Sometimes It's Better to Give In

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“Alexander William Gaskarth.” I called as I walked though the house trying to find him.
Sebastian was following me and he was no help. Every time I asked him where Alex was he just wagged his tail at me and wanted me to pet him.
“Rain, where is he?” I asked sticking my head into Rian’s room.
“He was in his room. I don’t know where that kid went.”
“Mmm.” I groaned and then continued down the hall.
Rian had let me in and told me that Alex was in his room. I couldn’t find him in there and now I was sure that he wasn’t in the back of the house. I didn’t see him in the front of it when I walked in so I went into the garage. He wasn’t there either. I was getting frustrated. So I called him.
“Hi.” Alex answered.
“Where are you?” I asked.
“Home. When are you getting here? I’m sad!” Alex whined like a little kid.
“I’m here but I can’t find you. Rian let me in.”
“I’m in the back yard. Where are you?”
“Your room.” I said walking back to his room.
“Be there in a moment.” He said hanging up.
I slid my phone into my pocket and opened up his door. I sat on the edge of his bed and waited for him. Alex came in shirtless and I was distracted when he walked up to me and picked me up in a tight hug.
“Hi babe.” He said.
“Hi Alex.”
“Want to go swim? I was just about to go.” He said pushing me back onto the bed.
“Well I’m not thinking about the pool right now.” I said running my hand down his chest.
He must have shaved because he had no chest hair. That made me sad. I liked his chest hair, and his beard but he hated it.
“What are you thinking?” He asked raising his eyebrows.
“You’re shirtless and on top of me. What do you think?”
“Mmm.” He mumbled in my ear and then started kissing my neck.
With in seconds my heart rate sped up and I was gasping for air. Alex’s hands were traveling. I forgot what I was here to talk to him about, prom. It seemed so insignificant at the moment.
“The door’s open.” I gasped.
“Hold that thought.” Alex said getting up and closing the door.
I tugged my shirt off just to make it easier on him. He came back to me and started up where he left off.
It was just to the point where I would do anything at all just to have him when he looked down at me with a mischievous smile. I knew he was about to do something mean.
“What?” I asked.
“Not now. I want to swim.” He said getting up.
“You are a tease.” I moaned.
“You were at one point. Now it’s my turn. Let’s go swim.” He smiled picking me up off the bed.
“Bathing suit?”
“In my closet. You left it here.” He said nodding at this closet without looking away from me.
I broke from his grasp and went into the closet. I locked him out just to annoy him. He knocked on the door and talked to me through it begging to be allowed in the whole time I changed. I just laughed and then walked out when I was changed.
“Meanie.” He said sticking his lip out.
“Now we’re even.”
I went out to the pool with him following close behind. When we were close enough to the pool I was pushed off balance and landed in the pool. Alex jumped in after me and we both came up laughing.
“You pushed me!” I shouted splashing water in his face.
He laughed and splashed water back. I ducked under the surface and started to swim away when he came after me. I wasn’t fast enough or strong enough to get away from him. He planted a kiss on me while we were underwater and ended up spitting water in my mouth.
I came up for air and spit the water out.
“Thanks.” I said.
Before I said anything else his mouth was against mine again. His arms locked around me and pulled me closer. I kissed back but tried to get away playfully.
“No.” He said though his teeth when he caught my lip.
I laughed and kissed him so he’d release my lip.
Eventually he let me breathe. I took that moment of not having his mouth on mine to talk.
“So I was with Courtney yesterday and she has this little fantasy about prom that’s sort of grown on me.” I began.
“Yea?” Alex asked interested.
“She wants to take Zack and she knows that he will come back for prom with her because he promised. She wants us to be there too because we never got to go to prom together, not as a couple.”
“So I take it you want to go?”
“Yea, and I want to know if you’ll go to prom with me.”
“I will.” Alex said kissing my cheek.
“We’re going to have to get you a fake ID.”
“To make you twenty again. You can’t get in if you’re twenty-one because you can bring in beer.”
“I can fix that.” Alex assured me.
“Cool, Court will be so happy that we can go dress shopping together.”
“Yay!” Alex said like a girl.
“Shut up! You wouldn’t understand.” I said hitting his chest.
“I wish I thought of a way to ask you other than this though. Courtney had a whole thing planned out for Zack.”
“This was good. I liked it.” Alex assured me by kissing me gently on the lips.
“Good.” I said hugging him. “I’m no good at thinking of cute things anyways.”
“All you have to do is smile at me and it works.”
We played in the pool for a little while longer before Jack came flying out the back door and jumped straight into the pool with his normal day clothes on. It reminded me of Alex’s twenty-first birthday party.
“HAI!” Jack squealed popping up between Alex and me.
“Hey Jack.” I smiled messing up with his hair.
“Hey, my clothes are wet now. I should have thought of that.”
Jack swam off and left his shirt on the side of the pool to dry. He tugged off his pants and then swam back over in his boxers. Rian and Kara wondered out after a little while.
Kara slipped into the pool slowly before Rian came up behind her and dunked her head underwater. She came up, obviously mad, but then Rian just shrugged and smiled at her. She couldn’t be mad at him much longer and then kissed him so he knew that he was forgiven.
“Jack, where’s your girl to play with in the pool?” Alex teased.
“Eh, she comes apart in water.” He shrugged. “Actually I’m going to go girl hunting later. Wanna come? I hope girls like chlorine smell.”
