‹ Prequel: Smiling Politely

For One Beat More

All The Things You're Feeling Inside

Just over an hour later Oli and Matt stood side by side in front of the massive mirror in the hotel bathroom, fixing their hair.

“So how long’s Amanda here for?” Matt asked.

Oli shrugged, “’Ow ever long she wan’s.”

Matt nodded, “Lex’ll be glad o’ the company.”

“Oh fuck, didn’t think of tha’,” Oli sighed, “They’ll be conspirin’ against us, bein’ all giggly an’ shit.”

Matt laughed, “They’re not twelve.”

Oli rolled his eyes, “Ye know how they ge’ though.”

The drummer shrugged with a smile, “Yer jus’ gonna have t’ start behavin’ yerself.”


“I’m really glad you decided to come out on tour with us,” Lexi told Amanda as they stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom putting the final touches to their make-up.

The older girl smiled, “I wish I’d come out earlier but work got in the way. I think Oli could have done with the distraction.”

Lexi smiled and picked up her bag, “And I like having a girl to hang out with again.”

“That too,” Amanda laughed as she closed the hotel room door behind them.

“There are so many things I want to do in Vegas,” Lexi sighed.

“I hope one o' them’s me,” came a familiar voice.

“Uh oh, we’ve been rumbled,” Lexi laughed as they reached Matt and Oli.

Matt raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend, “Nice shorts.”

She blushed and ran her hand over her sequin animal print, rather short, shorts and shrugged, “When in Vegas, right?”

“Why just Vegas?” Matt grinned as he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.

“Oi, hands t’ yerselves in public,” Oli scolded playfully, offering his arm to Amanda.

Lexi rolled her eyes as she pressed the button for the lift.

“Yer not a midget tonight,” Matt observed, pointing to the black heeled shoe boots his girlfriend was wearing.

“I’m still shorter than you though,” she remarked, standing up straight to prove her point.

“Yeah but... yer all different. Sequins and heels an', an' a daft little bag.”

“It’s not daft, it’s McQueen,” supplied Amanda.

“To be fair, she usually carries a sack where ever she goes,” Oli chipped in.

“Don’t you like that I look a bit different? That I made an effort?” Lexi asked her boyfriend.

He shrugged, “Course I do but ye always look good, this is just not, well, you.”

Lexi raised an eyebrow, “Well it’s me tonight.”

As if on cue the lift doors opened and she and Amanda marched past the boys.

“See mate, conspiring,” Oli said quietly as he and Matt obediently followed.
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