
Chapter Six

- Acceptance -

Arthur Issacs trial was the sensation of the year. He didn’t try to plead his innocence. In fact, I rather believed he enjoyed being in the spotlight again after all these years. The great man was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.

I wasn’t surprised that the mayor and Issacs' other political friends didn’t acknowledge their friendship. They quickly severed all ties to the renown scientist. After all, the next year would see them running for their respective offices again.

I felt kind of sorry for Sylvia Issacs. She was a weak willed woman who'd let her husband control her. She had been married to him for many years and he’d passed all his prejudices on to her. The woman hated "H.A.I.B.’s" passionately. I guess I couldn’t blame her. After all, a robot had killed her son.

I asked Harry what he thought about this case. Being Harry he just shrugged his shoulders. A typical reaction for a "H.A.I.B." without emotions.

Harold Issacs’ new prototype was in mass-production now. “Future Robotics” was saved. All credit for this discovery went to Harold, of course. These new models were becoming quite the rage now. The robots were sold all over the globe and the multi-million dollar company became the most popular robotics facility in the world. It seemed emotions made the "H.A.I.B.’s" easier for our culture to finally accept.

The "H.A.I.B." unit that Harold’s brain had been implanted into was voted in as the new C.E.O. of the corporation; a most surprising occurrance to be sure. Never before had a robot been placed in a position of importance. The old man was enraged of course. How dare they put a machine in charge of "HIS" company?


“Hey detective. How’s it hanging?” the bartender asked.

“Pretty good Pete.” I’d become a regular at “Fantasy” and often came in to watch the girls dance. Unfortunately Sally wasn’t among them. She asked for some time off. She’d cared a lot for Harold and said she needed to get away for a while. I figured she’d been in love him.

Pete put the paper down on the bar. “Any interesting cases lately?”

“Not since Issacs.”

“I wasn’t surprised to learn that the old man was involved in Izzy’s death somehow, but I didn’t expect him to be the one to actually do it.”

“Given the right circumstances we’re all capable of murder.”

“Yeah. I guess.”

I caught a familiar shape hurrying up to the bar out of the corner of my eye. Sally ran up to me and kissed me. I was stunned and didn’t know how to react. I just sat there awkwardly and grinned at her.

“I came back to town as soon as I heard about Issacs’ conviction,” she said.

“I thought you’d be in the courtroom, but I didn't see you.”

“I didn't go. I wouldn’t trust myself anywhere near that prick. Anyway, he’s paying for what he did. That’s all that really matters. I don’t know how I’m ever going to repay you for getting Izzy some justice. You’ve shown that somebody other than me cared about him. You deserve a free lay. It’s the least I can do for all you’ve done.”

“Err --, no thanks. At least, not tonight. I have to get back to the precinct. I’m still on the clock. I just stopped in for a quick beer. Besides, Harry is waiting in the car.”

“Okay, but you’re getting a rain check Detective Fisher. And please thank Harry for me too.”

“I will.”

Harry walked through the door and up to the bar. “We’ve got a call sir.”

“Okay Harry. I’ll be right with you,” I said as I looked at Sally. Why not take her up on her offer, I thought. “I guess that’s my cue to get the hell outta here, but I’ll be back to collect on that rain check at a later date.” I stood up and grabbed her around the waist. I planted my lips against hers and kissed her as passionately as I could. After all, she’d probably be comparing me to a lot of men. I just hoped that none of her lovers had been "H.A.I.B.’s."
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That's it folks. Hope you enjoyed my little tale. Be sure to leave your comments. Thanks again...