Break Your Little Heart

Holly (Would You Turn Me On?)

The day sailed by, and soon, Alex found himself at lunch. He walked into the cafeteria, and found Jasey sitting at their table. He walked over, gave her a kiss, and sat down. He took out his lunch and settled in at the table. Jack, Zach, Rian, Maria, and Jasey were all there. He turned to Jasey.

“So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about, babe?”

“Well, there’s this party that we’re having over at Rian’s house, and I was wondering if you were interested in going.”

“Huh. When is it?”

She winced a little bit. “Well that’s the thing. It’s tomorrow night.”

Alex simply glared at her. “Jasey, does your dad know about this?”


“Jasey! You know that if he catches you sneaking out again, he’ll never let you see ANYONE for the rest of your high school years!”

“Alex, it’s ok! He’s out of town, so there’s no way that he’s gonna be able to catch me. We’re fine, baby!”

“Alright, I’ll try to make it. Just don’t try anything stupid while we’re there, ok?”

“I promise, hun.”

“Ok. I’ll come.”

“Great! Be there at 7 tonight.”

“Ok, I’ll try. So what else is new with everyone?”

Maria suddenly picked up her head. “Well, Jason and I finally broke it off. I ended it today.”

“What?!” Jack exclaimed, “Why would you want to end it with Jason?!”

“He was a sleazy jerk! All he wanted was sex and some willing chick. And she sure as hell ain’t me.”

“I really thought you two had a thing going.” Zack replied.

“Not really. So, it’s over. And I am free to see whoever I want!”

“Preach it sister!” Jasey called out.

Alex and Jack slapped their foreheads. Jasey continued. “No man can tell you what you’re good for, and what you’re not! It’s up to you, now!”

Jack picked up his head. “When did our lunch table become a feminist campaign facility, Alex?”

“Apparently, about 20 seconds ago.”

Jasey jumped back into her seat. “Well excuse me for giving that jerk what he deserves.”

“Ok, well I gotta split guys,” Jack said, “business to take care of.”

“Mmmkay dude. See you after school.” Alex said, while staring at Jasey Rae.

Jack walked away from the table, and out of the cafeteria doors. He did have business to tend to. He had someone that he had to go talk to. Holly, to be exact. He walked out of the school, and towards the football field. He knew that during lunch, the cheerleading team practiced on the football field, their self-proclaimed turf. He watched Holly fly through the air and land gracefully in her teammates arms. They put her down, and they all walked off of the field, right towards Jack. He leaned up against a post, trying to look perfectly natural. Holly walked right past him. Thinking quickly, he ran after her, and caught her from behind. She spun around and sort of smiled at him.

“Oh, hey Jack. What’s up?”

“Hi, Holly! How’ve you been?”

“Um, just fine, I guess…how’re things with you?

“Oh, things are great. Yeah, things are great. So, listen, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you…”

“…yeah… and what’s that?” she asked, with a little edge in her voice.

“Well, I was just- I thought maybe- I wanted to know if- Ok, look. There’s this party tomorrow night at Rian’s house, and I was seeing if…maybe you wanted to go. With me.”

“Oh, Jack, I’m flattered. Of course I’ll go with you!”

“Really?! I mean, uh, great! Awesome. I’ll pick you up around 7, ok?”

“Sure, Jack! Bye!”

Holly ran off with the other cheerleaders to the locker room. Jack watched her leave, then spun around with sheer delight and ran to tell Alex about what she said. He was running through the hallway while Holly was letting her friends know that she finally had the perfect opportunity to get Alex Gaskarth.
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