Status: Rewritting!

She's in Control


The Montague coven were formed in the late 1400s. Charles,Duke of Orleans, had four children. The eldest was Jeanne. She was the outcome of Charles' first marriage. She was turned in 1432 by a newborn vampire. She was 23 years old.

When Charles remarried, he birthed two more daughters and a son, who would later become King Louis XII. Marie was the eldest. She married John of Foix and had two children. While on a family picnic, she was attacked by a mysterious sparkling stranger. She would never forget those blood red eyes, even in her immortal life. After realizing that she could never again see her children, she fled from France and started a new life in rainy London, stuck forever at her 36 year old state in 1493.

Anne was the youngest, and definitely the most wild. After the death of her beloved sisters, she changed her ways and became an Abbess of Fontevrault. The nuns showed her the error of her ways and taught her the rights. While on a walk to the local brewery, she was mugged and assaulted. Luckily a bystander had witnessed the attack and did the only thing possible for her to survive. Anne was turned in 1491 by none other than her elder sister; Jeanne.

Francois Villon was a famous poet of the 1400s. Villon became bitter toward the rich and was driven deeper into his involvement with the criminal contingent. His writing was well known do to it's lingo and its attacks on many well known people and institutions.He engaged in a short romantic affair with a young lady and later received a humiliating thrashing because of it. This woman had in fact been impregnated and couldn't inform Villon of it due to the fact that he had fled from France. Constance had birthed and raised young Genevieve before her time was done.

At the age of two Genevieve grew up in an orphanage and knew the hardships of life. While living in the Ghettos of France she had experienced all that she could. She took her life at the age of seventeen. What she failed to notice was the group of three men following her.

Aro turned Genevieve in 1470. He thought that she had shown potential in becoming Marcus's new wife. Genevieve did not like that idea and quickly fled from Italy, back to France in search of vampires like herself, ones with golden eyes.

Not but a year later till she found the three sisters living off the coast of Calais. She joins there coven and lives off the blood of animals.
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I know this one kind of sucks and I'm sorry for that.
It's just the beginning and I thought background information would make sense.
The poets are real and Charles' four children, as well as the dates.
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This is my story. Stealing is a fellany.
© 2009 Mademoiselle Soleil.