Status: Active. Feedback is appreciated!

Confessions of a Hollywood Celebrity

Hollywood. Celebrities. Nightclubs coming alive with music. Famous people out on the party scene. Malls. Shopping. Enough money to spare.


Thirteen-year-old Jade Chan reveals her view of Hollywood, as she explores it with her celeb friends. Plus, she also likes to go shopping in San Francisco. And of course, for Jade, life couldn't get any better...right?

Well.... it could for her.
  1. In Hollywood
    Jade introduces herself and Lindsay Lohan....
  2. The Press and the Tabloids
    Jade reveals what the celebrities hate and love the most...
  3. Piece of Me
    Meeting with Jack Nicholson, Kid Rock and others...
  4. At the Viper Room
    Jade goes to the Viper Room. She observes the people on the dance floor while listening to the songs How You Remind Me by Nickelback and Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Someone she knows finds her there...
  5. Howie D, the Latin Lover
    Jade discovers why they don't call a certain someone the "Latin Lover" for nothing...
  6. Shopping with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Part I
    A new day for Jade begins with finding some extra money and a note in her purse. She then finds Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, and goes shopping with them at the San Francisco Mall.
  7. Shopping with Mary-Kate and Ashley Part II
    What happens when Jade meets a star of the Harry Potter films?
  8. Masculine Charm and Cologne
    Jade meets Justin Timberlake and takes a bath.
  9. Meeting with Macaulay Culkin
    Jade meets with Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin.
  10. Money Discussions, or Something Along those Lines
    After her meeting with Macaulay, Jade then has lunch with Naomi Campbell. Afterwards, they're ambushed by paparazzi...
  11. A New Day
    Jade meets with Daniel and Tom, and learns a good lesson from Tom as well.