Status: Updates Every Friday :) Semi-Active (:

One Time, One Love, One Heart

And your heart (and now I've got my)

"Justin, you love me?"
"Yes Violet, I love you, I'm sorry I said I love Jess, that was a lie, you are my life, please, be my girlfriend?" his chocolate brown eyes were smoldering into mine.
"S-sure," I smiled and bit my bottom lip, he titled my chin up,and lightly touched our lips together.
My body started to melt, he was perfect....

"Violet, wake up, it's time to leave," I had been staying at the hospital for the past three days, it was Justin's voice though.
"Oh, time to leave already?" I asked blinking my open to a Justin in a grey hoodie, like the one he wore in One Time, with his hood up.
He smiled,"Yes baby, c'mon."
I smiled and stood up, we were escorted out of the hospital, and a hummer was our ride.
I cuddeled up close to him, his broken arm rested at his side, and his other non broken one was wrapped close around me, I layed my head on his shoulder, he was so warm.
I started playing with the fringe of my jacket, well Justin's jacket, his purple one which I am oh so inlove with.
"I love you," he whispered kissing the top of my head.
"I love you too," it was the first time I had said it and ment it, the past three days had been hell, he had been in so much pain, and worst of all, today was the day of the funeral.
Jess's mother, had been wanting to wait until both of us could come, so they kept Jess's dead body in perfect condition, the funeral was at 6, it was 3:30 now, so we still had two and a half hours until, but I still needed to get ready, to speak, and what to wear.
"Violet, are you ready to go to the funeral this evening?" he asked in a quiet voice.
"Yah, I am," I looked up at him, his shaggy hair slightly covering his eyes, they had a shine to them, he was crying.
I wipped under his eye,"Baby, you are going to be okay."
He looked at me and pulled me onto his lap, we both toppeled over onto the whole back seat, I was ontop, he just looked at me with a sly smile.
"Justin, no!" I said kissing his neck.
"Violet, NO, you know I love that," he said with a huge grin.
"I know," I said kissing him, he pulled me closer, so our kiss deepened.
"HEY YOU TWO KNOCK IT OFF!" his guard shouted.
"Got it boss," I said with a salute, I laughed as Justin rolled his eyes.
He kissed my nose,"You worry me."
I just smiled, and rested my head on his chest, the car ride would be a long one.

And your heart (and now I've got my)
♠ ♠ ♠
uberly short :(
sorry, do you hate me??
hopefully not!
Aww, Justin has a sweet spot :)
-Do you think I should continue??
-Do you like the new layout??
-What do you think is gonna happen in the next chapter :)??
Answer these questions,and whomever gets the closest guess TO THE LAST QUESTION
will be mentioned in the next authors note :)
Love Ya'll
NicoleElizabeth.BIEBER <33