One of the Boys...Right?

Chapter 24

Monday, 12:10

I closed my locker after dumping my algebra book and my science binder into it. I had two more classes left before school was out for the day.

"Killer voice, Jess!" a guy high fived me as he walked by. I didnt know who he was, but his comment made me smile. Maybe strangers weren't as bad as they seemed to be.

"I feel like everything's different." Kelsey said as she dropped her lunch bag into her Invader Zim bag.

"How so?" I asked while we started walking.

"I dont know. It's just...nearly a week ago, people were crying in the hallways and glaring at all of us. Now people are laughing and smiling at us. I dont get it." she shook her head, the newly bright pink ends of her hair flying around her face.

"I see what you mean." I said as I watched two "preppy" girls laughing with a group of "emo" boys. Two different ends of the stereotype spectrum were bonding with each other. One girl and one of the guys were actually sharing an iPod, and both of them were apparently liking the song. I saw one of the drama students talking to a skater kid and hand him a piece of paper. He nodded at her and smiled before he ran to catch up with his friends.

"Maybe it's the apacolypse." Kelsey shrugged. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"What?! I dont see YOU coming up with any theories." she accused.

"Maybe this doesnt need a theory. Maybe it's just...fate." I finished.

"Fate? What does fate have to do with any of this?" Kelsey asked while we walked slowly down the stairs.

"Think about it: the people that were injured and killed were from different stereotypical groups. "Preps", "jocks", "nerds", "emos", and so on. When death is involved, people change. Suddenly, clothes and music and skateboards and sports dont matter as much. Suddenly, people think about how life could end in an instant, and they're trying to make things better for themselves and others by dropping the stereotypes for the moment." I explained.

"Interesting theory, JJ." Bam came to walk on my right side.

"It's true. Look around and you'll see it. Maybe this was supposed to happen." I shrugged.

"I'm all for dropping stereotypes and getting along with everyone, but I have to admit this is weird. I'm sort of too used to being an outcast with you guys. That was normal. This is kind of strange and I think I'll kind of like it when things go back to how they used to be." Kelsey admitted.

"Kelsey, nothing can go back to 'the way it used to be'. Too much has happened for that." Bam shook his head.

"Alright, so we cant go back to the time before the shooting, and everyone seemed to like our singing. But normality would be good right now." she agreed.

"Those aren't the only things that havent been normal." I said.

"What else happened that wasnt normal?" Kelsey asked.

"Um...ItookBamtothecemeteryandshowedhimmyfamily?" I said in a rush.

"What?" Kelsey asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"I took Bam to the cemetery and showed him my family?" I said again, but in a normal speed, and watched Kelsey's eyes widen in surprise.