Status: Alli's gone all amish and given up technology basically. Hana has a job and is in all smart classes this year. We write when we can.

I Wanna Live a Life From a New Perspective

I feel them crash against my skin


Today, my life is perfect. But not so long ago, it was anything but.

It seems like decades ago, but it was only a year ago.

That fateful day Brendon sat down next to me

I remember it all so clearly…


I can’t believe James just kicked me out. I mean, I guess it’s expected since I quit, told everyone that we were sleeping together, and threatened to go to the cops if he followed me.
But now I have no job, no house, and nobody. All I have is my stuff and this park bench.

As I keep sobbing in my self-pity I saw someone sit down next to me.

“Why is a pretty girl like you crying” I heard him say.

Great, on top of awesome direction my life is going in, I might get raped by some creeper.

“Listen, I just got my heart broken, the last thing I need is some creep…” But then I looked up and noticed who I was looking at, Brendon Urie.

The Brendon Urie, the really hot one from Panic! at the Disco. And for a moment I was star sturck, but I didn’t want to be that girl.

“Some creep what?” he said interrupting my thoughts.

“Nothing, never mind. I’m Jess and you are?”

“Some creep, but my friends call me Brendon.” He said with the biggest smirk.

He held out his hand for me to shake. I shook it but then pulled him into a hug.

“I don’t do handshakes Brendon, I do hugs.”

I heard him laugh and I smiled.

“So you just got your heart broken?” he said, my smile faded.

“What? Is it that obvious or something?”

“Well, not really,” I could hear him lying through his teeth “ But you kind of just said it.”

“Oh yeah, right. There was just this thing with my ex and this thing. And I ended leaving him without realizing I had nowhere to go. And I don’t really want to talk about it.” I said twittling at my hands, staring at them as my safety not to cry again.

“Yea, I’ve had my share of exes.”

That doesn’t mean shit, you don’t know what I’ve been through.

I pushed that thought out of my mind.

“So, um, Brendon, what are you doing here in this lovely park?” I said quickly changing the subject.

“Um, well, I just needed to take a walk from things for awhile; you know, cool off before I punch someone or something.”

“Yea I know what that feels like.” Or to know what it feels like to be on the receiving end at least…

“I think maybe we should go somewhere with a little more ceiling before it starts to rain” Brendon said picking up one of my bags.

“Ok, sure. Where do you suggest we go?” I said picking up another one of my bags.

“There’s a coffee shop across the street from the entrance of the park. We’ll go there, have some coffee or whatever, and then talk about where you’re going to be staying for the next 2 to 3 months.” He said beginning to walk

“Only the next 2 to 3 months?”

“Well, you see, I’m on tour, with my band. And the tour ends in 2 to 3 months.”

Is he asking me to come with him?


“Yea, depending on how well we do here, we might go overseas and tour there for awhile.”

“Cool, but why would you want to know what I’m doing during that time?”

“Like, I said, we’ll talk about that after coffee. Before we talk about that, I want to get to know you before.”

“Good, I want to get to know you too.”

I grabbed his hand. I felt this sensation, this good feeling, something I’ve been missing for such a long time. And I didn’t want to let it go.

We began to walk across the street.

We walked into the coffee shop and sat down, putting the bags around us. Some waitress came over and asked us what we wanted; we both got hot chocolate and cookies.

“So Brendon, you mentioned that you’re in a band. What band would that be?” Panic! at the Disco I answered in my head

“Um, well you probably haven’t heard of us, Panic! at the Disco.”

“Oh yea! I’ve heard of you guys. I’m a fan, I bought the album. I guess I’m just not a big enough fan to know all the members and what they look like.”

“Oh really?”

“Yea, I mean, I know my little sister is obsessed with you guys. But she thinks Jon’s all the rage. I’ve only seen the pictures a couple of times.” I’m just as obsessed…..and I think you’re all the rage. I wanted to say so badly.

He laughed “Ok, now my turn for a question.”

“What is this 20 questions?”

“Well, 10 questions, cause I’m gonna have to get before they send out a search party. But yes, I just decided.”

“OK, ask your question?”

“Where did you grow up?”

“Here, in the great town Tampa, Florida. I’ve never lived anywhere else. Now for my question. Why did you start a band?”

“Well, I didn’t started it, but I joined and I guess the reason why was because I couldn’t see myself doing anything else. How old are you?”

“I’m 19. You?”


I laughed, only Brendon would say that out loud.

“Alright, how big is your family?”

“Um…well actually, it’s just me and my sister, my parents split up when we were younger. What about you?”

“I have a huge Mormon family. I have two brothers and two sisters.”

All stuff I already know so far…

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

“Well, I always wanted to be a singer somebody or something” I remember the day when I used to dream “but then when I finished high school, I needed a job. I started working at a law firm as a secretary because it paid good money. But recently I quit.”


“Hey, I get to ask you a question before you ask another one.”

“Ok, ok, ask your question?”

“What’s it like having your dreams come true?”

“Oh, you mean being a band and stuff. Well, it’s the coolest thing. But at the same time, not all my dreams have come true. I’ve never had a good relationship because of the band and I miss my family all the time. So it has it goods and bads, but sometimes one outweighs the other.”

Our stuff came and I noticed the waitress staring at Brendon and then she gave me the stink eye… I love that someone’s jealous of me. If she only knew the truth, or he did, they won’t be.

“So why did you quit your job?”

“My ex-boyfriend was my boss.” It really didn’t go in that order, but whatever.


“Yea, and when your ex is your boss, it’s either you quit soon or they fire you.” Or worse…

I took another sip of my hot chocolate.

“So, who is your favorite artist, like ever?”

“Umm…wow, that’s a tough one, but I’d probably have to say Queen or the Beatles. Because Freddie Mercury is God and then it’s like the Beatles. What about you?”

“I like the Beatles, I like Elton John a lot, I love the Smiths, My Chemical Romance is pretty high up there, and of course Blink.”



“That’s like the best answer ever”

He likes something about me….

“I believe it’s my turn now. Boxer or briefs?”

He started choking on his hot chocolate.

I began laughing a little.

“I wear boxers” he said in a matter-of-factly voice

“Good” I said sarcastically

“So, Converse or Vans?”

“That’s a tough one, but I’m gonna have to say Converse cause they’re just more comfy to me. But I only wear low tops; high tops are just too much work for me.”

“I understand what you mean, but I still love them.”

“Yea I can see” I said noticing he was wearing his high tops.

“So, you mentioned that your family was Mormon, are you still?”

“Well kind of. I mean, technically I am. For my parents I am, but I really don’t believe in that stuff. Right now, my only God is music. It’s the only thing that’s lead me to happiness in my whole life.”

Seeing him talk so passionately about something made me happy, I just smiled at stared at him.

He looked up and just smiled at me.

“Jess do you want to come on tour with me?”


I must be dreaming…he couldn’t have just really said that?

“I know you don’t have a job and you left your boyfriend, so I assume you don’t have a place to stay, based off the amount of luggage you have with you. And I really like you. So please?”
♠ ♠ ♠
i finally typed up chapter two because i had two extra seconds in my life.
now it's alli's turn.
here's brendon and spencer
comment bitches