Status: Updates Every Friday :) Semi-Active (:

One Time, One Love, One Heart

Your world is my world

"So Violet, did you like the kiss?" he asked as we walked out to the limo.
"Sure, let's go with that," I said rolling my eyes and climbing into the seat.
"Did you?" I just ignored him, he sat down and crossed his arms over his chest with a pout.
I laughed at him, he was good kisser, and it was fun kissing him, his really soft lips, and he smelled like Axe which was even more amazing, am I crushing on Justin Drew Bieber.
I looked over at him, he had his buds in, his eyes closed, and mouthing the words, I looked at him, his cute light brown skaterish hair, the way it was always so perfect, his gorgeous brown eyes, like chocolate candy, milk chocolate, and his kissable lips, and his perfect light tan, he was so warm, and even his height was perfect for me.
I sighed,"I have a crush on Bieber."
Once we got back to my house we headed inside, he wanted to see Jess.
We ran up the stairs he was chasing me up them, I opened the door and there was Jess, standing there, dancing, her ankle was fine.
"Jessica!" she turned around and screamed.
"Jesus, Vi, what the.." her voice trailed off as she looked at Justin, her brown eyes were wide, her mouth opened in the "O" shape, and of course the popsicle she had been eating fell to the floor, thank god for hardwood.
"Jess, this is Justin, Justin this is Jess," I looked at Justin, he was smiling and looking her up and down, my heart started to beat faster.
"Hey Jess, so I heard you were hurt and couldn't go on our date, but you look fine now," he winked, my heart started to crack.
She smiled at me biting her tongue with a flirty smile, she mouthed thank you,"Hey Justin wanna go downstairs? I'm sure Violet, wants some privacy to change."
He smiled, as his yes, and the two went downstairs, laughing desending as they went down the stairs.
I dropped to my knees, pools of tears filling my eyes,She took him from me, I kissed him and she took him.
Tears began to fall from my eyes, they were huge, soon I was silently crieing, as giant blobs of tears streaked my pale cheeks.
I grasped my stomach as it started to churn,then I grabbed my chest and let out a sob, my hear was officaily broken, I was inlove for a few hours, my first kiss, my first love, and he didn't even know it, stupid me!
I quickly stood up and ran to my bathroom.
I threw up, my throat burned, my nose ached, and my stomach wouldn't stop turning inside of me.
After fifteen minutes of puking, I was done and bawling out loud, I heard music, club music blaring downstairs, Jess and Justin would be grinding, ugh, the thought of it made me angry.
I shook the thought away and grabbed my razor, this was a first, normaly a random sharp object never a razor, well it was time.
I took the razor and slowly dragged it across my exposed wrist, the pain shot through my body like a bullet, then the blood came, I watched it slowly seep out, I hadn't made a large cut, just in case, but it did bleed and my heart started to pound faster, I cut again deeper, more blood started to come.
Then the music shut off and I heard pounding steps coming up stairs.
I cut again, faster and deeper, in a different spot, it wouldn't stop this time, then...
"VIOLET!" I looked up to see a Justin in complete and total torture.
"Justin, get away and go to Jess," I spat at him, he looked down in my eyes.
"Vi, c'mon," he took a towel and wrapped it around my wrist,"We're going to the hospital."
"Justin, NO! Leave me alone and go fuck Jess, you like her way more than me, I'm just some stupid emo chick you were forced to go on a date with, I know you hated kissing me, but you loved kissing Jess, I know you hated being near me, but you loved being near Jess, just go fuck yourself and fall off a fuckin cliff," I spat again, he looked hurt, really hurt.
"Violet, I..fine, bleed to death bitch!" he grabbed my bleeding wrist which was bare, his skin stung the cuts,"Just remember this, I can have any girl I want, and I wanted you."
He realeased my wrist and grabbed Jess's hand with his other one, I saw his lips move, he was telling her to come back to his place.
And for once, Jess did, because I wasn't there to say no for her, great.
The two left.
I just sat there, the bleeding had stopped,and my tears had dried.
But my heart, it was still broken.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, the new update things are confusing the hell outta me :D
well enjoy.
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