Sometimes It's Better to Give In

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Waking up wasn’t as bad as it had been. It could have been because it was Saturday, or it could have been because Alex spent the night at my house last night. Either way I was glad to be waking up.
I let my fingers rub his side a little. He took in a deep breath.
“Morning Beautiful.” Alex sighed.
Now I was able to enjoy that blissful quality to his voice. I snuggled into his side and kissed the right side of his chest.
“Sleep well?”
“Of course I did. You were here all night in my bed.”
“It’s not often that I’m here huh? You’re always in my bed at my house.” Alex said kissing the top of my head.
“Yea. Those nights are good too, but for other reasons. I like it when we can just hang out and talk all night about nothing.”
“You know what my preference is.”
“Your house because you get action. I can’t blame you though. You’re a boy.”
Alex giggled.
“Actually I like it better at my place because I feel like we’re on our own and you’re all mine.” Alex said catching my chin with two fingers and lifting my face to see him.
I looked at him confused. “But I am all yours.” I said.
“No, I know that. I meant that I feel like we have something all our own. No parents or anything influencing us. I like to feel like that.”
“I like both. As longs as you’re with me I could sleep in a box under a freeway overpass and I would be happy.”
Alex kissed my nose and smiled.
“Sometimes you’re so cute I wanna…” Alex trailed off not knowing what to say.
I let it go. He was probably going to say something that would sound better in his head than out loud. I probably also didn’t want to hear it.
One quick glance at the clock on my bedside nightstand and I knew my mom was gone for work. Alex and I were alone how he liked it now. I pointed this out to him and he just smiled at me. I knew that smiled and I knew what that meant.
He rolled so he was crushing me with his weight and then started to kiss up and down my neck. I let my head fall to the side so he could kiss more. There weren’t a whole lot of clothes to be taken off since he was only in his boxers and me in a shirt and panties so there was a lot of teasing in place of removing clothes.
I started to nibble on his ear lobe as I toyed with the waistband of his boxers. That just drove him insane. He went for my shirt but I grabbed his hand and held it back. He tried with his other hand but I did the same. He started to bite my neck figuring that was what I wanted but it did nothing to help his situation. The truth was, I wanted to take my own shirt off.
When he gave up on my shirt I pulled back, looked him dead in the eyes, and took my own shirt off. That also sent him into frenzy. I could only imagine the images and ideas dancing around in his mind. I sure could feel what he was thinking.
He decided to do what I did and remove his own clothes. Alex took off his boxers and tossed them to the floor. Now it was all on me and I wasn’t letting him in easy. I felt like playing with him some more.
As his hands went for the last article of my clothing, a thin little layer of cotton standing between what he and I wanted, I grabbed his hands again. I didn’t stop his soon enough and he was able to use his hands to his advantage a little bit. I was a little surprised at his hands but relaxed into it. When he knew I was all his he was able to get that cotton obstruction off.

The afterglow was radiating off the both of us as we cuddled. There hadn’t been anything like what had just occurred in a while. I have no idea what made Alex do that but it was amazing. It was one of those few times where everything was damn near perfect as it’s going to get. Of course it’s good all the time, but that was something else that we’d only achieved twice before.
Alex was tired out of his mind and couldn’t even put a whole sentence together. I laughed at his words that made no sense together and told him to go to sleep. He just smiled at me and curled himself around me.
I didn’t mind the sweat that covered us both but I didn’t want to have him fall asleep on me like this. He would make it really hard to breathe and I wouldn’t be able to push him off me. When I made that known to him he apologized and rolled onto his back so I could curl up against him.

