I Don't Believe In Fairytales

Scary Jimmy

I could hear Jimmy was yelling at someone. I smiled.

What was he yelling about now? And who the hell was he yelling at?

It sounded like he was really pissed off, so someone must've done something incredibly stupid. And for Jimmy to think something was stupid was amazing.

I opened my eyes slowly. I almost wanted to laugh out loud as Jimmy was practically screaming at a doctor.

"How the fuck don't you know what the hell is wrong with her?" Jimmy screamed. The doctor most definitely looked frightened right now.

I really did feel sorry for the guy. Jimmy was really scary sometimes, especially if some dumb ass provoked him.

"I-i'm sorry, s-sir. I d-don't run the t-tests." The doctor quickly said.

"Jimmy, be nice." I whispered.

Jimmy's attention was soon on me. He looked so relieved.

"Jen, don't you ever fucking scare me like that ever again!" He yelled. He ran up to me, giving me a big hug.

"I love you so much," Jimmy whispered. "I love you too, Jimbo." I whispered.

That's when I began to wonder, "Just what the fuck happened?"

"Jimmy, don't mind me too much, but what happened?" I asked.

Jimmy let go of me. He put the back of his hand on my forehead. He tilted his head slightly.

"Are you alright," he asked. I nodded.

What was he talking about?

"You got really sick. We had to call the hospital. You're lucky that Syn came to help you out. He was the one to call everybody," Jimmy said.

So Brian cared about me?

"Oh," came out of my lips. "Yeah, he was freaking out on us too. We could barely understand what the hell that guy was saying. It took all of us to calm his ass down. I swore that man was gonna have a seizure or something," Jimmy said, chuckling.

So Brian actually freaked out cause I was sick? That was actually a little comforting.

I nearly hit myself upside my head.

I told myself to stop thinking of Syn like that! I was supposed to get over this ass hole. I guess he wasn't so much of an ass right now though.

"Jen!" I heard someone yell.

I smiled. It was Johnny.

He looked like shit. His hair wasn't a neat mohawk. It was all over the place, poking every which way.

Johnny came and hugged me tightly.

"You have no idea how worried I was," he mumbled. He just hugged me and hugged me some more. It was comforting.

Johnny finally let of me, when Jimmy was tapping his feet on the ground.

"I hope you get better," Johnny said, smiling. Johnny kissed me on the forehead, and I smiled.

"I'll try to," I said happily.

"How long does she have to stay here?" Jimmy asked, clearly annoyed.

The doctor quickly stood up straight.

"Just one more day, to make sure." he said quickly. "Whatever," Jimmy mumbled.

"Go to bed; get some rest." Johnny said. He moved a strand of my hair from my face, smiling even wider.

"Fine," I whispered.

"Love you, babe."
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So it's short, so sue me. I hoped you guys liked it none the less.