Sometimes It's Better to Give In

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The months passed rather quickly for me. Alex was gone on tour and then he was back. I enjoyed the time I had with Sebastian, but we both missed Alex. He was home just in time for the holiday season. He got home as soon as I went on winter break.
Our first day back together wasn’t that productive. He and Rian caught up on his sleep while I went around the house cleaning here and there. Sebastian stayed with Alex most of the day and I didn’t blame him. Who would want to follow me around while I cleaned up all day?
The first week that we were home together we spent every second possible together. I did try to cut back on my indulgence of Alex when Rian was around. I knew that he’d only been joking before, but I felt like I wasn’t caring enough about him and being polite. He and Kara didn’t have to hear that all the time.
Soon enough we were back to visiting each others’ families for the holidays. Relatives from all over the country, and in Alex’s case from England, came to visit. I had such a fun time meeting the people in Alex’s family that I hadn’t had a chance to meet last year.
We had a huge dinner at his parents’ place and then at my mom’s with our relatives. Alex seemed absolutely happy with meeting my family and they all seemed to love him. This was all so perfect. I didn’t want to give him up for the tour that was looming in the not so distant future.
Christmas day came and went. We went to both our families’ respective households. My family then came to Alex’s parents’ house for dinner. There were a lot of people but it felt like home. It was even snowing outside.
Two days after Christmas I woke up and Alex informed me that we were going to a very nice restaurant for dinner. I liked the idea and went through my closet for something nice to wear while he went out. He told me that he had some band stuff he had to do with Rian, Jack, and Zack.
Zack and Courtney were here as well on her break from school to visit their families. I called her and asked her to come over. She came just as Alex and Rian were leaving.
“What’s going on?” She asked when she saw that I had been going through the closet.
“Alex said he’s taking me out tonight. Somewhere really nice.”
“Ohhh, that sounds good.”
“Yep, so I’m trying to find a nice dress or something to wear. Help?”
Together we tackled the closet and came up with something really pretty for me to wear.
“Oh, you’ll knock him dead when he sees you.” Courtney said smiling.
It was almost like a smile that said she knew something I didn’t but I wasn’t sure. I just continued to model the outfit in front of the mirror and play with the way it looked. I knew what I was going to do with my hair and makeup so there wasn’t much to do.
Courtney picked up one of my hands and looked at it.
“Damn, you need to get these repainted. Let me see your other hand.”
I held my other hand out.
“Okay, I’m doing your nails right now.”
I took off the outfit that I would be wearing later and put my normal clothes back on. Sebastian followed us out to the kitchen where Courtney set up to for my nails. I was glad she noticed because I would have when it was too late.
Only an hour later Courtney was finished. I went to sit on the couch and let my nails dry. We watched TV for a few hours. When I looked at the clock it was about time that I started getting ready for my date. Courtney followed me into my room and handed me the clothing items we’d picked out before hand.
As I worked on my make up Courtney insisted on doing my hair. I let her so I could save myself time. I heard Alex and Rian come back and I wanted to go see them but I had to finish up in the bathroom first.
Alex came into our room and saw Courtney and I in the bathroom.
“Zack’s looking for you.” Alex said.
“I’ll be there in a moment. I’m helping Emmy.”
“Okay. Don’t come out of there until I open the door.” Alex said shutting the bathroom door.
“What is he scared I’ll see him in hi boxers. The whole world has seen him in his boxers.” Courtney said.
“I don’t know.” I said waiting for her to finish my hair.
She was done in a few more minutes and then we had to wait while Alex changed. She looked me up and down like I was something she was going to buy. She made me spin so she could see me from all angles. I felt like a horse at auction.
“Happy with your appraisal?” I asked.
“Yes, you look stunning.”
Alex opened the bathroom door and just stared at me. I smiled and blushed knowing that how I looked was the reason for his loss of words.
“Ready to go yet?” He asked me.
“I’m ready.” I said taking a step towards him.
“You look so beautiful.” He said kissing my cheek.
“Thank you Alex.”
Courtney had slipped out of the room and was with Zack on the couch when Alex and I walked to the front of the house.
“See you guys later.” Rian said.
“Have fun.” Zack said patting Alex on the back.
Zack’s gesture reminded me of a way that guys said good luck to each other but I brushed it off. I had no idea what brought this on other than the romantic mood Alex had been in for about six months. Not that I was complaining.
Alex walked to the passenger side of his truck and opened the door. He let me climb in while holding my hand for support. He walked around to the other side and got into the truck.
We started out on our drive. I tried to figure out what had brought this on but Alex would not give me even a hint. He just said it was because I was so beautiful I deserved it. I let it go and allowed the conversation to drift wherever he took it.
The drive was rather long and we ended up at one of the most expensive and fancy restaurants in the Baltimore area. I was a little confused. What had I done to deserve this?
Alex again got out of the truck and opened up my door for me. He helped me out of the truck and gave me a kiss while shutting the door. He put his arm around me and led me to the front door.
“Two for Gaskarth.” Alex said when we reached the hostess.
“Right this way.” The girl said taking us to our table.
We were towards the back in a secluded area. I could only imagine what Alex was spending on this night. I had a suspicion now, but I wasn’t sure. I also didn’t want to think on it too much because I didn’t want to be disappointed.
“Is this okay?” Alex asked after we’d been seated.
“Yea, it’s perfect. This place is beautiful. Thank you for this.” I smiled warmly at him.
“It’s no problem.” He smiled.
We took a moment to go through the menu. There were no prices listed. I guess if you could afford to walk into this place you could afford to eat here so they didn’t bother listing the prices.
