Fairy Dust


Mikey's POV

Gerard and Frank seemed quite calm as the morning mist drifted through the forest. Our fire from the night before now lightly smoked and the ground was damp from morning dew. The snow was melting but would soon return in fierce blizzards and extreme cold, it was still only January. We needed to hurry if we were going to make it to Cali.

We drank our fill of cold water and watched to see if another lazy fish would swim by. None did so we moved on without a word. Ray carried a sleepy looking Danger on his back while Bob and my brother rested. We reached an open field and stopped. Soldiers could be on patrol and it would put our lives in danger, no pun intended. I volunteered to check it out while the others waited patiently in the protection of the trees.

I army crawled my way through the thick grass. The melting snow on the ground mad and it difficult not to get soaked through, I was thoroughly damp from the dew. Not hearing any gunfire forced me to raise my head to look around. Surely the enemy would have already spotted me if there was any threat. We were out in the country and far from any city or town. Only farmland surrounded us. I looked around at the trees. No rifles glared back at me and I could see no grey uniforms that The Anarchists wore. I got the to middle of the field wear a fence blocked my path. I waved to my companions and I could see their blurry forms walk across the field.

"I'll check this part here." they nodded and I was beginning to think it wouldn't matter if I died to them. I climbed over the wooden boards and continued crawling through the terrain. Wet grass stuck to me and I was covered in mud. Animals must live in here because I think I crawled in poo. I parted some tall weeds and came face to face with....
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I am so sorry to everyone!!! I havn't had time to update! Again I'm really really sorry!!!