Summer wheels

Chapter 4: The fighting begins!

[Kelsey POV]

Dipping my paintbrush onto my fresh canvas, I traced the swaying curves of the ocean view below me. The balcony floor beneath my tapping feet creaked as I leaned forward to get a better view of the moon. Shining vibrantly in the sky, the moon looked like a round piece of cheese. As much as I tried, I couldn't bring myself to paint even another line on the canvas. With a sigh, I packed my supplies up and brought them inside. I packed my supplies neatly inside my suitcase and look at a drawing I had left on my bed earlier.

The drawing was of a boy with long black hair walking down a beach and smiling at something in the distance. He didn't have a face yet but my mind knew I wanted it to be Gerard smiling at me in the distance.
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Not finished. I got too tired to write anymore. lol. Goodnight.