Fairy Dust


Gerard's POV

A sign! BEfore the others really noticed it I sprinted ahead to read the clear white letters that were blown over by slushy snow. I wiped it off with my hand. Welcome To Denver, Colorado. I gaped at the sign. Half way... we were half way to freedom. I jumped in the air and began dancing and randomly screaming joyously. Mikey approached first and read the sign.

"More then half way..." he grinned. I hugged him but quickly pulled away awkwardly, our relationship was broken.

"So close yet so far." Danger sighed contently but his smile was strained. We still had a long journey to go. Frank didn't dance or celebrate with us, no, he sat on a dry rock in the shadows of the trees. We were beside the road now and on the otherside, the train tracks. We stayed hidden but Frank was far from us, more like where we came from at the edge of the trees. I decided to speak to him and sort things out. I trudged back and saw his small frame outlined by the setting sun.

"Frank?" he didn't turn around. "Frank, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." he mumbled. I was going to say something like 'you can trust or tell me.' but that would be stupid because after the past events I can probably wish I would get shot and drop dead.

"Listen Frank..."

"Go away." he sniffled. He was crying? I walked closer and quietly as possible. I put my hand on his shoulder and he flinched as if I would strike him.

"Frank, please tell me whats wrong?"

"Your what's wrong!" he jumped up and glared at me feircly.