Status: Updates Every Friday :) Semi-Active (:

One Time, One Love, One Heart

Lemme tell you one time

"No, Violet, please, I'm sorry that things ended the way they did, I thought you would be semi glad to see me," the boy said getting closer.
"Justin, I'm not lieing, you ruined my life, my best friend is dead, and here you are, with a new girl, what is she your baby's mama?! HUH? Did you fuck her, then she found out she was pregnant, so now you're gonna marry her? Just get the fuck out, I'm not kidding anymore, you hurt me enough, and I don't need to deal with it," I backed away and walked to the front door, and opened it.
Tears of fear started to fill my eyes,"J-J-Justin, I-I."
He wrapped his arms around me,"Violet, I'm sorry, please, please, please, I love you!"
I love you.. "No Justin, I can't, just go off with your new love."
"Violet, she isn't my new girlfriend, I am making the music video for One Less Lonely Girl, she was just coming with me to know who the girl I've been talking about is, you," he kissed my cheek.
I blinked,"Justin, are you saying you do love me?!" my heart started to pound.
"I love you, Violet, I can't live without you, please, just understand that, please, I love you so fuckin much, just don't, please, just forgive me!" he kissed my neck lightly.
"Justin, baby, get out," I pushed him back, and dragged him to the door, pushed him out, pointed at his "girl" she left. I slammed the door, shook my hands.
"Mom, Justin and his hoebag are gone," I smiled, and walked back upstairs.
>>Summer Break Over<<
"Violet love, it is time for school, get your ass down here!"
I looked myself over once more in my mirror, neon green skinnies, black cami, and a light purple pull over t-shirt with 3oh!3 in purple written across the chest, and then my black converse with purple and teal shoelaces, grabbed my black messanger bag, and cell-phone and shot downstairs.
"Well mama, what do you think?" I did a cat walk turn.
"Gorgeous darling, now have fun at school," she hugged me then left herself out, to work.
I grabbed a pop-tart, in honor of Jess, and then, left for the bus.
I ran down my driveway and made it just in time, the bus driver smiled and wished me a happy first day of school, I nodded then headed to the back, all the preps looked at me with smug looks, and made me sit in the way back, without Jess, being a freshman was gonna suck.
I sat in the back, pulled out my iPod and placed it on randomize, and sure as hell One Time started playing, I didn't change it.
Me plus you (I'ma tell you one time) [x3]

Sure he did tell me that, but I didn't believe him..

When I met you girl my heart went knock knock
Now them butterflies in my stomach wont stop stop
And even though its a struggle love is all we got
Ao we gon' keep keep climbin' till the mountain top

Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart (and now I've got my)

Yeah that fight, sure, that fight lead to him leaving me forever, god I want him back.
I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I poped out the bud and looked over, Katty.
"What?" I asked in my snobbiest voice ever, she was Jess's best friend before I came along and she has always hated me.
"Look, it is your fault, Jess is dead, so why did you even bother to come?" she asked flipping her snobby ugly purpleish hair, never try to be scene or emo you poser loser.
"Uh, because, I didn't kill her, okay? Justin's friend Drew did or whatever, and she pretty much helped with that, because of her alcohol comsumption, so just fuck off bitch, and go die in a fuckin hole, all of wish you would, squinty eye whore!"
She looked at me with mouth agape, so I saw my opening,"I'm not a guy, but I'm sure if you get on your knees a few of them will line up back here, so fuck you!"
She turned around and faced forward in her seat, with her arms crossed over her chest,she was pissed off and my first day of school was going to be hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
go violet i love her to death
btw i won't update until I get atleast 5 more comments :)