Status: Rewritting!

She's in Control


London, England;1663

It was dark out tonight. There was no moon on our side of the world. It left all us night crawlers in an eerie place. Most of our kind had all hidden away in the sewers, waiting for the perfect time to strike. I, along with my family, on the other hand had obtained a certain diet allowing us to live amongst the humans. It had gotten us by for the past 200 some odd years.

Marie had officially moved back with Demetri. We were happy that she had found her mate. Well most of us any way. Anne was incredibly jealous. She had been living for nearly 172 years. She expected every male to be fawning over her, of course they did but only for her beauty. She always wanted a man to look at her the way Demetri looks at our 'mother'. She now has a vendetta against any unnatural beings that give any emotion other than pure hatred. Can't really blame her though. I am a bit envious myself. But I guess my time will come.

Jeanne and myself, were now on a stroll through the city. As dark as it was, I found it rather peaceful. Jeanne being the nosy one that she was, decided to tag along.

"Come on Genevieve! Let's go home already. I don't like this side of town," Jeanne whined, tugging on my hand.

"I don't know why you came with me in the first place. And besides, you are the oldest out of all of us, shouldn't you be the more, oh I don't know, courageous?" I replied back with a smug smirk.

"Oh piss off," she growled back.

It was quiet from then on. As we passed the tunnel to the underground road, there was a shrill scream. We froze in our tracks.

"Oh come on Gen, let's go back now," I heard Jeanne whisper behind me.

"Shh, listen. Someone's hurt down there. Come on lets go check it out." I tiptoed towards the entrance before being yanked back.

"No! Are you crazy?! Come on let's just head back home. It was nothing," she begged me.

I started dragging her in, "No Jay. Someone's in trouble down there. We can't just leave them."

I heard her groan before intertwining out fingers. The dark enveloped us. I could hear her looking back every now and then. As we went deeper into the tunnel we heard a gurgling sound.

"Shh, do you hear that?" I whispered to her.

"Genevieve, permet de sortir d'ici," she whimpered behind me.

"Allez, arrêtez de vous whinning Jeanne," I barked at her.

I carefully looked around the dark place before spotting to figures in the corner. One looked to be crouched over the other. I made my way closer to the figures before stepping on a twig. One of the figures snapped its head up and I saw it's piercing red eyes. Jeanne gasped. It was then that I smelt blood.

My face hardened before I spoke in a demanding voice," Step away from the human."

The newborn let out a hiss before straightening up. "Get out of this town. Stay unseen." My voice was hard. The vampire nodded before taking off. I hated using my powers unless it was necessary.

I looked toward the being on the ground before rushing towards it. I knew this boy. "Jeanne, nous avons pour l'aider. Il n'a pas assez de venin dans le sang. Il pourrait mourir."

"Aller ahead. Turn him. He est votre responsabilité," she retorted.

I could see the light leaving his tear-filled eyes. I quickly wiped them before biting into his neck. He barley squirmed, having already been in so much pain. Before I could drain him completely, I pulled away.

I picked up the quivering man before leaving the tunnel. We followed the shadows back to our home, where I placed the boy in one of the spare rooms.

In three days time, we would have to vacate this area. In three days time, we would have a new addition to our coven. In three days time, Carlisle Cullen would be a vampire.
♠ ♠ ♠
Genevieve, permet de sortir d'ici
Genevieve, lets get out of here.

Allez, arrêtez de vous whinning Jeanne
Come on, stop whinning Jeanne.

Jeanne, nous avons pour l'aider. Il n'a pas assez de venin dans le sang. Il pourrait mourir.
Jeanne, we have to help him. He doesn't have enough venom in his blood. He could die.

Aller ahead.Turn him.He est votre responsabilité
Go ahead. Turn him. But he is your responsiblity.

To all of you French speakers, sorry if any of that is incorecct.
I'm using iGoogle.
Thanks to Inkhandedlady,Billiam.,and ashleyvengeance6661 for the comments.