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One Time, One Love, One Heart

My breath is your breath

My eyes batted open, and the first thing I saw was Justin, sleeping, he was so peaceful, his eyes were closed.
Then I remembered, Jess was dead, because of that bastard.
I shook him lightly.
"Hey baby," he said with a faint smile.
"Douche, you killed my fuckin bestie, yah know what? Don't ever talk to me again!" I jumped off the bed and walked to the door.
"Vi, please, I'm sorry, we made a stupid choice,but I wasn't driving, my fuckin friend Drew was driving, he had alot to drink, so did Jess, she was being dumb, and climbed on, she, Violet, you gotta believe me, please,I love Jess," love, the word hit me like a thousand razors stabbing my heart.
Tears were stinging my eyes, threating to fall, he loved Jess, he still loves, her, I would just had been some stupid emo girl that fell for his smile.
"Good-bye Justin.." I left.
I walked silently down the street, it began to rain, my hair was sticking to my forhead, my clothes were soaked, and sticking to me, water sloshed in my converse.
Tears were gushing over the edges of my eyes, sobs were falling heavy from my mouth.
I was stupid, to ever think that Justin Bieber, the young hottest singer would ever love me, or even like me, he hated me, I was the exact oppisite as to what he liked, he liked the prepy whores, and girls like Jess, the ones with friend's the ones who have lives, the ones who...
My head shot up, there was my death, two bright headlights, connected to a truck...
The car came to a hault right infront of me, the black...
My eyes fluttered open, I was surrounded by bright lights, a man's sillouhete was looking down at me, my head pounded.
"W-where am I?"
The man looked at me,"You are in the hospital, you fainted in the middle of the road, from blood-loss."
I looked down at the guaze on my wrist, did the cut reopen?
"Oh," he nodded and walked away.
I just looked around, the room looked so familiar, why?
"Shawty right there
She's got everything I need
and I'm gon' tell her one time (one time)
Give you everything you need
Down to my last dime
She makes me happy
I know where I'll be
Right by your side cause
She is the one..
I was in the same room as Justin.
I kept listening, the curtain thingy was closed, so he didn't know I was in here.
"Violet, why was I so stupid? I mean I love her, why did I go and say I love Jess? I mean sure she was a good kisser, but Violet was so adorable, I mean she didn't even really want anything physical, she just wanted someone who would listen to her, and I didn't give that, I was stupid and just ignored what she really wanted.." he sighed.
He was right, that is all I ever want..I thought in my head.
"She's beautiful, I mean her hair sure is like a million different colors, but so what? She is gorgeous with it, and her eyes, god, I could look in them forever, and her pale pink lips, I could kiss them forever, like two soft pettles," it got quiet,"But she'll never love me the same."
My eyes were wet, Justin had just said everything I ever wanted a guy to say, and I got to hear it, I smiled, as the tears touched my lips.
I love Justin Bieber, he was the one.
♠ ♠ ♠
so what
aww Justin is a sweetie ;)