Status: Alli's gone all amish and given up technology basically. Hana has a job and is in all smart classes this year. We write when we can.

I Wanna Live a Life From a New Perspective

Because I know they'll never win

After Jon went to bed, I laid on the couch, half asleep and watching the flickering light that was out in the parking lot.

I finally rolled over facing the back of the couch and closing my eyes. It was about that time that the bus door opened.

Ryan and Spencer are two of the noisiest people when they are together, it’s quite hard to ignore, in my opinion.

“Shh,” I heard Spencer shush Ryan mid-sentence, and could picture Spencer, pointing at me and Ryan being oblivious.

“I’m awake.” I mumbled into the back of the couch.

“Oh,” both of them said simultaneously.

“I’m supposed to tell you guys something.” I added, not really rolling over.

“What’s up?” Spencer asked.

“Don’t kill me.” I mumbled into the back of the couch before sighing, “I let a girl onto our bus and may have told her that she could tour with us.”

“Okay.” Spencer said at the same time that Ryan snapped, “What?”

“Ryan,” I started rolling over.

“What do you know about her?” Ryan asked as Spencer casually slipped his shoes off, kicked them by the counter, and walked into the bunks.

“That her name is Jess and she doesn’t have anywhere to stay, and she’s really nice, and,” I stopped short before trying to think back to our conversation, “And we like the same music, and, and, and she grew up in Tampa, Florida, but now it’s just her and her sister, because her parents split, and she’s 19!” I smiled triumphantly.

“Did she tell you that?” Ryan asked. I nodded.

“She could be lying.” Ryan said instantly.

“She’s not.” I said stubbornly. She’s not, right?

“Brendon, we’re a band, not a charity. We aren’t taking in homeless teenage girls. She could be running from the police, or trying to steal from us. She could rape Spencer in his sleep!”

I had to disguise my laughter with a cough, “I really, really think she’s harmless though.”

Ryan scoffed before stomping back to the bunks. I heard his curtain open and close quickly and sighed, before getting a water bottle and also heading to bed.


I woke up and was a bit hesitant to get out of the bunk. What if Everyone except for Brendon is up? I don’t hear anything, but that doesn’t mean they are asleep.

I was laying there debating this when I heard someone pull one of the curtains back and get out of their bunk. I scooted up quietly and peeked out to see it was Jon. Oh my gosh, Jon Walker is standing right there, within arm’s length! Upon glancing out I also looked around at the curtain across from mine, which was about a third of the way open, but it was too dark to see if Brendon was in there or not.

“Hey, I’m Jon.” I heard a voice and jumped back a bit, before noticing I was kind of sticking my head out of the curtain very obviously.

“Oh, hey,” I said nervously, sliding the curtain back all the way and starting to slide out of the bunk, “I’m Jess.”

“Cool,” He nodded, “Want some gourmet breakfast?”

“Gourmet?” I asked hesitantly.

“Well, as gourmet as it gets on tour,” Jon said scratching his head before shrugging, “Cereal.”

“And milk?”

“Of course.” He nodded.

We sat down at the little table and I smiled as I looked out the window and saw a completely different town. Freedom.

“I like this.” I stated. Jon opened his mouth to say something as he pulled out two bowls, but was interrupted by the door to the bunks opening and a PJ clad Ryan Ross walking out scratching his bare shoulder. Oh my gosh, Ryan Ross! Calm. Stay calm. He glanced up and briefly paused, eyes sweeping over me, before walking over to a cabinet and grabbing a box of pop tarts.

“Hey.” Jon said raising an eyebrow. Ryan ignored him as he closed the cabinet back and carried his box of pop tarts back to what I’m assuming is the lounge.


“Goodmorning.” I smiled at James as he entered the kitchen. He paused and glanced at me before further entering the kitchen and ignoring me.

“I made you breakfast.” I tried, motioning to the small portions of pancakes, eggs, and sausage I had cooked. He just grabbed a Budweiser and walked out. I sighed.


“Sorry about Ryan, he’s weird sometimes,” Jon cleared his throat pulling me away from my thoughts before asking, “Lucky charms, Cookie Crisp, Froot Loops, or Cocoa Puffs?”

“Oh, it’s, uh, fine. Surprise me.” I shrugged. He nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
I GOT MY SECOND CHAPTER DONE! O.O YAY! -Hands writing stick to Hana-
Also, check out this picture. It's makes me laugh...a lot.

this is a message from hana


This is a message from Alli...

*Agrees with Hana*

...that is all.