Status: Alli's gone all amish and given up technology basically. Hana has a job and is in all smart classes this year. We write when we can.

I Wanna Live a Life From a New Perspective

And I smile as I respire

“Okay.” Jess agreed finally. I let out a breath I hadn’t known I had been holding.

“So, uhm,” I scratched my head awkwardly, “Want to go?”

“Yeah.” She nodded.

“Alright, then,” I nodded to myself before lifting two of her bags and opening the door, “After you.”

“Thanks.” She laughed before walking down the road beside me. We walked in a comfortable silence for a while.

“So, you’re serious?” She asked glancing at me.

“Pretty darn.” I nodded.



She stopped and looked at me.

“Kidding, kidding.” I laughed, causing her to turn bright red.

We made it to the tour bus and headed on.

“Okay, the guys are Spence, Ry, and Jon, and you are welcome to call them by those nicknames.” I stated.

“Kitchen.” I walked over to the kitchen and motioned to it, “Couch, bathroom, bunks, lounge.” After I’d shown her the entire bus, I glanced at her bags.

“Do you have a pillow and a blanket?” I asked quickly.

“No, it wouldn’t fit.” She shrugged.

“Alright, we have an extra one somewhere. Here, take mine for now. As for pillows, Spencer sleeps with at least five. He insists he has one on every side of him. So I’ll give you one of his.” I mumbled pulling mine out of my bunk –on the middle- and tossing it into one of the empty bunks along with one of Spencer’s pillow.

“That bunks empty, and so is that one.” I explained pointing to one on the middle right and one on the top left.

“I’ll take the middle one.” She mumbled quietly.

“Okay.” I smiled, “So, what do you want to do? The guys shouldn’t be back for a whi-” I stopped wide eyed, “Oh, shit, no, that sounded suggestive, I just mean, that we. No, you, you have some time to kill before they get back, and just…yeah.” I ended thinking that if I hadn’t already embarrassed myself enough I would slap myself.

“I think I might go on to sleep, actually, if that’s okay, but I don’t want to take your blanket.”

“No, it’s fine. Jon has an extra one, and you don’t want it. He sweats horribly in his sleep.”

“So you’re going to use the one covered in stale sweat?” she giggled. I smiled, really big, raising my eyebrows.

“Psh, I can handle a little of Jon’s stale sweat blanket. Plus, it’s not like it hasn’t dried by now.” Oh, gross Brendon, she’s going to think you’re a freak now!

She just smiled a small smile before nodding, “Okay, well I’m gonna hit the hay.”

“Alright. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” I mumbled. Gosh, Brendon, just keep digging your whole deeper.

“There better not be bedbugs.” She mumbled, slipping off her shoes and sliding into her bunk. I just smiled and stared at the closed curtain for a few seconds before heading into the lounge.

I sighed when nothing was on TV. After glancing around for a few minutes I headed into the front of the bus and opened the fridge. I decided that I wasn’t really hungry anyway before flopping on the couch across from the fridge and glancing at the door. As if on que it opened and Jon entered.

“Hey, B.” Jon waved opening the fridge and pulling out a water bottle before pouring some kind of lemonade mix in it and shaking it up.

“Oh, hey.” I nodded, glancing at the windows, where the blinds were pulled.

“What’s up?” He asked.

“Nothing.” I mumbled, when I suddenly realize why I’ve been feeling kind of uneasy. I just let a complete stranger onto our bus and told her she could stay with us. She could be a gold digger, or like, a spy, or a thief running from the police! What if it’s all an act?! I kept my face straight as multiple possibilities flew through my head.

“Okay, I’m gonna go watch a movie in my bunk.” Jon nodded standing up.

“Jon, there’s a girl here.” I mumbled glancing over at Jon.

“Oh, dang, man. I thought you learned your lesson after the first time.” Jon joked.

“No, I’m serious, Jon. Who do you think is in the closed bunk.”

“Shut up.” Jon laughed walking into the bunk room and pulling back the closed bunk curtain, before going wide eyed and sliding it shut.

“Dude, who is she?” Jon asked whispering loudly.

“Her name is Jess. Did she see you?!”

“No, she’s asleep.”

I let out a sigh of relief, “It was totally spur of the moment. Like I don’t know, I wasn’t thinking of you guys, or the shows for that matter, point was she just needed this, so I gave it to her, and now I’m regretting it, and I can’t just take it away now, because that-”

“Dude, did you knock her up?!” Jon asked wide eyed.

“What?”I asked before shaking my head, “No, no, Jon, focus.”

“I’m trying, but you gave what to her that she needed?”

“A place to stay.”

“Just for tonight, though, right?”

“No.” I said wide eyed, “I mean, I wasn’t thinking how it would affect everyone, I was just thinking about how she would be sleeping on that park bench and I just saw the mental image of her, with messy hair and pneumonia, sleeping on a park bench every night for the rest of her life, and I was like ‘Man, this girl needs a place to stay’ So I told her she could stay here, and now I don’t know what to do.” I rambled.

“Dude, please elaborate.”

“Dude, please don’t use big words.” I retorted before sighing, “So I was just wondering around, right? Right. So I go to this park and then I turn a corner and I see this girl, Jess, and she’s sobbing on a park bench with like a suit case and a duffle bag and all this luggage around her. So I go over and ask her what’s wrong, and first she was like ‘Yo, creep, leave.’ But then she saw that I wasn’t a creep, so we talked, and uh,” I paused, would she want them to know that she just got her heart broken, “And due to a series of unfortunate events, she has no where to stay. So, we talked some more, then decided she’d stay with us.”

“Brendon.” Jon groaned, “You know what, we’ll deal with this in the morning, but you’re telling the other guys.”

“Please, don’t tell them!” I begged.

“I just said that you are telling them.” Jon snapped.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I finally got my chapter up! WOO!

this is hana, alli doesn't know i'm here, but i'm changing all the titles so it's the lyrics to the song. cause i think it's really cool. send alli love, she has glass stuck in her foot from table dance at a wild rage in her room.