We settled on our dinners and then Alex ordered for the both of us when the waitress came. It took a while for our dinner to be ready so we filled the time with the wine that Alex asked for and talked amongst ourselves. It was like the whole world was shut out tonight. I didn’t hear anyone else in this restaurant. I was startled when they brought our food out I was so lost in conversation with Alex.
Even when we ate it was like that. We talked and talked about everything that seemed to matter to us. Dinner was over and then it was dessert. Alex ordered something for us to share.
When it came out it looked more like and art piece than a dessert. He was really going out of his way tonight for some reason. Alex and I ate what we could of the dessert and talked. Slowly his subjects became more targeted and his word choice became more exclusive.
My stomach had butterflies. I knew we were getting to the point of this whole date. My suspicions grew and I was pretty sure I knew what Alex was going for. It was hard to go at the pace Alex was going. I wanted to know so badly and he could see that in my eyes.
“Do you remember when I asked you to move in with me?”
“Of course I do.”
“Do you remember what I said?”
“I said that I had more life changing ideas in my head that I wouldn’t talk about?”
“Yea.” I said.
In my gut I knew that my suspicion was right this time. He was going to ask me something very important and I was pretty sure I knew my answer already.
“There’s a life changing matter that I want to bring up now.” Alex said.
“I’m listening.”
Alex smiled and stood up from his chair. He stepped around the table and stood in front of me. I looked at him for a moment and wondered what he was doing. Alex reached into his jacket pocket, withdrew something, and then got down on one knee.
He took my left hand in his right and with his other hand he held a small box.
“Emmeline Morgan Steingarten, will you marry me?”
I was unable to speak as he opened the small box with one hand and held it closer for me to see. I smiled and felt a tear slid down my cheek.
“Yes.” Was all I could manage.
Alex smiled and let go of my hand for just a moment to remove the ring from the box and place it on my left hand. I felt another tear on my cheek. This was such a perfect moment. Alex stood up and pulled me from my seat to hold me in his arms.
“I love you.” I said.
Those words didn’t quite explain how I felt about Alex, but they had to do for now.
“I love you and I adore you.” Alex said toping my choice of words.
I kissed him passionately for a few moments and the pulled back. He was so happy it was impossible to explain. I felt the same way.
We sat back down in our chairs. I looked at my hand and let out a laugh. I wiped at a tear that I felt. Alex smiled while just watching me.
He got the check and then we left. In his truck I pulled him closer to me and kissed him. He was happy to be able to kiss me like this and got very into it.
After a moment he suggested that we get back home and continue there. I agreed.
We held hands all the way home and I couldn’t stop looking at my hand. The ring there caused a feeling in me that I’d never known.
Alex and I got home. He held onto me for a moment in the driveway and kissed me all over my face and told me how happy I’d made him by saying yes.
When we entered the house Rian, Kara, Zack, and Courtney were still there. I knew at once all their eyes went to my left hand and then to Alex’s face to see that I had accepted Alex’s proposal.
Courtney got up from the couch and hugged me.
“Congratulations Emmy. I knew it would happen.” She said hugged me tightly.
Kara got up from the couch as well to do the same thing as Courtney and she was followed by Zack and Rian. It was a few minutes before Alex and I were allowed to go into our room to be alone. Sebastian was the only one I let in with us.
Alex took off all of his clothes and got into bad. I did the same, went into the bathroom to take off my makeup, and then curled up next to him. Sebastian jumped up on the bed and started sniffing us. He gave s both a kiss and then settled between us.
I connected my face with Alex’s at the lips and we made out like we’d been wanting to. It didn’t feel like we needed anything more. All I needed were his lips against mine and his body close. There was nothing else I required.
A few times Sebastian got into the middle of it to see what we were doing and we had to stop to talk to him and play with him.
“So, when do we get married?” I asked Alex.
“Any time you want. We could go to Vegas right now if you want.”
“You do realize that if you marry me here in the United States you will become an American Citizen.” I said.
Alex seemed to ponder that for a moment. It was like he was putting on theatrics so this had already occurred to him.
“I’m not becoming an American.” He said with a British accent.
“So then what shall we do? Get married in England?”
“Essex to be exact.” Alex smiled.
“Are you serious?” I asked looking into his eyes for any hint of a joke.
“Yes, I want to get married there. I want to get married where I was born.”
“Okay.” I smiled.
I had never imagined getting married out of the US. Now it was going to happen. I was excited but nervous. How was I going to plan this?
Alex could tell what I was thinking and kissed my forehead.
“Don’t worry about it. My mom will help us.” He smiled.
“Does she know?”
“She knows I was asking you tonight, so does your mom. I bet they’ll be expecting an answer tomorrow so we better go see them.”
“I have to call my dad.”
“He knows too. I called him and asked for his permission.”
“You did? Really?”
“How could I ask you to marry me if I hadn’t asked him? That’s how it’s done.”
“Alex.” I sighed snuggling into him. “How did I ever get so lucky?”
He chuckled and kissed my cheek.
“I’m the one that’s lucky. You said yes to me.”
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Awe! Yay! Are you guys happy with this?

Tension's Like A Fire
ATL with powers from their AP shoot? Sounds fun. Just hope that the human bulldozer doesn't make you into a street pizza. (inside joke :D)
A Heart Like That
Although I am slightly frustrated with this Garrett Nickelsen story right now, I can't stop reading it. Hooray Becca for writing this!
Remembering Sunday
Stephie Barakat. Jack Barakat. Brother and Sister. Brother forgets sister. Brother thinks band is more important. Sister changes. Brother and Friends don't recognize Sister.