's up with you? You won't catch anything from the study room," Frank said with attitude, getting sick of Gerard's childishness.
"Chyeah, you're the one likely to catch something," Gerard snorted for the second time in 5 minutes.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Frank asked bitterly, knowing the answer.
"I'm saying," Gerard had his back to the study room door, his hand on the handle, "that your wannabe fuck probably has every disease going as well as dork-itus," he said while opening the door behind him.
Franks eyes immediately hit hers. He smiled. She looked uncomfortable.
"Oh look," Gerard said giddily. "Speaking of the princess!"
"Don't be a fuck, Gerard," Frank warned him and went and sat at the desk in front of her.
Ray sat besides him, Gerard, however, sat right next to her.
"Hi!" He said with the biggest, fake smile. She looked at him then back to her book."Golly jeepers that sure is a lovely sweater you have on," Gerard went on.
She was wearing a hoodie. "Goodness, how delightful of you to notice," she replied smiling just as wide.
Gerard sneered.
"What are you studying?" Frank asked her.
She looked at him. "Well, I was trying to study history," she smiled in a way that said he wasn't bothering her, other people however...
"I take that, if you need any help-"
"I know, you're in my class and thanks."
He smiled at her, he knew perfectly well he was in her class; he'd stared at her the whole hour, undisturbed as he sat alone, the past few lessons.
"I'm Ray," Ray said interrupting their stare.
Dilana looked to him and smiled back, unsurely. "Hi, I'm-"
"-Dilana, cute name. Frankie-boy here talks about ya a lot," Ray said clapping Frank's shoulder, making him and the girl blush.
"I'm gonna be sick," Gerard said moving to the back of the class popping the window open and lighting up a cigarette, since they were all alone in the room.
"So, when you're done studying history wanna eat lunch together?" Frank asked, externally coolly, but internally rather nervously.
She snapped her gaze at him quickly with her mouth open.
Another game?She wondered. Can I nonchalantly decline? Or would that be obvious? What would we talk about? Awkward silence? He needs an answer before I take an idiot's amount of time to form an answer.
"Sure." She squeaked. Where did that come from?
Great! Frank thought, but nodded. "Cool".
He's being so relaxed about this, it must be some kind of trick. So? So, what if it is? Would I really be bothered if he tried to embarrass me? I'd get over it, and I don't mind looking stupid, I do whenever my mom makes me wear stupid heals that make me fall over. Just chill. The worst that could happen is he murder me...But that's just silly.
"Gerard Way! Put that cancer stick out this minute and come with me now!" A shrill voice came from the doorway
Everybody jumped. Frank groaned. Delana smirked. Gerard raised an eyebrow. Ray made choking motions as Gerard walked past them, the condemned man.
"Busted big-time dude," Ray laughed.
Gerard simply gave him the finger. "So, you saucy minx, where are you taking me? Round the back? In your office? Wherever you want me baby," Gerard said standing rather closely to the young, new female teacher standing in the doorway.
She stammered. "Just follow me, young man," she scolded and walked away.
Gerard gave the guys thumbs up. "I'm in there!" he exclaimed and skidded after her.
"So, what are you doing tonight?" Frank asked, as he and Delana found a bench to sit at alone.
"Erm-" she trailed off.
"Oh, I went to 'erm' yesterday, they love me there. Tell 'em you know me and they'll give you the best seats," Frank joked making her feel a little less tense.
"I have no plans," she clarified with a smile playing on her face.
"Good. Me neither. But now we both do," Frank said biting his sandwich that made Delana's face contort with revolt, as it didn't look particularly healthy, tasty or edible.
"Uhm-" she tried to move her eyes to Frank's. "And what exactly are your plans?"
"Well-" he swallowed then frowned. "What do you wanna do?"
"Me? I was asking what your plans were, not mine," she said, stifling a smile.
"Yeah-?" Frank said not getting it.
"Why would what I want to do make any difference to your plans tonight?" She went on.
She was about to sigh when he twigged.
"You know what I meant," he said fake glaring.
"Haven't a clue, I'm afraid."
Frank exaggeratedly exhaled. "Would you like to go out with me tonight?" He asked.
"Sure," she giggled.
Frank smiled at her with an away look on his face, which made her begin to shift uncomfortably in her seat.
What am I doing agreeing to spend time with him? Lunch is one thing, but this might be too much. What am I getting into? He has never done anything to suggest he is trustworthy.
"Ok, so, what do you wanna do?" he asked getting the conversation back on track.
"Volunteer at the old folks home."
He choked. "You're kidding right?" He asked spluttering.
She laughed, "Yeah."
"Phew. They smell like piss."
"No, they don't," she frowned.
"Ok, the majority do."
"No, they don't."
"Ok, some do."
"No, they don't."
Frank made a noise. "Do you have any proof that they don't?" He asked, not liking the repetition.
"Do you have proof that they do?" She replied with a cocky smile.
"Let's stop talking about old people piss," he reasoned.
"Yes please," she said making a face. "Well how about we-" she stopped as she saw Frank focusing behind her, she turned and saw her friend, Stacy stood nervously behind them.
"Hi," Dilana greeted.
"Can I talk to you quickly?" Stacy asked, never taking her eyes off Frank.
"Sure, two seconds," she said the last bit to Frank who smiled and nodded.
"What are you doing with Frank Iero?" Stacy asked quietly when they were out of his earshot.
"Eating lunch."
"I know, but, well, with Frank Iero?"
"Yeah, I know. I don't know what's gotten into him either."
"What's Frank Iero like?" Stacy asked in wonder.
"He's nice, surprisingly," Dilana replied.
"So, are you friends with Frank Iero?"
"I don't know really, and he's not a god, stop using his full name," Dilana chuckled.
"Sorry, I'm just shocked. The Frank Ieros of the world don't talk to people like us." Stacy said trailing off with a sad look on her face. She then turned her expression into a hard, protective one. "The second he hints that he's got an endeavour or is playing a mean trick, just walk away and I'll be right behind you ok?"
Dilana smiled. "I know you will. Thanks."
"No problem doll-face," Stacy smiled goofily making Dilana laugh. "Well I'll let you get back to your interrogation or whatever you wanna call it."
"Bye," Dilana smiled and went back to take her seat. "Can I ask you a question, well another question?"
"Fire away," Frank said, a flicker of unease in his eyes.
"How come you're being nice to me? If it's charity, I'm not popular but I do have friends."
"What?" Frank snorted.
"Don't act like you don't know. People like you don't associate with people like me."
"Oh, labels huh? Great, I didn't realise you were the same as the rest," Frank said.
It was then Dilana's turn to splutter out the word "What".
"I don't use labels, I was just trying to say it in your language," she reasoned.
"My language? You don't know me," Frank defended.
Delana sighed. "Never mind," she got up and walked away, too tired from the hard week to explain herself.
"Hey!" Frank called but she carried on.