“Alex doesn’t need to go girl hunting.” I said.
“Sure he does. You’re terrible. You should hear what he has to say about you.” Jack laughed.
I looked at Alex. He just nodded and shrugged at me. I looked back at Jack.
“You think I’m joking. How funny.” Jack said before climbing out of the pool
“I don’t say anything.” Alex said kissing me.
“I know.”
“I smell like chlorine now! No more body odor!” Jack yelled at the top of his lungs.
“Take a shower Jack.” I splashed water at him. “Don’t use Rian and Alex’s pool.”
“This is my shower!” He squealed jumping for the deep end of the pool.
Alex rolled his eyes. “I can’t believe he is going out girl hunting.”
“Why, he’s cute. That is, if you’re insane.” Kara laughed.
Alex turned his head towards the house. He seemed to think about something for a moment. I watched him curious as to what he was looking at.
“I think someone’s at the door. I’ll be right back.” He said kissing me and then getting out of the pool.
Jack swam up to me and tackled me under the water. It wasn’t how Alex had tackled me before but it was still fun. When I found an opening I pushed against his stomach and came up for air.
Courtney was standing there watching the whole thing and laughing. Alex slid back into the pool and came over to me. He told me to go find Courtney something to swim in since she didn’t have a bathing suit. I kissed Alex and got out of the pool so I could get to Courtney.
We went into the house after I dried myself off with a towel so I wouldn’t drip everywhere.
“So I sent off my idea to Zack this morning. It should get to him in two days. I put it on priority mail because I don’t think I can keep my mouth shut for long enough if I put it in a regular mail.”
“Yay! Did you do that whole shirt cuff and bowtie thing you told me about?”
“Yea. I just don’t know what to do with the mutilated shirt now. I think I shall sleep in it or something.”
“I asked Alex if he wanted to go. We’re in.”
“Okay good. How’d you do it?”
“I just said ‘wanna go to prom?’ and he said yea.”
“I could have come up with something more creative for you.”
I rolled my eyes and opened up the bedroom door. Courtney followed me in.
“Then again you’re a college kid and all mature now.” She said in a mocking tone.
“Oh shut up.” I said walking into the closet.
I found a bathing suit that she could wear among all the clothes on Alex’s closet floor. I made a mental note to clean out his closet later. Maybe he’d find things he was looking for.
Courtney took the bathing suit into the bathroom joining Alex’s room and changed. I waited on the bed for her to come out. Sebastian jumped up on the bed and laid next to me so I would pet him.
She came out ready for the pool. I picked up Sebastian and we went out. Alex saw Sebastian and I.
“Baz!” He yelled.
I put Sebastian down and he ran at the pool. He jumped right into the water and swam over to Alex.
“He swims?” Jack asked confused.
“Yea.” I said sliding back into the cool water. Courtney just jumped in the deep end and came up with a shocked look on her face.
“So cold.” She said.
“That’s the coolest dog ever. He drinks beer and swims. Can I have him?”
“Jack, we’ve been over this before. Sebastian is my baby and you’re not going to have him.”
“Actually he’s my baby,” Alex said, “he just adopted you as his mother.”
“And rightfully so. That makes him my baby too.”
“So then he’s our baby.”
“Okay Alex. You win, I’m sorry.”
He smiled and kissed the side of my head.
The rest of the day we played in the pool. Rian brought out hamburger meat and hot dogs. He fired up the grill and started making dinner for everyone. Jack ate quickly, pulled his clothes back on and then ran out to his car because he forgot to go home and his mom was going to be mad at him. I guess he really wasn’t going girl hunting tonight.
Courtney went home around nine when we were inside the house watching a movie. She had to get home and see what was going on with her mom. Rian and Kara went down to their room for the night.
I curled deeper into Alex’s chest and kissed his neck.
“Mmm.” Alex moaned when I hit his spot.
“Love you.” I said.
“Love you too Darling.” Alex said back.
I melted into my chest. He called me darling and that meant he was in a romantic mood. I got up, he tried to pull me back, and I went into the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine. When I returned he was happy to see the wine.
We curled back up and had our little romantic moment while the wine warmed us up. The warmth of our bodies warmed our feelings. When the wine was gone the feelings still lingered. Alex started saying sweet things and giving me kissed.
“My beloved.” He said before planting a kiss on my lips.
We left out wine glasses on the coffee table and went down to his room. From there he continued with his sweet things and his kisses. When I tried to kiss him back he stopped me. It was all him tonight and he made that clear. Something told me he was in the mood for slow love tonight. I was right.
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So how's this for a second chapter? Is it slow to you guys... it gets better I swear!
Let me know what you think!
Just so you know, some of the chapters will be in first person and then others will be as a narrator. So the next chapter will be in narration. I just don't want you guys to be confused when the next chapter rolls around. I let you know when I change the POV up!

Tension's Like A Fire
ATL with powers from their AP shoot? Sounds fun. Just hope that the human buldozer doesn't make you into a street pizza. (inside joke :D)
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Although I am slightly frustrated with this Garrett Nickelsen story right now, I can't stop reading it. Hooray Becca for writing this!
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Stephie Barakat. Jack Barakat. Brother and Sister. Brother forgets sister. Brother thinks band is more important. Sister changes. Brother and Friends don't recognize Sister.