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your breaking my heart

I blinked, looking around my room in the darkness, the blood that was seeping down my walls, showed up brightly, even in the pitch black. Surprisingly, I didn’t scream, the smell was starting to irritate my nose though, and I turned around as the blood caught fire. I wondered why I was as calm as I was as I walked out of my room, blood was every where, and I was walking in about a foot of blood, as I walked down the hallway, everything started catching fire. I turned the corner and smiled. Kyrain was standing on the stair case, but in contrast to me, he was freaking out badly, he motioned me to hurry up, but I shook my head no.
I woke up, gasping for breath and I was burning up. I threw my covers off my body, I looked down at my clothes, and sighed, forgetting that I had been wearing my costume still, I turned my attention to the large hello kitty clock on my wall, the glow in the dark numbers read 4:30, I had to get up in half an hour any way, so what was the point of going back to bed? I yawned and stretched, definitely didn’t get enough sleep. Jay Broyer’s ‘So Cliché’ came on my radio, and I smiled, hoping that today wasn’t going to be nearly as bad as it was yesterday, before my friends and I got to hang out. I yawned again, and pulled on my black and white plaid dress. I walked up the stairs, turning off all the lights as I went, I rounded the corner, heading for the kitchen, and tripped over something, I hit my face on the ground, trying not to scream, so I wouldn’t wake any one else up. I made a face and turned my head to see what it was I tripped over, I screamed and backed up, hitting my head on the filing cabinet, the thing sitting in front of me began what sounded like laughing, its high pitched snickering was piercing my ears, and I continued to scream as it jumped at me. I screamed and lifted my head from the dinning room table, I looked around frantically, and heard footsteps coming down the stairs quickly, and my mom turned the light on and looked around,
“What are you screaming about?” she asked, still looking around, her voice sounded panicked, and tired. I stammered as I tried to get my voice,
“Um, no-nothing mom, just a spider” I tried to smile as my voice cracked, she knew how much spiders freaked me out, as she left the room to go back to bed I looked around, my cereal bowl laid in front of me, un-eaten, and un-edible now, my captain-crunch was soggy, and I only had ten minutes to get ready, get my stuff and walk half a block to my bus stop. I frowned,
“What a horrible dream,” I said to myself as I ran down stairs to get my back-pack and violin. I had to run to the bus stop, and having to listen to the bus driver yell at me and tell me that next time she will not wait and leave before I get there, wasn’t the best start of my day. Not to mention I couldn’t get what happened earlier, even though I was clearly a dream, and what happened last night between me and Kyrain out of my head. I toke a seat and tried to focus on not crying, unfortunately, people who were immature last year, haven’t grown up just yet.
I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the two of them, Brian and Tanner were laughing like two crazy hyenas. I rolled my eyes, and did my best to ignore them.
“Hey, what's the matter? Sad?” Brian asked, goodness he was cocky, I seriously just wanted to turn around and hit him across the face, but I was already in bad terms with my bus driver as it was, and I really didn’t need to be suspended so I had to control myself. Tanner laughed and made some supercilious remark that pushed me over the edge.
“How ‘bout you shut the hell up and get the hell out of my business?” I hissed under my breath at him, he grinned crazily at me and I turned back around. He so wasn’t worth my patience but as it was, I had already had a low patience level.
“So the boy toy and you break up?” Brian asked grinning as he sat down next to me, I held my temper and focused on looking out of the dark tinted window, I couldn’t see a darn thing, it was already dark enough outside as it was, and so tinted windows weren’t giving me such a great view. I could hear tanner hoot behind me as Brian told me he could easily take his place, “you touch me, and we will have serious issues.” I said, keeping my voice calm, not once did I look back at him, before he could say anything more, I turned my IPod on and blasted my music, I could feel the weight change in the seat as he got up and moved to the back of the bus. I could hear the bus driver screaming at him to sit down, or she would suspend him, even though he was already supposed to be suspended for “writing” on the seat I don't know what it was that it said, but I knew it was probably something about her being a bitch. But whatever, I listened to my music the rest of the way to the school. I yawned, walking up the stairs to my locker on the second floor; lazily I spun the lock pad, and opened my locker, I reached around my body for my back pack when I heard the thunk of something falling and hitting the floor. I looked down and smiled faintly, a single white rose crystallized in a hard glass case, was laying next to my foot. I crouched down and picked it up; reaching for the small card that was tied to it with a red ribbon. In very exquisite handwriting it read ‘Ich Liebe Dich’ right underneath was Kyrain’s signature and a small heart next to it. I smiled; this was Kyrain’s way of apologizing, but I knew deep down it wasn’t going to heel the fact he wouldn’t tell me up front that he loved me, nor in English. The more I thought about it, the worse I felt, and before I realized it, the tardy bell had rung and I was late for class. Taking a deep breath I put the rose in my locker and grabbed my American literature book and binder before shutting it and running for my class. Miss Burgland shoot an evil look at me as I walked through the door, and continued calling out attendance. I walked quietly over to where Joey was sitting, and sat down next to him.
“Where have you been?” he asked,
“You’re late.” I looked at the clock; I was thirty minutes late to class? How could that be?
I looked down at the sheet of paper Joey passed to me; his messy handwriting was scribbled down the entire page.
‘What did he do this time?’ it asked. I glanced at him and he frowned at me,
‘That obvious huh?’ I replied, and he nodded before taking the paper and writing,
‘So what happened? You two were fine last night.’ I frowned as I glanced at his face, it looked hurt, and it killed me to see him like that. He tried on a smile for me and passed the paper to me. I didn’t know how to tell him I didn’t want him to be more upset if I told him that for the first time I told Kyrain I loved him, he wouldn’t say it back, and left me standing. So I stuck with the generic answer.
‘I don't know. He's just being very distant.
It’s hard to wait around for something you know might never happen, but it’s even harder to give up when you know it’s everything you’ve ever wanted.’ I passed the paper to Joey,
‘I'm serious Joey; I’ve never felt like this about any one, ever. And now I don't even know if he feels the same way... or if he wants to end things with me or not’ it wasn’t all entirely true, I knew that he wasn’t ending things with me, at least not yet but I had basically told Joey already that I loved him, and wasn’t sure he loved me back.. Joey didn’t write anything back to me after that. He kept the note too, which kinda bothered me, I wasn’t afraid he might show Kyrain cause they didn’t even talk, so why would he, but I didn’t know why he was keeping it either.
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Urggg i like this story, but I cant see where its getting...or where to take it, okay redid chapter might wanna read that first! ahhhh help?