Fairy Dust

Carry On

Frank's POV

"Gerard!" I heard Mikey scream and run back to where we came. I turned to see Gerard on the ground. He looked dead to me. "Gee? Speak to me? Gerard?" quiet sobs escaped Mikey as he knelt down and shook Gerard until we heard a groan.

"My leg." he mumbled. Mikey slowly went to his leg and rolled up the pant leg and gasped. A fresh flow of tears started.

"Why didn't you say anything?" he whispered. I didn't hear Gerard's response. Bob walked over and carefully picked Gerard up and like he had with Danger, began to carry him. Now we had two men out of commission. I bit my lip as we once more began to slowly trek down the highway.

The land was sandy but still cold. A bitter wind played with my hair as I hugged myself to stay warm. Up ahead was what looked like a town. It was small and looked deserted. We picked up speed and soon we were jogging towards the town.

"Help!" MIkey called out. "Is anyone here? My brother needs help!" he began crying again. He approached a house and began pounding on the door with his fists. "Help us!" I too went to a house and called for help. The door I was beating on opened to reveal an old woman who looked like she had a Mexican background. When she spoke it was in a tongue I didn't understand. Was she a native?

"Bob! Bring Gee over here!" I haven't called him that in a long time. When the woman saw Bob approach with Gerard her eyes widened and she began to string a dialect of words together faster and faster. She ushered Bob inside and pointed to a clear table where he lay the man. Gerard's face was twisted in pain and was paler then usual. Bob pointed to his injured leg. The rest of my companions filed into what I guess was the living room. The woman examined the wound carefully. She left for a minute to come back with clean water and herbs. How could she grow such things in a place like this. She began to clean the wound harshly. Gerard began to scream. Mikey fainted.

"It's okay Gee." Danger said. He was sitting in a chair with Ray and Bob beside him. I stood standing with Mikey on the floor. Ray dragged him onto his lap so he wouldn't be in the way of the working woman. I bit my lip again and approached to hold his hand. He opened his eyes and blinked away tears of pain.

"It will be okay." I said.