Status: Alli's gone all amish and given up technology basically. Hana has a job and is in all smart classes this year. We write when we can.

I Wanna Live a Life From a New Perspective

There's a haze above my TV


I awoke in the dark casket we like to call bunks.

I heard people talking softly out in the lounge.

I didn’t want to talk to anyone, well except maybe Jess.

I didn’t want to hear shit from Ryan.

I groaned; I guess I have to get out of bed eventually.

I pulled the curtain back and stumbled toward the front for food.

Once I entered the front, everyone kind of stopped talking and all eyes were on me.

“Um, good morning people.” I said and waved hopping they would all just go back to whatever they were doing.

“Morning, Brendon” Jess said with a smile. She looked so perfect in her clothes from yesterday and her hair all tussled in a ponytail.

She was sitting on the couch next to Jon, both were eating bowls of Fruit Loops and watching Empire Records.

Ryan was nowhere to be seen. I guess he’s off acting like a two year about it all.

Spencer was pouring himself a bowl of cereal. I walked over to where he was and began pouring one myself.

I sat down next to Jess and began watching the movie.

“So Jess, did you sleep well?” I whispered to her.

“Shhhhh, I’m watching the movie.” She whispered back smiling.

I just smiled back and sat there.

Shortly the movie was over, not that I noticed because I saw the credits begin to roll, but because I saw Jess move from the couch and to get the remote. Honestly, I had been watching her the whole time instead of the movie.

She back on the couch and turned on some rerun of full house.

“So what are we doing today?” She asked.

“Well, we’re driving more, then getting to a hotel later today, and then playing tomorrow somewhere.”

“Oh, cool. Where are we stopping?”

“I have no idea.”

Then she just kind of sat there, looking like she was thinking or something.

She stood abruptly and walked to the back.

I watched her, but refused to give into my instincts to follow her.

“Someone’s got a crush, someone’s got a crush, someone’s got a crush, someone’s got a crush,” Jon and Spencer began singing.

I threw a pillow next to me at both of their heads.

“Shut up, she might hear you!”

“OOO, so no denying it?” Jon said raising his eyebrows up and down.

I just stood up and walked to put my bowl in the sink.

They began cat calling as I merely smiled.

This, of course, made me blush.

God, I hope it isn’t that obvious that I’m madly in love with Jess.

Well maybe just a little evident because I want Jess to notice.

I walked to the back to see Jess sitting in her bunk writing in a journal. I figured I’d let her have some alone time.

I continued walked to the back lounge to where Ryan had his stuff sprawled across the room and was sitting the corner looking out the window with big headphones on. I could tell he was having a shitty day. I could hear the Cure through the headphones, there was crumbled paper everywhere, he was wearing his Blink-182 hoodie with the hood up, and he looked like he could either cry or punch somebody at the flip of a switch.

I walked over and sat down next to him.

I began to sing the song he was listening to.

Ryan just threw his headphones off and looked over at me.

“Who he fuck do you think you are?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Well first you make all these crazy food demands for tour, then you let some random chick come on tour with us, and then you just storm back here and invade my space.”

“First of all, I made no more demands on my food than you did. Second, tell me you wouldn’t do the same for Jess, not some random chick, if you saw her on the street? And third, this whole bus is the entire band’s space, with exception of each other’s bunks, so quit hogging."

Ryan just looked at me, thankfully he caught my sarcasm. He just smiled at me and stood up.

I heard him walk toward the bunk section. I just took his headphones, turned up the music, and drifted off, hoping to escape for awhile, while Ryan gets to met the Jess I know. Well hopefully not the exact Jess I know, I don’t want him to fall in love with her too.
♠ ♠ ♠
new chapter.
sorry it took soo long.
but i have the tomorrow off too, so maybe i'll write more.
oo and twitter has been hacked. fml.
new fall out boy video and i know this isn't a fall out boy related story, but it's definitely the best video...ever.
oooooo and bitches COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


HI! It's the other author, 'allionacid'. Aka Alli. I didn't write this chapter, but I thought I would invade the author's note space a bit by putting that Hana is AWESOME. You are seriously deprived if you do not have the pleasure of knowing her.

She is not aware that I am writing this, but she'll find out eventually...anyway...COMMENT. You know you want to? And how are we to please your story yearning needs if you do not tell us what you want. (Wait, did I word that correctly?) Whatever. Anyway.

Have a nice day!