Fairy Dust

Laugh Out Loud (LOL)

Mikey's POV

It's either we are all really fast or those guys have terrible aim! We all crouched in the frosted bushes with flushed faces and our labored breaths visible in the cold air. It was Gerard who grinned first then burst out into a fit of laughter. I looked over at Frank who was looking around at everyone else who was laughing as well. I guess this was the first stage of insanity. I began laughing too then Frank followed. Soon I could hardly breathe I was laughing so hard. It took maybe five minutes to recover.

"Once more men, we have cheated death." Gerard smiled but how long could we keep this game up? We rested for about an hour then moved on in the opposite direction from the stationary train, the people were still crawling all over it and now had the passengers out in the bitter weather. It had begun raining. A cold and harsh rain poured down and drenched us. My teeth chattered and longed for the warmth of a house and a bowl of soup. My stomach growled. Once more the elements of January challenged us. My boots sloshed in the melting snow and I wondered where we were.

Frank's POV

So cold. So hungry. I reached down and took and handful of snow and let it melt in my mouth. I almost envied Ray, he was being shielded from the rain but I felt bad for both. Danger was getting soaked and Ray had to carry the extra weight. I trudged along at the back of the group keeping my gloved hands in my pants for extra warmth. All we heard was our footsteps. The forest was silent over all. I am surprised we haven't seen a wild animal yet. The dull light lit our path through the overcast skies. I sighed and watched my breath dance in the cold air then leave for more to appear.

Gerard's POV

I lead everyone through the winding trees in the direction I guessed as south. We were following the tracks a safe distance away. Once and a while were would see the black snake-like tracks with slushy snow covering the wooden boards between the tracks. The plan was to follow until we reached a remote town where we would set up camp in an abandoned house until the weather warmed and in proved. Would the guys be okay with that? I was the oldest and the leader, I know what's best, right? So much pressure, they are relying on me to get them to California all alive! It winter for fucks sake! My brain is screaming. It wants to know where we are. I look around, all I see are trees, bushes and... what's that up ahead?