Status: Updates Every Friday :) Semi-Active (:

One Time, One Love, One Heart

And my fight is your fight

I just stared down at my wrist, the cut had dried, the blood was flaking, it didn't bother me, it had been 2 hours, and neither one had come back, and I hadn't moved, I was still sitting in the bathroom.
*Ding Dong*
My eyes shot up, I stood pulled my jacket over the cut, and walked down the stairs.
I made it, and opened it.
And there stood Jess's mother.
"Oh, hello Luara," I looked at her eyes, they were gleamy.
"Violet, there was an accident, Jessica and that boy Justin, were drinking, he took her out on his 4-wheeler, and then, oh god, they crashed, Jess was thrown off for not holding on, and she, went under the vehecile. She, she didn't make it, she died there," she broke down.
"Jess, is dead?!" my eyes were becoming hot with tears, soon I felt them fall, they were running down my cheeks, my best friend was dead, all because of me!
I pushed past her and ran down the walk, and down the street.
I made it to the 7-11 before I stopped, I took a deep breath and looked around.
Jess, my bestie was dead, she was so stupid, she just had to get in that fuckin limo and go back to Justin's house..waist Justin, he was still alive..
I kept running, but one thought stuck with me, Justin was alive.
I finally made it to the hospital, compeletly out of breath, I staggered in.
"Hello, Justin Bieber, I'm a very good friend of his, he was with my friend Jessica earlier," I said to the receptionist.
"Oh, well I'm sorry visitng hours are over..-"
"Listen here, I just ran about 10 fuckin miles to get my ass here, now let me in to see the fucker, that killed my bestie!" she looked at me, horror stricken eyes, but she agreed and led me to his room.
I nodded, and walked in,she left.
I walked slowly to the bed,where a butterscotch headed boy layed.
"Hey Justin," he looked over at me.
"Vi, I'm sorry I shouldn't've been so stupid, Jess is dead because of me,I'm sorry," tears began to fill his chocolate eyes.
I brushed his shaggy hair from his eyes,"Justin, don't cry please."
I leaned down, a slight smiled played at his lips,"Vi, don't you dare."
I didn't listen, I gently touched our lips, he brought his free arm around me and pulled me onto the side of the hospital bed, our kiss deepened.
He ran his hand down my back, our kissing had ceased,and I was looking into his eyes.
"Violet," he said through the silence.
"Would, you uh, be my.."
"Justin, o my god! YOU GUYS IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER! I FOUND HIM!" not again!
I rolled over to see a platimun blonde, with bright green eyes, and too much blue eyeliner, wearing a jean mini skirt, a very low cut pastel yellow cami, with no jacket, and a pair of white high heeled shoes, what the fuck?!
"Uh, you aren't supposed to be in here,"I said getting off the bed and walking over, she looked at me and rolled her eyes.
"Justin, you could do.sooo much better than that piece of trash, like moi," she said with a fake ass giggle.
"Whore!" I shouted, she turned to me, fire in here eyes.
"What did you call me bitch?!"
"W-H-O-R-E!, Now get the fuck out before I call the nurse in," I said shoving her out the door and slamming it shut.
I walked back over to a dangeling mouth Justin, I kissed him, and layed back down.
He didn't say anything, he just layed there with his arm around me, humming One Time, I was soon asleep.
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sorry so short.
updated though :D
aww poor jess :(
aww justin&violet ♥
tell.comment.subsribe.=updates :D
nicole elizabeth