Status: Alli's gone all amish and given up technology basically. Hana has a job and is in all smart classes this year. We write when we can.

I Wanna Live a Life From a New Perspective

I wanna live a life from a new perspective

"Okay, hotel night, for real this time." Jon spoke breaking the silence we had created.

"Sweet," Brendon mumbled from his spot stretched across the couch in their dressing room at the venue, "We just have to make it through the show."

Ryan finished up his eyeliner before reaching behind his head and slowly peeling the white bandage away. He wiped the back of his head with a tissue before grabbing the new bandages and changing them. He's practically got changing them down to an art now.

"You okay, buddy?" Brendon asked, tilting his head so it was hanging off the couch, glancing at Ryan upside down. Ryan glanced at him through the mirror retorting quickly with a, "No, I'm bleeding out."

Brendon smiled, "But you can at least make it through the show right? Sorry, man, but hey, at least we can save money on hotel rooms."

"Yeah, I'll make sure I'm long gone before we get to the hotel. I know how expensive those rooms can get." Ryan mumbled half heartedly, as he tried to get his bangs to lay right. Kayt laughed a little as she helped Spencer with his vest.

"I think we should cover something random tonight." Jon spoke up from where he was sitting in one of the foldout chairs, legs up on the armrest of the couch as he reclined back on two legs.

"It's too last minute," Spencer spoke, "And we already have some covers planned for the future."

"What song?" Brendon cut in, turning a little so that he could hang an arm off the couch as well.

"I was thinking something like Ke$ha." Jon shrugged.

"Is that a joke?" Ryan asked, stopping the rhythmic movement of the white pencil he was holding to stare at Jon through the mirror.

"No, her lyrics are so deep. Like," Jon paused for a second, and I caught Brendon's amused look. He rolled his eyes towards Jon when he caught me looking, and I smiled.

"Don't be a little bitch with your chit chat, just show me where your dick's at." Jon paused again, "I really think that we could express what Panic's all about by covering that song."

"Dicks and sex?" Kayt giggled.

"Totally." Jon nodded, "Or we could do Your Love is My Drug…I heard she wrote that one with her mom. Plus, I think the end really connects with Spencer. Everyone likes his beard, y'know?"

"Why are we even discussing this?" Brendon laughed.

"I'm bored." Jon spoke looking blankly at Brendon.

I almost let a laugh slip at how serious Jon actually looked.


The show was amazing, and I'm glad that Kayt was backstage with me to keep me from making a fool of myself.

Also, Kayt's pretty cool. The show ended, and they all exited the stage. Brendon was already pulling off his shirt and fanning himself. He flung his soaked shirt at Ryan who did this weird move in a failed attempt to dodge it. He pulled the smelly garment off his shoulder and dropped it before passing Spencer and Kayt who were, once again, connected at the face. Lips, to be more precise, and I have to give the girl props, because Spencer looks almost as sweaty as Brendon.

Speaking of, where'd he go?

"Jess," I heard from behind me, and I turned to see Brendon holding his arms out.

"You're smelly." I told him crossing my arms.

"What?" He asked smirking before starting to walk towards me, "I can't hear you."

I went wide eyed before jumping out of the way of his hug-tackle attempt.

I ran past Jon to get to Ryan and use him as a shield.

"Gross," Ryan mumbled as Brendon ran towards us. I squeaked before hurrying to pull open the backstage door and find the right dressing room.

"Jess," Brendon repeated, and his voice sounded oddly close before I was grabbed and pulled back against something wet and hot.

"Ew," I laughed scrunching up my nose as he wiped his head across my shoulder, "Ew!" I repeated.

"Okay," He said, "I can hear you now. What'd you say?"

"You're smelly." I repeated, "And hot."

"Why thank you," He stated smugly, "I didn't know you felt that way."

"Shut up," I laughed, "I didn't mean it that way!"

"Mhmm," He nodded, "I'm sure." He let go then before walking ahead of me and entering the room on the left.

"I see Brendon's been here." Ryan spoke walking down the hallway to stand beside me.

"What?" I squinted.

"Nothing," He shrugged smirking crookedly, "Anyway, is he already in the shower."

"I think so." I shrugged.

"Alright, come on." He nodded his head towards the bus before pausing, "Unless you'd rather wait for him."

"Shut up," I muttered, before ducking my head and following him down the hallway.

Once we got on the bus and I entered the bathroom I saw what Ryan was talking about. There was a big dark sweat stain on the back of my shirt. I was mildly disgusted by it before I dug through my bag and found another shirt to change into.

Brendon returned to the bus in a pair of basketball shorts and a baggy tshirt followed by everyone else. The bus started up and we rode about thirty minutes until we got to a hotel.

"Kay, Brendon, Ryan, Jess," Zack started, "Have their own rooms. Other than that, Spence is with Kayt, and Jon's with Eric."

"What about you?" Jon asked Zack, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, did I leave myself out? Yeah, I have a room to myself as well." Zack shrugged, smirking.

"Room numbers are on the cards, and we're all on floor seven."

We all got in the lobby of the hotel and piled into two elevators.

"There's no music." Brendon spoke once the doors closed, "What kind of shitty elevator is this?! Come on, Jon, let's get our money back."

"Do what you want, Bren, I'm going to sleep."

"I guess I can settle." Brendon sighed. I glanced at the wall so he wouldn't see my smile. We got off the elevator, and after I'd noticed who's room was who's I went into my own and got ready for bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short...

I've gotten a new computer and I don't have Microsoft word installed yet, so I can't keep track of the lengths...