Break Your Little Heart


Alex was at the small carnival that the town was holding. He was just walking around, alone, still trying to figure out how to win Jasey back. He ran into Jack while he was there. Unfortunately, he was with Holly as well.

“Hey, Alex! How’re ya?”

Alex shot him a sinister look. “How am I? My girlfriend dumped me all because Stella’s back-stabbing friend told your girlfriend that we had SEX! So I’m not in the greatest of moods right now, so if you don’t mind, I’ll be going.”

Holly stopped him. “Alex, wait! I know that what my friend did was wrong! I’m no longer on speaking terms with her. I guess what I’m trying to say is…if you ever need any help, I’m here, and you can call me anytime you want to talk about…well, anything.”

He turned around, and let her have it. “Oh, no apology? Of course not, you’re taking this opportunity to have another go at me. Holly, let me make this clear: I WILL NOT DATE YOU. First of all, you already HAVE a boyfriend. AND HE’S A GREAT GUY! But you can’t have me! If had known any better I would’ve- oh my god. IT WAS YOU. YOU started the rumor. YOU told Angelica what to say to Jasey. It’s YOUR fault that I’m miserable and alone! I’ve had it with you, Holly. If you want me so bad, then WHY would you tear me down like this? I’m through with you!”

Jack stepped in. “Hey! Do NOT talk to my girlfriend that way!”

Alex simply stared at him in shock. “Is that what this has come to? You aren’t going to even be my friend anymore, just because of this skank that you’re dating? Fine, then I don’t need you.”

He walked away from them and checked his phone. Jasey Rae had called 3 times. He quickly took the phone and called her back. The phone barely got a chance to ring before it was picked up.

“Hello?!” Jasey answered, frantically.

“Jasey, it’s Alex! Why did YOU call ME?”

“Not much time to explain,” Jasey said. “But Stella’s is in the hospital with me and my dad! You NEED to get over here PRONTO!”

“On my way.”

He hung up the phone, and ran to his car, hoping to get there in time.


Jasey stared at Stella’s helpless body, sitting in the hospital bed. She couldn’t believe what was happening. The doctor was in her room, figuring out what went wrong. Jasey was obviously crying over this concept. She had just made a friend, and now she was in the hospital. She had no idea as to what went wrong with Stella. But on that note, the doctor walked out of the room.

“Well, your friend is in quite a bit of trouble, Ms. Johnson.”

“Is she going to be ok?”

“I’m not sure. She may make it, but maybe not.”

“Well what went wrong?”

“She had a fatal brain hemorrhage. It’s when a cell in your brain leaks blood, and you pass out. Sometimes, patients don’t wake up. Luckily, your friend survived it, but is extremely weak. I don’t know if she’ll last the night.”

“Oh my god. OH MY GOD! Please tell me that there is a good chance that she’ll be ok!”

“There is. She could just be dizzy for a while. Who knows? I have to go. Oh, wait, I have a question.”

“Shoot, doc.”

“Was she experiencing any extreme stress lately?”

Jasey sighed. “Yes. Long story short, a rumor was spread about her sleeping with my boyfriend, and she was really upset.”

“Alright.” The doctor said, “The stress experience may have started this. Thank you for that answer. She is awake, and you can go visit her.”

“Alright. Thank you doctor.”

He walked away as Jasey stepped into Stella’s room. Stella was hooked up to the monitor with her pulse being shown. It was moving pretty slowly. She was lying down, with eyes barely open. Jasey kneeled down next to the bed. Stella very slowly turned her head towards Jasey.

“Talk about a major headache.” Stella said, in a weak voice.

Jasey chuckled a little bit. “First night that we’re friends, and you end up in the hospital.”

“Sucks, doesn’t it?”


There was a short silence between the two of them as Jasey examined her face. She noticed the extreme redness if her forehead. She had just learned what a brain hemorrhage was in biology, her teacher told her. It was when, either due to stress, or genes that were inherited, One of your brain cells continuously leaks blood. Eventually, you’ve lost enough blood to pass out. Sometimes, the bleeding stops, and the patient survives. But sometimes it doesn’t. According to the doctor, enough blood had leaked to kill Stella, but somehow, she was still alive. If she lived, she would have to have brain surgery done to fix the problem.


