Can't Stop, Won't Stop

Zee Prologue

I remember the day so's hard to forget, really.

The seven of us: we were inseparable. We did everything together. We always got the weirdest looks from people...which was reasonable. Six guys and a teenage girl would get a few questioning looks, don't 'cha think? None of us minded, though. All that mattered was our friendship.

Okay, now I just sound cheesy. But were really were that close. It was insane, really, how much we all loved each other.

Wow seriously...I sound like Oprah...

Anyway, the day that I remember...well...what I can remember...

I was 17 at the time. There were eight of us then, but I never cared for "Shady Jeff", so I don't count him. He's not as important.

The guys were recording songs, experimenting with the music on MySpace and all that happy horse shit.

Sorry for the weird expressions. I moved from the midwest years ago, you think I'd lose my strange way of talking...

Guess not.

But anyway, back to the story.

Lazy Jeff, as I like to call him, was no where to be found, so it was just the seven of us. Like it was supposed to be.

I was leaning on Jorel, I mean um, J-Dog, like I always do. We were neighbors when I first moved when I was 10, see, and for some reason we became friends.

But that's a story for another rainy day.

So I was leaning on J, and Jordan pipes up, saying we should have a party.

Always the party type, he is.

So we all agreed.

"But just the seven of us," he said, "it hasn't been just us in a while."

"What about Jeff?" Matt asked. Such a nice one, he is.

"Who gives a fuck? Let's partaaay!" Dillon shouted. You gotta love the guy.

I nodded, thinking it was a great idea. I mean hey, I was young, wild, had my whole life ahead of me. What could one party hurt?

My parents were never home, always doing "business", they were. And by "business" I mean my mom whoring herself out at some strip joint downtown and my dad running the place. So I basically did whatever I wanted.

Yep. My dad's strip club business is what made up move all those years ago. What a family business, hmm?

George suggested we go out of town, go along the outskirts where no one else ever goes. No disturbances. And most importantly, no one would catch them giving a minor alcohol. Well, two minors, since Dillon was 20...but still.

So we split up into two groups to get there. Me, J, and Aron in Jorel's car and Jordan, Matt, Dillon, and George in George's car.

Not only were me and J really close, but Aron was to both of us too.

Another long story...but anyway...

We all got to this great spot right outside of LA. It was on this hill overlooking the city. The view was always my favorite part about going up there.

George broke out the booze and divided it out between us all. They didn't want to give me much, 'cause they knew I couldn't handle my alcohol too well. I wanted to be able to drink as much as they could: to keep up with them and their drinking games.

I wanted the attention.

I never got attention at home, with my parents busy with their 'jobs'. Being an only child didn't help, either. I hated being alone, so I spent most of my time with the guys.

Me and Jorel dated most of the months that I was 15 years old, but he didn't want to 'taint me, make me bad' like him, he said, and we decided to stop seeing each other. Me and Aron were together for a couple months when I was 16, but things didn't work out for the same reason. I went out with George for a bit when he first got with the guys, but we broke up not long before the incident. Guess why?

The same reason.

To this day I don't understand why they said they didn't want to make me bad like them. They wanted me to stay clean, to not be like them at all.

But they were the only people I wanted to be like.

So stupid, I was back then.

I got bored drinking the one beer the guys allowed me to have. It was kinda boring just sitting back, watching them get smashed when I couldn't do it myself. So I took it into my own hands to drink some more.

I saw an untouched bottle of...oh what was it...some sort of vodka maybe? I can't remember what it was, but I drank it.

Like I said, I was pretty stupid.

It was the only unopened bottle. George said no one should drink it because he bought it off the street. He didn't know what it was, or how strong it was. But I was too worried about fitting in with the guys that I drank it anyway.

Oh, that was some strong shit, alright. I felt it kicking in right away. I don't remember much after drinking it, and none of the guys do either. By that point all of the guys were so fucked out of their minds to remember much, just bits and pieces of the puzzle.

What I do remember is my vision being all I was underwater or something. I couldn't see well...and I threw myself at one of the guys. I don't know which one...but the guys do. They refuse to tell me though, saying it'll ruin my friendship with all of them if I knew.

It'd be nice to know who it was. But, beggars can't be choosers. And at least it was a guy I actually knew and liked. It could've been bad, otherwise. I do have it narrowed down to 3 guys....but if I could just figure out which one...

Moving on...

I passed out, sometime in the night/morning. I remember waking up on someone, and that someone was naked. And I was naked.

