Fairy Dust

Dog Tags

*Frank's POV*

I stared up at the dark ceiling. The nurse had set up two beds in the hospital for Mikey and I to stay. He snored quietly beside me but I couldn’t sleep. Gerard came out of surgery but the doctor refused to talk with us and the nurse wasn’t too happy to settle us down and not worry about Gee. Now I wondered if he still loved me after that moment where I sided with Mikey when his parents were left behind. I still think it's foolish he went back, what if the Anarchists killed him before the army got there? What would happen then?

Gerard was only on the other side of the room but I longed to be cuddled up with him but I know I can’t. He's too sick right now and the fight wasn’t over. Did Mikey feel the same way? Did he want to be friends with his brother again? Or was he changed so much that it didn’t matter? Just seeing him today in the shower seemed like old times, before the war of course. That was only a few days ago, war could last weeks, months or years.

As I rolled over to get more comfortable, I heard metal clink. Though the mattress was lumpy, I don’t think it was made of completely metal. I reached under my pillow and felt around for the source of the sound but found nothing. Settling back down, the sound arose again and I was destined to find the source. I checked the metal head board and felt a thin chain tied to the bar. With time, I untied the chain. They were some body’s dog tags. The person was either dead or home by now because nobody was checked in this hospital besides Gerard but he was no soldier. I pulled the thin blankets off and stood up and left the hospital to wander the dim hallways in my donated military PJ's. I squinted in the dimness to read the writing on the tags. Harrison Brown. He was a plain American soldier. It didn’t say when he checked in or out of the hospital but the question tugged at my mind, did Harrison Brown ever check out?
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Sorry for boring all of you, it's just a filler. Real updates very soon, promise!! Comments? xxooo