“Yes, Stella?”

“I know that this is probably the wrong thing to say to you, but is Alex here?”

Jasey chuckled again. “Stella, I believed you, remember? You and Alex are just friends. He’s on his way.”

“Actually,” said a voice from the door, “I’m here.”

Jasey whirled around to see Alex standing there. She was now thrilled to have her boyfriend back. She turned back to Stella.

“Do you mind if we have a minute outside?”

“Not at all.” She replied.

Alex took Jasey outside of the room.

“Jase, I am so sorry about this whole thing.”

“I know, Alex. Stella was at my house, explaining everything. As soon as she left, this happened. I believe you, Alex.”

Alex just grinned, and picked her up, kissing her. He gently put her on the ground and then continued on.

“So what happened to her?”

“The doctor says it was a brain hemorrhage, and that she may not last the night.”

“Oh no. I have to go see her.” He looked to Jasey.

“Go on!” she snapped.

Alex ran into the room, and pulled up a chair next to her bed. He just looked at her, until eventually, he said something.

“Jesus, Stella. You look like shit.”

She laughed. “Not lookin too great either, huh?”

Alex just looked at her. “What’d the doctor say?”

She sighed. “He said I probably won’t live. But if I get lucky, I’ll get out of here within a month.”

Alex was getting choked up. “Stella, I don’t think….I don’t think I can live without you.”

Stella shed a tear. “Alex, Alex. I can’t stay any longer. My time has come. My goal was to set you and Jasey back up, and I did it. Alex, I love you, and I hope that I get to see you again someday, but this is my time. You’ll just have to accept that.”

Alex got out of the chair and knelt by her bedside. “Stella, I want to thank you. For all you’ve done. You got me and Jasey back together, you’ve been my best friend through all of this. Is there anything I can do for you?”

She stared at him. “Well, there is one thing.”

Alex gazed at her. “Anything, Stella.”

She smiled. “Kiss me goodbye.”

Alex wiped a tear from his face. “Don’t say that Stella.”

She repeated it. “Kiss me goodbye.”

Alex paused for a long moment. Finally, he leaned in towards her, and let his lips touch hers. Her heart monitor was hooked up to her right arm. It began to beat a little faster. Suddenly, and without warning, her heart stopped, and her monitor flat-lined. Alex took his lips away from her mouth, and sobbed over the body of a girl whom he adored. He took her limp and lifeless body in his arms, and held her close, and then said, “I’ll miss you.”

He let her body down gently in the bed, and walked out of her room, crying. He looked around for Jasey. She was nowhere to be seen. He began walking down the hallway, when he ran into Stella’s doctor.

“Oh, pardon me, just trying to get to my patient.”

“Is your patient Stella Locksworth?”

The doctor looked at him suspiciously. “Yes. Why?”

“She’s gone, doc.”

The doctor gained a look of understanding, and hugged Alex. “It’ll be ok son.”

Alex stifled his tears and gasps and asked the doctor one question.

“How did she die, doc?”

The doctor looked at him. “Due to unnecessary amounts of stress, Stella’s brain gave out, an eventually killed her.”

“Wait, due to what?”

“Unnecessary amounts of stress. She was very tense, and apparently very upset with something, that it ended up killing her.”

Alex had a look of horror on his face. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. He walked past the doctor, and out of the glass doors of the third floor. Stella had died because of Holly’s lies. And he was going to set her straight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Possibly the saddest chapter in this story. I hated writing this part.
To everyone who has just read this:
I am taking the opportunity now to say that rumors can be vicious, and lead to things like this.
Sometimes, the person doesn't die of natural causes. Sometimes, it's self inflicted.
So for all of you out there who have spread lies about people, I want you to know that you are ruining people's lives, not just embarrassing them, if that weren't enough. And sometimes, you may even end someone's life with your vicious words. That makes you a murderer. How does THAT make you feel?