Sometimes It's Better to Give In

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It was a sunny morning just like any other in California. Zack was asleep stretched out on his bed with his covers falling half way off the bed. The sun hadn’t quite reached his face yet.
He sifted in his sleep and put his face right in line with the sun. His face scrunched up for a moment and then his eyes opened for a quick second only to shut immediately. The sun was much too bright for his eyes. Zack rolled his head and opened his eyes to see the contents of his messy room.
A smile came over his face when he realized what today was. Today Courtney was arriving. Her flight didn’t actually come in until five in the evening, just in time for them to go out to dinner, but it wasn’t that far away for him. He’d waited so long that a few hours meant nothing to him.
Zack rolled out of bed and picked up a pair of shorts from the floor. They smelled clean to him so he slipped them on and walked out to the kitchen.
Jordan was up and making breakfast for himself. Zack said hi and went into the fridge. He pulled out three eggs and grabbed a pan. He cracked all three of them into the pan and then went back to the fridge to get milk. He poured in enough and then set the milk on the counter. He scrambled the eggs and let them sit for a moment before he went back to scramble them all over again.
Jordan grabbed a plate and put it next to the stove for Zack. Zack thanked him and then finished up his eggs before dumping the massive pile onto the plate. Before he even sat down he was already eating them and burned his tongue on the hot eggs.
As soon as breakfast was done he washed off his plate and the pan, stuck the milk back in the fridge, and went out to the garage to work out.
The weights felt nice in his hands when he picked them up. He’d settled quite well into life in California and felt like he’d found his home here. It was all he could have ever dreamed about when he was a kid.
After his repetitions were finished for his arms he started on his abs and then moved to his legs. He’d worked out a system where he started with the higher parts of his body and then went down. He went arms and shoulder, abs and back, then legs. It had worked out well for him since.
He finished and went back into the house to change into his swim trunks. He wanted to get some surfing in before he went to see Courtney. It was noon so he could get in three to four hours of surf in.
When he was about ready he called up Stephie to see if she wanted to go surf with him. She didn’t answer her phone so he figured she was either out already or she lost he phone because she always answered her phone no matter what.
Zack asked Jordan if he was up for surfing and Jordan agreed to it. Zack sat in his car after he’d loaded up both the surfboards. Jordan came out and hopped into the car with Zack. Zack pulled out of the garage and drove to the beach.
They unloaded their boards and went for the sand. Zack was looking out at the waves when he saw a familiar girl walking towards him.
“Hey Zack! Hey Jordan!” She called.
“Hey Stephie.” They both called in unison.
They met up and she gave them both hugs.
“You guys just getting here?”
“Yea, how are the waves?”
“Tide is going out… the waves were better before.”
“Eh, I’ve got three or four hours before I have to go so maybe it’ll pick back up.” Zack said.
“What’s going on tonight?”
“Courtney is flying in at five so I’m going to pick her up and take her for dinner.”
“Cool, I’m glad she’s coming out. You’ve been a little glum lately.”
“Yea, I could tell you were missing her.”
“I have been a lot lately. I guess it’s because I know she’s coming soon.”
“Let’s go surf.” Jordan said nodding towards the waves.
The three of them headed out and joked like two brothers and a sister. It was a good day even if the waves weren’t so great.
The waves picked up a little and they got some good rides in before Zack left. Stephie said she’d give Jordan a ride home so he didn’t have to leave. The waves were okay and Jordan wasn’t ready to leave quite yet.
Zack went home and took a longer shower than normal. He scrubbed himself clean. He was excited and nervous to see Courtney again. He got out of the shower and felt along his jaw line to see if he needed to shave. He was all right for the day and went into his room to change.
Ignoring the clothes on the floor he went straight for the closet. He wanted clothes that he knew were clean. He pulled out shorts and a nice shirt. He checked himself in the mirror to make sure he looked okay. He took his shorts off when he saw they were wrinkled. He pulled out a new pair of shorts and pulled them on when he saw they weren’t wrinkled.
After he was satisfied with his clothes he picked up his Axe body spray and made sure she smelled as good as he could to Courtney. He just wanted to be perfect for her.
With one last once over in the mirror Zack was ready to go get his baby. All he could think about was Courtney. She was so close he could almost feel her in his arms. He got to LAX at four thirty and parked. He went inside and went to the gate that her plane was flying into. He had a sign that he’d made her that he was going to stand there and hold so she would see it when she walked out.
At five the plane was being pulled into the dock. He was so excited he couldn’t stay in his chair. He stood up and played with the edge of his sign in anticipation. People started getting off the plane and he held his sign up.
Courtney saw Zack first and then his sign. She felt a smile spread across her face even though she was tired. She ran towards him as soon as she was clear of the people and hugged Zack as tightly as she could. Zack wrapped his arms around her tighter than he ever had before.
“I missed you so much sweetheart.” Zack said in her ear as they hugged.
“Oh Baby. I missed you just as much.” She said squeezing him.
She pulled her head back and connected her lips with his. Zack pushed into the kiss as much as she was. They detached their lips when the kiss started to be too long for public.
“Are you hungry?” Zack asked wrapping his arm around Courtney.
“Yea, I didn’t eat anything on the plane.” She said letting her head fall on his shoulder.
She was so tired she let her eyes close. She knew Zack had her firmly so she could close her eyes and not have to worry about running into anything.
They went to baggage claim and picked up both her bags. She’d only brought two bags of stuff because she didn’t need everything at her moms place in Maryland. After the bags were picked up they got into Zack’s car. She noted that it smelled like the ocean.
“I went surfing today with Jordan and met up with Stephie there.” Zack said.
“That’s good.” Courtney said.
She was too tired to really care much. All that mattered was Zack holding her hand.
“What would you like for dinner babe?”
“In N Out. I’ve been craving it forever and it’s not on the east coast.”
“Zack chose to go though the drive through since he didn’t think Courtney could make it through eating inside. She looked like she was about to drop. Zack ordered for the both of them and pulled through to pay and get their food. He drove home and helped Courtney out of the car.
She went inside the house with the food and found the kitchen easily. Zack pulled her bags out of the car and put them in his room before joining Courtney for dinner.
Jordan was still out surfing so Zack and Courtney were able to have a nice dinner together and talk about what had been going on in their daily lives without each other in them.
After dinner Zack showed Courtney to his room. She smiled at the mess that it was in and felt at home. This was how Zack’s room had always been. He led her to the bathroom next because she wanted to take a shower. She got in and he went back to his room to wait for her.
She finished up in the shower and put on her pajamas. She was so ready for bed. On Maryland time it was ten now and she was ready for bed. It was only seven in California and still light out.
Courtney came into Zack’s room, now their room, to find him stretched out on the bed with the covers pulled back for her. She slid into bed and Zack threw the covers over both of them.
“Take your shirt off please.” She asked.
Zack pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. Courtney let her hands rub over Zack’s torso and chest for a moment before her left hand found a place to stay on his right peck. She pushed her face into his neck and kissed him.
“Night Zack.” She mumbled.
“Sleep well Darling.” He cooed.
Courtney was soon asleep against Zack’s chest. He was so happy to have her in his arms again. It didn’t matter that she was asleep now, she was there.
For a few hours he watched her sleep deeply and happily. Zack’s eyes started to droop and he felt himself growing tired. It was dark out now. When he glanced at the clock it was ten. It was about time he normally went to bed.
Zack’s eyes closed and he was soon asleep just like Courtney.

