Status: Rewritting!

She's in Control


Blackfriars, London; 23 April, 1616

William Shakespeare was murdered today. Me and my family are on our way to comfort his family. We were very close to him due to our fathers' interest in poetry. William had known about our kind. He had even based one of his many plays about the love of my 'mother' and her mate, Demetri. My family had been very cautious towards their marriage.

Demetri was one of the crimson-eyed vampires. He follows in the footsteps of the one who I had been once betrothed to, as well as the man that had changed me. He was one of their many guards. They now call themselves The Volturi. They reside in Volterra, Italy, protecting the city as well as vampirism secrecy.

That's a load of rubbish if you ask me. Aro and his little friends parade around, acting as if they rule the world. They force people to do whatever they want and murder helpless and innocent beings. Caius for instance. He gets attacked by a werewolf once and what does he do, hunt down the whole lot of them to nearly extinction.

Aro isn't any better. If you don't follow his orders, you immediately sentenced to death. You'd be lucky to ever even think about fighting against him. As soon as he caught word that William knew about us, he killed him.

Yes, the famous William Shakespeare was killed by the 'king' of vampires for his obese amount of knowledge. Bloody nutter that one is. He was a kind heart though. Once he found out that the 'saint' Anglican pastor was starting to get suspicious about my family, he stuck up for us. Cullen wasn't too happy about that

Cullen. That righteous bastard. Trying to hunt down all of us. Free the world of our blood thirsty and sinful ways. What he is too ignorant to realize is that while he is killing all of these innocent people, the real villains are taking over. Heard his wife is pregnant. Great, another one of those horrid beings running a muck. Oh well, we'll be out of here by that time.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Cullen mentioned would be Carlisle's grand father.
His wife is pregnant with Carlisle father.
Just thought I'd give you a little insight at to how they know Carlisle.
If you didn't get what the play was comment and I might tell you.
It will get better in the next chapter.
I promise.
It's all written in Genevieve's point of view unless I mention otherwise.