I Don't Believe In Fairytales

I Hope

I woke up, and I groaned.

My head was beating so hard. It felt like someone was hitting a pan against my skull. It wasn't a pleasant feeling.

"My stomach hurts," I muttered. My hands covered my stomach, and I groaned as I felt my stomach hurt even more.

I looked around the room, hoping that someone would be there. No one was there to greet me.

That was depressing, ,considering the dream I just had. It made me want to wake up. I wanted to see, if he would really be there for me. I knew that it would never happen.

He would never want to be around me, especially if I was sick.

"I better take a shower," I mumbled.

I probably smelt bad or something. I really needed to use that shower.

I threw the blanket off of me, and I swore that already took up more than half of my energy. I was so weak right now.

I slowly sat up, and I yawned. Just yawning caused my head to hurt even more. I hated being sick. It wasn't any fun right now.

I got up from the bed, and I tried to stretch my limbs out. Unfortunately, my limbs decided that they were too weak to do much at this point.

I used the walls as a leverage, as I made my way to the bathroom.

My legs felt unstable, and my eyes felt heavy.

I knew I should probably head back to bed now, but I really wanted that shower. I didn't particularly like or enjoy being dirty.

I got the bathroom, and I turned the light on. I glared at my image in the bathroom mirror.

My short black hair looked like crap. It looked greasy and tangled up. My blue eyes looked so dead right now.

I guess being sick wasn't exactly helping my image out right now.

I turned the shower on, and I waited for the water to get to the right temperature.

I slowly stripped off my clothing. I sighed.

I really hoped that I wouldn't fall in the damn shower. That would be terrible to have someone walk in.

I stepped into the shower, and I closed my eyes. The water felt so good on my skin. It was like it was washing away all the germs off of my body.

I didn't bother to use any shampoo or conditioner. I knew that my arms wouldn't even be able to lather them out and then wash it out.

I turned the shower off, and I sighed.

I forgot to get the damn towel off of the bed.

I just shrugged, as I stepped out of the shower. I tried to make my way to the bed, but my feet didn't seem to want to work with me right now.

I began to doubt my steps, when I began to feel dizzy. Maybe I stayed in the shower too long.

My steps started to become very disoriented. I was practically stumbling now, and my hands clutched at my head. I could feel another headache coming along.

I barely got the the door of the bathroom, before I felt my legs trip over each other.

I hit the ground, and I groaned.

That most definitely hurt.

I closed my eyes. I didn't have the energy to even bother to get up right now. My body hurt all over, and I just wanted to go back to sleep, despite the fact that my whole body was still wet from the shower.

I heard the door open and close.

If I had any energy left, I would've opened my eyes. But I didn't seem to care at the moment.

The person picked my upper body up, cradling me in their arms. They were so warm.

They were talking to me, but I couldn't really hear any words right now. It just sounded like blobs of words collected together to make something that no one could understand.

I smiled as I felt them carry me. They set me down on the bed, and they covered me up with the blanket.

I could hear them walking around frantically. I guess they were looking for some clothes or something.

I heard them talking to someone, but I couldn't hear the other person's voice. It was safe to assume that they called someone else. Maybe they were getting an extra pair of hands to help me out.

I heard the door open again, and I opened my eyes slowly.

It was the paramedics. What were they doing here?

I saw Brian frantically yelling at one of the guys. He was saying something about not knowing what had happened, and the guy was giving him a hard time about it.

"I don't know! I just got here," Brian yelled. "You should've been watching her, sir." the guy said, shaking his head.

I groaned.

All this noise was not helping the headache. I just wanted Jimmy to come in and tell them all to shut the hell up already.

"Why isn't she in clothes?" one of the guys asked. "I just found her passed out near the bathroom. I think she took a shower," Brian explained.

"You should've never left her unattended," another guy said.

I could see that Brian was getting frustrated by now.

He did actually look really adorable. He was clutching at his head, wondering how to answer each question. He was muttering to himself about "dick less morons", and he seemed to be pacing now.

It was nice to know that I could matter even a little to him.

"Fuck you, ass holes! Just take her to the fucking hospital!" Brian yelled.

Soon enough, I was put onto a stretcher. I guess clothes didn't matter because none were even put on me.

I closed my eyes, and I didn't open them for a long time. I just listened.

I could hear Brian whispering to himself. I couldn't hear his exact words, but I swore he was worried. He sounded like he was worried.

I was hoping that he was worried about me.
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So there's the update. Comment! :D