Unending Wars

Part 9

[Andy POV]

With a heavy heart, I picked up my ringing cell phone.

“Hello?” I said rudely, not caring what the person on the other end thought of me.

“Hey baby.” A flirtatious giggle erupted from the line.

“Hey, Maria. What’s up?”

“I’m driving down to see you, since you decided to stay their longer. Now I can finally meet your family! I really want to know what they’re like.” I could hear the excitement in her voice.

“Uh, awesome.” I choked out.

“You don’t sound excited.” She accused, “What’s wrong?”

“Well, they don’t really know about you yet. Almost as soon as I got here, I punched my sister’s best friend and put him in a hospital so I-”

“You put someone in the hospital?!” My girlfriend screamed, causing me to nearly drop the phone.

“Yeah, and apparently he’s not doing that great so maybe you should delay your trip.” I hinted.

“I’m only a couple hours away. I don’t want to turn around and drive eight hours back to the university for nothing, Andrew!” I tried to reply but all that greeted me was a dial tone. Just then, Jennifer strode into the room clad in her batman pajamas.

“Oh, my life sucks.” She moaned and slipped into a chair. “Who were you just talking to?” she added.

“My girlfriend, Maria.” I admitted and she glared at me.

“You never told me you had a girlfriend!” she suddenly burst out, her head dropping like melted ice cream.

I just shrugged and replied, “I was going to tell you but so much has been going on lately.” Jennifer just hid behind her dark hair.

“Whatever.” She muttered before leaving the room again.

To start working on my messy room before Maria arrived, I grabbed a trash bag, tossed it in my room and went to find my parents. My mother was out in her garden, digging furiously with a shovel. She looked up at me briefly then continued working.

“Mom, is it alright if I have a friend over?” I asked, hopeful. I was almost 100% sure she would say yes.

“Honey, I don’t know if that’s the best thing right now.” She said, looking up at me.

“Well, mom, my girlfriend is kind of already on her way. She drove from the university and she only has a couple more hours to drive. I’m not sure if this is debatable or not.”

“Did you ever think of telling me sooner?” she shrieked suddenly.

“Mom, I just found out myself. Just give me a break! Gosh!”

“No, Andy.” She said as she rose from the ground and pointed a shaky finger at me, “You give me a break. Ever since you left, things have been going perfectly fine then you came back and everything became chaotic again!”

“Fine. I know when I’m not wanted. I’ll just leave.” I said quietly and turned around.

“Andy honey!” she yelled after me but I tuned her out. I stormed into my room, stuffed everything I could into the trash bag fluttering on my floor then took off into my car. I was going to leave and never come back.
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Yay for updates.