Hence how I knew I had sex.

But, there was a problem. I couldn't see. I thought it was just really dark, but when the guys started waking up they told me otherwise. Of course, this was after they found me naked.

"Oh shit!"

"The fuck!?"

"Sunny's naked!"




"Fuck off, man!"

The last voice was the person I was laying on. I was too zoned out to know which guy it was, but I have an idea. Well, now I do. Then I had no clue. I was too busy freaking over not being able to see.

"Guys? Why is it so dark? And why am I naked?"

"Well, Sunny baby, you had sex wi-OW! The fuck was that for!?"

Now, only two people called me Sunny baby. And the voice was far away, so I knew it wasn't either of them. Since a second later...

"Sunny baby, you sure you're okay?"

Yep. I can eliminate those two guys.

"Yeah. It's bright as fuck out here, Sun. Something wrong?"

That voice...I still don't know who it is. But it came from under me, so I know whoever it was, they were who I slept with.

"Yes something's wrong! I can't see guys! I can't see!"

Someone sat me up and covered me with the blanket I was sleeping under. I felt another presence in front of me and someone poking my eye.

I blinked, "Stop poking my eye, asshole!"

Whoever was in front of me was so close they were breathing on my face, and their breath smell like cigarettes and alcohol. The guy I was sleeping on had moved, so I dunno if he was the one in front of me or if it was someone else.

But only one person has that breath.

"Her eyes are cloudy..." a voice said, that one at the right of me.

"Fuck is she...blind?" another voice...this one was farther away.

That's when it occurred to me. Something in that drink...

"The drink!" I shouted, "I drank the bottle George said not to last night!"

Then I could feel three breaths on my face, meaning three guys were close to of which was the Mystery Sleeper, as I like to call him now.

"George where the fuck did you get that crazy shit!?" the person on the left said.

"I don't know! Some random guy off the street!"

That voice came from the distance, so I knew George must have be over there.

"We should have been watching her better, guys!" the voice on my right said. They sounded really worried.

"No shit! What do we do now!?" The voice in front of me said.

The guys bickered back and forth for a while before they decided to take me to the hospital and get me checked out. Jorel was the one chosen to take me, since the two of us had made a few trips there together before that day. The staff knew us by name; they still do.

Well, I went to the doctor and he told me something in that drink poisoned me.

"You're lucky you didn't die," he said. His tone was so scared me.

"So will she ever get her vision back?" the voice I figured out was Jorel, said. The entire time we were there he would squeeze my hand a lot, his way of reassuring me at the time, I guess.

"I'm afraid not. She's developed cataracts and unless she gets an eye transplant somewhere along the way, she'll never see again."

Those words hit me like a ton of brinks. Fuck, they still haunt me. Just thinking about them now gives me goosebumps.

The guys have beaten themselves up for it for 3 years now. They think it's all their fault, when I know it's not. It's my fault for being stupid. No matter how much they blame each other, it won't make any difference. I don't blame them and I never will. What's done is done.

I live with Jorel most of the time, since I know his apartment best from my years of being there. The guys like to take turns with me though, so I spend the night at each of their houses frequently.

My parents didn't take the whole 'guys making me blind' thing so well and kicked me out. I was 17, I could fend on my own, they said. So I went to live with Jorel, and the whole trading houses thing just came after that.

Since the incident, I've dated Jordan, Matt, and Dillon. I only dated each of them for a bit and it was all shortly after the incident. Mostly because of the guilt, I think, and they wanted me to still be comfortable with them, and to be comfortable with being blind. If it was one of those three guys that I slept with that night, it would explain why they would want to date me, but I really have no idea why they would.

I never go anywhere without one of the guys. They're like my life now, even more than before. They take real good care of me too, beating up anyone who dares to mess with me.

They consider me part of their 'Hollywood Undead' family. They say I'm just as important in the band as the rest of the guys, even though I have nothing to do with their music.

They're getting big in the music biz, they tell me. I've heard their music, and I love it. I really, really do. They've written songs about me, they say. They won't tell me which ones though. I'm still trying to figure it out. I will...someday.

Oh, but hold your applause, ladies and gents, my story is far from over. In fact, this is just the beginning.
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new story! woo!

I really, really love this story. I enjoy writing it a lot :D

I have a thing for writing sue me.

C'est Sunny

I can't wait to hear what you peeps think of it! :)

comments are awesome! ;D