The end of the day
Delana groaned to herself as she saw Frank leaning against her car, she had driven today because she was running late.
"I didn't mean to bitch at you. I just-" Frank exhaled loudly. "I know what you must think, but I'm actually not the stereotypical popular male slut. But, I cant blame you for expecting me to be, I mean look at my friends," he laughed.
She didn't.
He coughed awkwadly.
"You didn't answer my question," she stated.
"Well for starters, your question isn't entirely accurate. When have I ever not been nice to you?" He asked.
"Ok, let me rephrase my question: how come you've started speaking to me, as if we are old friends for that matter."
"Because, I pushed my pride out the way and decided to take the chance I wanted to a year ago," he explained.
"Which is?"
"Trying to make something happen with the gorgeous girl who distracts me in history," he said simply.
She opened her mouth. And closed it. She did this until she worried he would laugh at her fish impression.
"Oh," she stuttered looking at her car.
Inside she was beaming, she realised she was more like the average girl than she thought. Even if she was unsure about this whole situation, it was still humblingly nice to hear a comment like that.
"Can I get a ride home? I walked to see if I'd catch you again but I see you drove," he said also looking at her car.
"You walked to school, so you could talk to me?" She asked, side glancing at him.
He nodded. "Just like I did yesterday."
She blushed, he smiled.
"Jump in," she said walking around to the driver's side.
Red Flag came on as she started the car.
Frank grinned. "Good girl!" He said and air guitared.
She just laughed at him and looked behind them to reverse out.
"So, what are we going to do tonight?" Frank asked after they got out of the school car park.
"I thought we could break out the whips and chains, possibly the nipple clamps. They're startin' to get dusty."
He stared at her with a smile that was expecting her to laugh along but she didn't, she simply stared at the road. He then swallowed hard thinking she was serious, as a few seconds had passed and she didn't retract her statement in any way.
"Right-" he trailed off.
"Gotcha," she giggled her infectious giggle.
Frank breathed hard and laughed with her. "I honestly thought you were serious then!"
"Looks like we need to get to know each other then," she said looking at him quickly then back to the road.
"Exactly my plan, babe," he said leaning back in the chair with a smile on his lips.

- - - - - - - - -

And they blossomed together. Frank knew he would end up falling for her since the first time she looked awkwardly at him. Dilana knew she'd fall for him since the first time he grinned at her from across the corridor. Frank's friends had accepted her, she still got sneering looks from Gerard, but he was coming round. Stacy, Dilana's friend, had stopped calling Frank by his full title, as she got used to him. They realised they had a lot in common, music, Tv, even their birthday was the same.
Tonight, Frank was to pick her up at her house to go out.

That evening
"Hel-lo beautiful," Frank sang, as she opened her front door.
She smiled. "Hi dork."
They laughed. She kissed his lips quickly and softly.
"Come in for a minute, my jacket decided it didn't like its home," she explained.
"You mean you lost it," he said smirking at her.
"No," she said stubbornly. "Obviously, it sprouted legs and ran away."
"Of course it did, honey," Frank replied stroking her hair and kissing her cheek.
"Assmunch," she muttered making Frank smile. She grabbed his hand and led him to her lounge. "Just make yourself at home, I won't be a minute."
Frank was about to reply when his eyes turned to the size of saucers. Dilana furrowed her eyebrows at him and followed his gaze.
"Mom?" Frank said bewildered.
"I know I said make 'yourself at home', but I didn't mean call my mother 'mom'." Dilana whispered.
Frank swallowed. "No. She-"
"Frank, when did you come back to Jersey?" Dilana's mother said, just as bewildered.
"When did you start to care about me, mom?" Frank replied bitterly.
"What's going on?" Dilana asked, joining the bewildered train and letting go of Frank's hand.
"Sweetheart, this is your, I guess long-lost, twin brother Frank."
"You mean abandoned," Frank scorned.
In horrified shock Dilana replied, "what?".
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading.