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Confessions of a Hollywood Celebrity

Shopping with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Part I

"First time was a great time
Second time was a blast
Third time I fell in love
Now I hope it lasts

I can see it in your walk
Tell 'em when you talk
See it in everything you do
Even in your thoughts

You got the right stuff, baby
Love the way you turn me on
You got the right stuff, baby
You're the reason why I sing this song
All that I needed was you
Oh girl, you're so right
And all that I wanted was you
You made all my dreams come true"

--New Kids On the Block, You Got It (The Right Stuff)

"I'm tired of rumors starting
I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lying
Saying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me
Why can't they let me live
I'm gonna do it my way
Take this for just what it is"

--Lindsay Lohan, Rumors


Then I heard the voice of Howie as he spoke to AJ, Nick, Brian and Kevin. I pulled the covers back over myself (after putting on my usual clothes except my red shoes) and perked up my ears, listening.


I couldn't believe it. My amber eyes widened in shock at what I was hearing.

"....I couldn't believe it. Jade sure is something, especially when around us... or even me."

I blinked, and then sighed in relief. How lucky can I get?

I then climbed out of the bed and, after putting my shoes on, made up the bed so that it looked the same way it did the night before Howie and I came in the room. Then I looked around for my purse, which I soon spotted on the bedside table. Apparently Nick had snuck into the room while I was sleeping and put it there so I could find it when I woke up.


"Way to go, Nick!" I thought as I picked it up. This was sure to be another great day! I didn't know how I knew; just felt it in my bones.

With that, I then remembered something and opened up my purse to make sure the Boys didn't take anything. But then I know they make a lot of money, so it's not like they were going to ask me for money all the time. At least I hoped they wouldn't.

My eyes widened as I turned my purse upside-down and shook it. Money fell out onto the fancy bedspread -- sixteen tens in piles of four, twenty fives in piles of five, and $20 in change. Then I saw a note among the cash. I picked it up and read it.

It said,

"Dear Jade,
You're a pretty cool kid. And I knew that when the Boys and I saw you, we were able to put things into perspective. Plus, we know you can do the best you can with what you have to work with. So, as my way of saying thanks, both Nick and I slipped a few good wads of cash into your purse, as we figured you needed it more than us. Hope to see you again at the Viper Room sometime!

Howie Dorough."

I smiled as I folded up the letter and put it neatly into one of the slots in my purse where the credit card usually was.

I was never one for using a credit card, as I preferred to use a debit card or cash. For one thing, credit cards did seem like a good idea to most people, but there was the saying "Buy Now, Pay Later". I made sure to stick that saying in my mind so that I remembered it sometimes.

Anyway, I then gathered up all the money off the bedspread and also put it neatly back inside the purse -- the dollar bills where the dollar bills would go, and the change in coins where the coins would be.

How's that for being purse savvy?

Anyway, I then put my purse on my shoulder (since it had a chain shoulder strap) and, holding the strap in a firm grip (but not too firm), headed out the door. After looking around to see if anyone was in sight, I then headed to the staircase and walked down the stairs smiling. You know that scene from the film "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" where Hermione's walking down the stairs smiling while wearing this really cool dress, and Harry is all surprised?

Well, that's how I felt at the moment -- all smiles. I soon found the restaurant part of the Viper Room, headed to the bar and politely asked for a pick-me-up -- in other words, a Coca-Cola.


The Coca-Cola they serve tastes fantastic. And the coolest part is, it costs only a dollar. So if you had a five-dollar bill in your pocket and you spent it on a Coca-Cola, you would get four dollars back. At least that was what I was planning, and I did just that. I gave the bartender a five-dollar bill, and she gave me four one-dollar bills, which I put in my purse, and zipped it closed. After I picked up my Coca-Cola with one hand, I then headed away from the bar and looked around for a good place to sit.

"Jade! Jade, over here!" a duo of voices called to me. I looked around. Soon my eyes lit up when I saw them.


They were Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. Mary-Kate and Ashley are two of my best celeb friends in the world. Not are they insanely super-rich and totally incredible, they also know how to have a good time, in more ways than one.
I walked over and sat with them, and they greeted me with smiles.

"Hey, Mary-Kate, Ashley," I smiled. "What's up with you?"

"Well," Mary-Kate explained, "Ashley and I were thinking of going shopping at the mall today."

"And we were thinking of asking you to come with us," added Ashley.

I thought for a few moments while I took a few sips of my Coke. "Sure," I said, and they exchanged grins with me, then with each other. Then we got to chatting about stores we liked, all the stuff we could buy - things like that. Of course there was one other thing we talked about sometimes too - BOYS.

Of course, I wasn't really boy-crazy, like Mary-Kate and Ashley. Now don't get me wrong - I have plenty of celeb friends who are boys. Most of them are pretty neat. But thinking of them in terms of romance - well, I figured I'd have plenty of time for that later on, when I was in my teens. So, I preferred to talk about boys, rather than try to get a boyfriend.

Of course, luckily for me, Mary-Kate and Ashley didn't mind that at all.

"We're still your friends, Jade," Mary-Kate told me once, and Ashley agreed. "After all, true friends like you for who you are, and just being yourself."

******At the San Francisco Shopping Mall******


Wow! I thought, a smile on my face. "This is a really cool store!" I remarked.

Mary-Kate nodded. "That's exactly how Ashley and I felt when we stepped inside this place for the first time. It still holds a lot of secrets for us -- secrets we've been trying to unearth since we were little."

"Exactly," said Ashley, agreeing with her sister. "Come on, Jade. Let's go..."

"Shopping!" she and Mary-Kate chorused in a tone of voice only I could hear. At the word "shopping" I perked up immediately. After all, I figured the extra money I had found in my purse that morning would definitely come in handy sometime, and I had figured right.

And shopping we did!
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Well, I hope you like this so far!
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