Courtney woke up in the morning when she noticed Zack wasn’t in bed with her. She sat up feeling a little nervous. She knew how to get around Zack’s house because she’d been here before but she still felt weird. Maybe it was because it hadn’t quite set in yet that she was living here now instead of just a guest.
Zack came back into his room holding a tray of breakfast foods for himself and Courtney. She sat up and smiled at him.
“I thought I would make you breakfast because it’s your first day here… and because I love you.” Zack said.
“Thank you Zacky. What did you make me?”
He set the try on the bed and sat next to her. There was bacon, eggs, pancakes, and orange juice. All of her favorites were on the tray. She leaned over and kissed Zack. They had breakfast together and discussed what there was to do here. Courtney wanted to go explore and see what else she hadn’t when she was here during the recording of their new album.
After they ate Zack put the tray on the ground and curled himself around Courtney. He wasn’t quite ready to let her get out of bed yet. He wanted to hold onto her some more and kiss her. He’d gotten to hold her last night, but now he could kiss her.
She was happy to snuggle into his arms and chest. He lifted up her chin and lightly pressed his lips to hers. She pushed back and the kiss turned to a make out. The kind of make out Zack had been craving for so long.
Her hands moved all over his chest, back, and arms. She had missed him so much in the short couple of weeks since prom and now she had him for a month or so before tour started up so she had to feel him as much as possible.
Zack was trailing his hands all along her side, hips, and chest as well. He just wanted to touch her. Not because they’d been apart but because of what he also wanted. He wanted her but he wasn’t sure how up to it she was yet.
Courtney caught on to this and the make out switched gears pretty quickly. He tugged her pajamas off and she pulled on his shorts.

The couple got into the shower to clean off but couldn’t keep their hands off each other for very long. Once they felt like they had satisfied themselves and each other for at least the day they got out and put clothes on.
Zack took Courtney out for lunch since so much time had passed already. He took her to one of his favorite places that always had good food. Courtney liked it very much.
After they ate he took her to the boardwalk and showed her little things he’d discovered and told her about how the boardwalk looked at night with the lights and games. She could imagine because she’d been to the boardwalk back in Maryland with Zack.
He took her to the Santa Monica Pier where they walked around for hours and rode the rides there.
The day turned out to be very fun and eventful. They had a very good time. Courtney was so happy to be with Zack that the threat of starting up school and his leaving for tour didn’t matter to her. She had a month with him and then three months until school started. From what she’d seen already and what Zack had showed her she was sure there was always going to be something to keep her busy with. She’d already seen millions of things she wanted to take pictures of. Maybe she could do that tomorrow.
Zack took Courtney out to dinner and this time it was a sit down restaurant. It was a little more on the fancy side but they weren’t underdressed. It was on the beach so everyone had just come in wearing what they had been that day. The food again was good.
“It seems like there’s good food everywhere here. I’m going to get fat!” Courtney laughed.
“I’ll still love you.”
“I will love you too if I get fat.” She smiled.
They finished up dinner and went home to the room they now shared. Courtney took an hour to unpack and put her stuff away so that the room looked like a blend of the two of them rather than all Zack and two suitcases of Courtney.
When she was done she snuggled up to him on the bed and started up with the kissing. They enjoyed a night of each other.
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Sorry if this was slightly boring. It's kind of building up to something. Comment please!

Tension's Like A Fire
ATL with powers from their AP shoot? Sounds fun. Just hope that the human bulldozer doesn't make you into a street pizza. (inside joke :D)
A Heart Like That
Although I am slightly frustrated with this Garrett Nickelsen story right now, I can't stop reading it. Hooray Becca for writing this!
Remembering Sunday
Stephie Barakat. Jack Barakat. Brother and Sister. Brother forgets sister. Brother thinks band is more important. Sister changes. Brother and Friends don't recognize Sister.