A few hours later I woke up when I heard a car door slamming. I looked at the clock to see that it was about time that my mom came home from work. I panicked.
I got up out of bed and went to my closet to pull clean clothes on. I checked to see how bad I smelled. It was bad but nothing perfume couldn’t fix. As I was running around like a crazy person Alex woke up.
“What are you doing Babe?” He asked sleepily.
“Mom’s home.”
“Shit.” He rolled out of bed.
I took a moment to look at him standing there naked and then went back to my frantic running around the room.
Alex pulled on the clothes that he’d brought over last night. He’d actually prepared to stay the night this time. I opened my window and turned my ceiling fan on as fast as it would go. That only flung my panties out into the hall way.
As I was picking them up my mom was coming up the stairs. I balled them up in my fist so she wouldn’t see and said hello. She smiled.
“How was your day?”
“Fine, slept most of the time.”
“Well I guess I can’t be too mad at you for sleeping all day. It is Saturday. Is Alex still here?”
“Yea, he’s in my room.”
“Oh, okay.” My mom went to her room.
I darted back into my room. Alex was throwing the sheets back on my bed and they didn’t look neat.
“Slow down. We’ve got a few moments. She’s in her room changing now.” I said quietly.
Alex tried to smooth out my bed. I moved him out of the way and did it on my own. He stood there just watching. I pulled the sheets back and straightened out the one that was balled up at the end and then pulled the top covers over it.
“I’m not so good under pressure.” Alex smiled at me.
“That’s what she said.” I laughed.
“Ahh, but I’m amazing under pressure.” Alex said pulling me to him.
I planted a kiss on his neck. He returned the favor and curled me tighter into his body.
“I love you Baby Doll.” He said.
“Love you too.” I mumbled into his neck.
“Awe that’s sweet.” My mom cooed.
I lifted my head off Alex’s shoulder and looked to where my mom was standing in the doorway to my room. I felt my skin heat up in a blush. Alex traced my jaw line on the side that my mom couldn’t see. He loved it when my skin flushed.
“Er, hi Mom.” I said feeling quite awkward.
Alex still had me wrapped up in his arms and at the moment he was kissing the top of my head. It was like he wasn’t fazed at all that my mom was watching.
“Hey Mrs. Steingarten.” Alex said finally acknowledging her.
“Miss now, I’m not married anymore.”
“Sorry.” Alex smiled. “I’m just so used to the other way around.”
“It’s fine. What are you kids up to?”
“Nothing that I know of.” I said.
“Mmm I was thinking we’d go for dinner Emm.” Alex said.
“That sounds good. You two should go out.” My mom said and then continued down the stairs.
I snuggled my face back into Alex’s neck.
“So, dinner?” He asked.
“Okay, can I take a shower first? I stink.”
“Sure thing. I think I might do the same. I’ll pick you up in an hour or so?”
I walked with Alex to the front door and let him out. He kissed me and then went to his truck. I watched him get in and drive away.
“I thought you two were going for dinner.” My mom said.
“We are. I’m just taking a shower first.”
“He could have stayed. I would have had to keep him here with me but he could have.”
“He’s taking a shower too.” I said going back up the stairs.
Without another word from my mom I went upstairs and grabbed clean clothes to change into. I wanted to look a little nicer for going to dinner with Alex even if we weren’t going anywhere particularly nice.
After my shower I jumped out, got dressed, and started putting on makeup. Alex came into the bathroom silently. I never heard the doorbell ring or a knock. He smiled and informed me that my mom left him in.
Alex pulled himself up on the counter and leaned against the wall while watching me.
“Almost ready?” He asked.
“Five minutes.”
Alex rolled his eyes just to be a pain. I put the cap on my eye liner and threw it into the bag. I looked at Alex with a smile and he motioned for me to come closer. I did as I was told and received a kiss on the cheek.
“Let’s get out of here.”
Alex too my hand and we were out the door in seconds. He opened the passenger side of his truck for me and I climbed in. We were off in no time.
To my surprise Alex asked me what I wanted. When I told him what I wanted to eat he drove to the nearest place that had that dish and went in to get it while letting me to stay in the truck. I listened and waited to see what he was planning. Lately he’s been in this romantic mood so I was questioning what this could mean.
Before I could get too far into my speculating he was back. He placed the bag with the food in it behind the front seats and drove out of the parking lot. I figured out what he was doing when he pulled off the road and onto the dirt path through the creek. He wanted to have dinner at his spot. That seemed nice to me.
Alex picked up my hand and kissed it while driving. I smiled and blushed. He pulled through the vegetation into the clearing and stopped his truck halfway through. I thought we were just going to eat inside the truck so when he jumped out it surprised me.
He went to the back of the truck and started doing something. I grabbed the food from behind the seats and went to see what was going on. He was spreading blankets out when I got back there. I smiled. This was really sweet.
I climbed into the back with him and helped him straighten things out. He took the food and started to lay it out for us.
The sky was starting to go dark as the sun went down. We ate and talked about aimless things. It was enjoyable to be like this. I guess he’d listened when I said I liked to talk about nothing. It was just having him with me that made me happy. That was all I needed.
Feeling thoroughly happy and full of food I laid back in the blankets and looked up at the stars. Alex laid back when he’d eaten the last bit of his food.
“Thanks. That was good.” I said.
“No problem. It’s not over yet though.”
I looked at him with one raised eyebrow. What else could he possibly have planned? This night was perfect as it was.
“I have something to ask you.” Alex said rolling to be next to me.
I got suspicious. He could see how skeptical I was being.
“Don’t worry. This is a lot less life changing than the other things I’ve had on my mind lately.” He promised.
“Okay.” I said slowly.
“Well you know how I was saying before that I liked when you were with me at my place? How I said that I felt like we are on our own and you’re all mine?”
“Yea, I remember.”
“I was trying to get at something and then I got distracted. So now is the time that I’m getting around to that.”
“So do it already.” I smiled.
“Well Emmeline,” Alex said picking up my hands, “will you move in with me?”
“You mean with you and Rian?”
“Yea, him too but you wouldn’t be sharing a bed with him.”
“Yea, I think I will.” I said kissing his lips.
Alex smiled and kissed back. It was a moment before he pulled back. Our lips melding together felt just a little too good to pull away from each other.
“I’m glad.” Alex said. “I’d wanted to ask that one for a while.”
“So what are the other things on your mind that are less life changing than this?” I asked.
“Mmm, let’s not talk about that right now.” Alex smiled. “Now isn’t the time. Maybe a little bit later we will.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Another chapter.
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Tension's Like A Fire
ATL with powers from their AP shoot? Sounds fun. Just hope that the human buldozer doesn't make you into a street pizza. (inside joke :D)
A Heart Like That
Although I am slightly frustrated with this Garrett Nickelsen story right now, I can't stop reading it. Hooray Becca for writing this!
Remembering Sunday
Stephie Barakat. Jack Barakat. Brother and Sister. Brother forgets sister. Brother thinks band is more important. Sister changes. Brother and Friends don't recognize Sister.