Runaway Love.

Just Like You

Putting down the pen she sighed.
She looked over the page again, folded it neatly in half, wrote an 'A.M.' on the back, and put it down on the desk.
Picked up her backpack filled with clothes and necessities lying next to her bedside table.
She jumped out through the open window.
And ran away.


You thought I could be just like you.
Because I could be just like you.
I could be mean, and not be able to find a women even for one night.
I could be angry, and lose anyone close to me by fighting with them.
I could be fake, pretending I'm a great father and co-worker in front of my boss.
I could be stupid, just because you are.
I could, but I don't want to.
You were wrong to think that I could be just like you, you never understood me.
You thought you were standing beside me but you never were there when I needed you.
You were only in my way when I tried doing something productive.
You thought you were there to guide me but you only tried to blind me and trip me over.
When you were beating me up, I never said anything. You were so ruthless and cold, but I wouldn't get so much as one screaming syllable out of me, so I wouldn't be anything like you. Right inside you're weak, and you were doing all that to me, to feel better, I know. Your senseless drinking and 'partying' was so hideous and disgusting, I became an abstainer. No to drinks, no to parties, no to men.
Yes, you got that one right, I'm a lesbo. Surprised? I thought so.
Now the first thing you'll get mad about is raising a lesbian daughter. Point for you for raising one, point for me for being one.
The second thing you'll get mad about is the fact I went to your boss, and showed him my bruises, telling him where did they come from. Point for me. Or actually two, 'cause the third thing you'll get mad about is getting fired. Oh, and I took all of your savings from the cupboard. That's already four points for me.
The last thing you'll get mad about is that I ran away. And I'm not coming back. Five points - I won. And I won freedom.

Now I'll live on my own, cause I can't take living with you. I'm alone so I won't turn out like you, even if you want me to.
I'll get a job, maybe a shitty one, but I won't be pretending I love it. I'll find myself a girl, and she'll stay with me for a time longer than one night. I'll keep contact with my friends and family other than you. I'll live a proper life.

This is only an good-bye note. But you won't get any more from me. Even if you'd try to get to me, even if you'd find me, I'll run away again.
You'll never get me.
I'l never be like you.



He picked up the note with his initials on, opening it.
He read through carefully his expression changing from confused, to angry, from disbelief to madness.
Then he screamed and cried.
Because she was already far away, and he was right here.
With nothing left.
♠ ♠ ♠
I won't win anyways, but it was fun.:)
comments will be appreciated.
xox. emily.